How can Trump and Musk fanboys can explain that US currently has two daddies? Doesn’t it go against everything they stand for? This timeline is confusing.
Don’t forget to check out President Musk memes to explore their bromance even further.
How can Trump and Musk fanboys can explain that US currently has two daddies? Doesn’t it go against everything they stand for? This timeline is confusing.
Don’t forget to check out President Musk memes to explore their bromance even further.
Ahahahaha 😂
Musk thinks Trump is his bitch, and Trump thinks Musk
is his bitch.
And people who only talk about other countries politics but NEVER their own are complete bitch’s. And cowards. Now let’s slam Christian’s while ignoring Jews and Islam. The true sign of a whimpering little bitch.
That’s why you should pronounce DOGE “doj”, as DOG-E “doggy”, instead. As in, “I just saw Trump and Musk on tv, going at it DOG-E style.” 🐶
How can it be legal, a man that’s not elected, goes through official papers?
Ain’t there laws preventing this?
Unelected bureacrats have always held tremendous power here. The Chevron Deference, struck down only recently by SCOTUS, had even suggested their opinion outranked the court system. The dystopian society in “Brazil” isn’t nearly as much a work of fiction as one would want to believe.
The U.S. are an incomplete democracy. And it shows. The system is outdated and needs to be modernized.
Joe, I think they are also Putin’s bitches. They just don’t know it.
From within the system today cannot be “modernized”. Reps and Dems would need to agree changing the constitution. Not going to happen. You folks need a revolution. Start with throwing some kegs with tea into the sea. Or Teslas. :-)
More and more is coming out how Trump was recruited by the Russians years ago. His low intelligence and his narcissism made him and easy mark. But like any six-year-old, if one knows how you can get him to do what you want be convincing him something was his idea to start with.
Why does Musk have so much access to information when he is also in contact with Putin on “business”? Even though it’s also showing more and more he is another narcissist and it’s a wonder how he could get so rich by being not so smart. Maybe money smart but not so worldly smart.
The comments and posts on here showing all the Trump Derangement Syndrome and the juvenile memes are hilarious!
Face it—LIberals are no good at making memes.
The left changed the name of military bases, sports teams, syrup bottles and pancakes, statues, genders, and pronouns. Yet they have a complete meltdown for the Gulf of America! Do you know how ridiculous that is? That’s why you got your ass kicked in the election! The fact that you can’t figure stuff like that out is why you will continue to lose elections. You would think one or two of the left would say maybe we should try talking with Trump and see if there is any common ground. But no…It’s all of them showing the maturity of 2-year-olds throwing temper tantrums.
Remember, your hero Obama said,
“Elections have consequences, You lost. Get over it.”
I’m looking forward to Vance in 2028 and 2032.
I appreciate how well-researched and detailed this post is. The way you’ve broken everything down and provided context for each point has made it much easier to understand. I’m sure I’ll be referring to this article for a long time.
Leftist ideology failed. Miserably. I know facts hurt but try to live in reality. You just sound dumb trying to support and promote failed nonsense. Whatever the Right is doing now was caused by the Lefts lies, corruption and incompetence. The Left earned what’s happening now. Suck it up and try to use it as a teaching moment. There really isn’t anything else you can do.
Just saw how Trump and Vance insulted their guest Zelenskij and patronized him. What a disgrace Trump and Vance are for America. It’s sickening to see that country and ally going don’t the drain.
Wonder how long the it will take the U.S to brand Trump and his
MAGA lackeys traitors. Capitol punishment would certainly make
a statement.
They are definitely not working for the American people.
Trump and BJ Vance’s childish rants when in front of the camera with Zelensky shows the Republicans have three daddies. Musk, Trump and Big Daddy with the power, Putin.
Well, the Europeans can manage it without the US. They don’t want there taxpayer dollars going to solve European problems anyway. So be it.
And I suppose you all support Zelinski sending child soldiers to the front line right. That’s a hitler move, but hey you do you.
Tax payers dollars, what a joke. You probably have never paid
taxes. Living in mommy’s basement, eating her groceries and
using her wi-fi are hardly deductions. You must have a job that
pays a salary, and makes income tax deductions.
You are a dead beat my boy a dead beat.
He doesn’t though. There are no child soldiers in the Ukrainian forces. And they avoided conscriptions for younger people during the whole war.
Putin on the other hand has training camps for his “Putin youth” and war games are mandatory in schools. Abducted Ukrainian children are forced into Russian families and are re-educated in special facillities to be Russian, hate everything Ukrainian and trained to kill Ukrainians, Europeans and Americans.
But what yould you know of the facts? Posting lies and fakes is your job.
“They [Europeans] don’t want there taxpayer dollars going to solve European problems anyway.” Europeans have donated more to Ukraine than the US.
By the real numbers we have. Trump is making up new numbers every time. They are fake.
Trump just had the US cybercommand seize all defense activity against Russian attacks.
He just dropped Americas pants in front of Putin. Prepare.
Ok bots
Seriously mentally ill people on here. Yikes!
Every action Trump does is in favour of Russia and Putin. Not the American people. He’s crippling the country and the people right now.
Not your country. Not your tax money. It’s your own fault for expecting free money from a country you all obviously hate. Solve your own problems. For once. The Americans are laughing at this begging and whining. Not another nickel. And it’s hilarious!
The internet tells another story. You are a liar. And a bad one. The free Americans will come for you.
Not sure what part of that was a lie. The world is asking for Americans taxpayer dollars. The Americans have have said no and stopped all financial aid. And as you can see here everyday, people hate The US. It’s a Canadian site that never mentions any politics but US politics. So.. solve your own countries problems without US taxpayer money or US taxpayer funded military defense. You don’t deserve it anyway. Cry harder. 😭
Don’t you expect for American tax dollar either, my Russian friend. Americans will rather burn everything they have than giving it to you and your Czar.
Well I’m Canadian so.. we’re not getting anymore money or defense commitments from them anymore anyway. Gee.. I guess you can’t bad mouth and hate on people and expect them to give you help huh.. shocker.
A Canadian in St. Petersburg. I see.
Ok bot 👍🏿
Why isn’t Elon wearing a suit? How disrespectful!
Funny to see the globalists clutching at straws because people love what Trump is doing :D
Except for us Canadians. Were about to elect Mark Carney apparently. He is the poster Boy for Globalism. OH Canada! How dumb can we be.
Sure you’ll discover your erotic fantasies for him too.
What? Left wing deviants as always I guess. Sad.
You are boring.
You go girl! Or.. boy.. or thing.. whatever.. your amazing!
I’m here, you are talking to your face in the reflection of your screen. Maybe you should come back once you got some hair on your balls, boy.
Trans Maoists against Trump! Reeee! You need to get T-Shirts and hats made. Pink fabrics for sure. Good luck with that.
Turns out Trump and Musk are Putin’s bitch…
Idiocracy, the live action show
Awww, mashallah
Agent Krasnov aka Donald T.
So I’m sure you’ve all enlisted in the military right? …. right.. As if.
Why should we? That’s no argument. And many countries have conscription. So they’ve propably done their time in service.
I hereby command the United States Forces to attack Denmark to steal all their eggs.
In Germany they are reporting that military candidates cry easily and are not capable of going to war. So good luck with that.
Can’t remember a time that wasn’t reported. Quality journalism. 😂😂😂