What’s Your Favorite Letter And Why Is It The Letter G?

This reminds of the joke “If you ever google Gary Oldman, make sure you type the R.” Both totally brilliant jokes. This site never publishes crappy stuff, only 100% amazing pure gold content.

What's your favorite letter? The letter G. And why is that, Angus?

6 thoughts on “What’s Your Favorite Letter And Why Is It The Letter G?”

  1. Que??????????

  2. lol..without the ‘G’ his name is….good one

  3. I’m glad I’m Scottish.

  4. Mine is the letter R, Im not big on P!

    P.S. redheads are hot!

  5. My name is Brandon, but they keep calling me Joe.

  6. So many years and you are still not funny, dude. Go, sniff some Trudeau socks.

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