Your Childhood Ruined: Hilarious Parodies of Kid’s Books

The creators of Facebook page @YourChildhoodRuined alter vintage kid’s books, adding the text in order to give the stories a different meaning with a dark comedic effect. Something that drives their passion for this unique art form is people’s disapproving comments, although overall their work is well received. Scroll down to see the best examples and don’t forget to leave a comment about how offended you feel by this and how our society has gone to shit!

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

Kid's book parody.

38 thoughts on “Your Childhood Ruined: Hilarious Parodies of Kid’s Books”

  1. No comment

  2. Stabby the kitten haha. 6/10

  3. “Mommy Drinks Because You Cry”.

  4. …more more evidence that there is no clever, interesting, funny and entertaining humor being created these days.

  5. Hilarious!
    “Horses, and other thingI’m hung like.”

    You’ve been peeking again haven’t you?

  6. “Hunter Goes to Jail”
    “Canuckia, Amerika’s Hat and 51st State”

  7. The Night Dad Went to Jail by Eric Trump

  8. “The big book of butthurt twinks.”

  9. The Left has to ruin everything. These were funny. Not political. But they are so sick they just can’t help themselves. It’s why they are losing elections Globally now. Thank God.

  10. If you look right, a rightard started it. Oh, it was also you.

  11. “god made everything we hate” like democrats…..

  12. Since we’ve switched to politics.. The people that Biden is now going to pardon will tell you all you need to know. Adam Schiff, Dr. Fauci, all the January 6th gang like Liz Cheny etc.. everyone involved in the Ukraine money scandal. He’s basically covering his and many others butts. They know they are criminals. Even Democrats say this will tarnish the Party for decades. As if you could make them worse then they are.

  13. As usual none of your “predictions” will come true. You better keep drinking bleach. đŸ˜‚

  14. People are taking things into their own hands. Like hunting down healthcare managers. Make America great again. I guess.

  15. If he had a weapon he would still be alive according to the NRA.

  16. Well Trudeau just banned another 340 types of weapons. Tell us again about how Canada is a free country. I speak for many when I say I’m not turning in shi#.

  17. cxddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd
    Oh, sorry, I fell asleep when I saw your post.

  18. Nice to see you already live on your knees. Good luck with that. Meanwhile in El Salvador they have discovered the mother load of gold. An estimated 3 trillion in the rare metal. Looks like they need some American imposed Democracy in 3, 2,..
    Like the oil in Venezuela the people will never see a nickel of profit from it but American billionaires will.

  19. Billionaires do not support American business. You will never
    see them at Walmart, KFC, Wendy’s etc, etc, etc. Trump will
    go to McDonald’s hoping to see Kamala working at her new
    job as the French fry supervisor.

  20. Trump wanders around with no idea where he is going expecting nothing. Dementia.

  21. Sounds like you have him confused with Potato Head Biden. đŸ¥”

  22. Trump will be older than Biden now when he takes office. Suddenly that isn’t an issue anymore? Both men are dement old farts. And Trump is a convicted criminal in addition to that.

  23. “Than Biden was” is what’s meant by that.

  24. Cry harder. No one cares. Biden will leave office as officially the worst President in modern history. Kamala was the worst Vice President in history. Those are the facts and facts Trump feelings. Especially now.

  25. Biden is listed some 20 positions above Trump.

  26. In your mind. But it’s twisted and warped in there. The Left just can’t handle facts. Hurts there feels and the Left runs on feels.

  27. Hey here’s an idea.. you can only post about a country you can legally vote in. Wouldn’t that be great!

  28. So, you will only post about Russia from now on? Deal.

  29. Well as a citizen of Trudeau’s Canada it’s very much like being a Russian I guess. No free speech, or Trudeau’s Jack Booted thugs come to your door and then freeze your bank accounts. Fining people and cities for not bending the the knee to the Trans Maoists movement like he did to Elmo. Our dear leader taking people’s property to give to illegals and confiscation of guns from law abiding citizens now. Yup. Sounds like Russia to me. Or Germany in the 1930s. But I’m sure you agree with all of that. Or at least are to afraid of your own Government to say anything against it.

  30. Are you having an argument with yourself Anonymous?

  31. Well there’s no argument. He is doing everything I listed and much, much more. Some Canadians have to say something about this authoritarian Dip Sh#t. It’s your duty to stand up and be heard. To protect your own country. But obviously you agree with it Comrade. Sad.

  32. You listed nothing. What are you talking about? You have hallucinations?

  33. Bob never come up with a proper list. đŸ˜‚

  34. Blobs want Justina Trudeau inside them SO bad. Does she charge extra for black face so you get two fantasies in one? Would make sense. Sad.

  35. Inside? No. But that you get the idea reveals your desires. As most homophobics you are a supressed gay.

  36. Of course I am.. in your twisted mind virus infected smooth brain. That’s where Bob comes from. All the dozens of Bobs live there.

  37. Better a smooth brain than a hollow bone bubble, my dic*less friend.

  38. Well, thank god someone left the Comments section on. What would we do without such trenchant remarks!

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