What Happens After Death: Now We Finally Know!

Some priests tell you fairytales about paradise and hell, but others keep it real. After you die, your family fights for your belongings. That’s all there is to it.

Some priests tell you fairytales about paradise and hell, but others keep it real. After you die, your family fights for your belongings. That's all there is to it.

23 thoughts on “What Happens After Death: Now We Finally Know!”

  1. The priest misunderstood the question. The former alterboy asked about what happens after his former abuser dies…

  2. I’d say he cleans the knife and hides the corpse.

  3. The church will take it all.

  4. When you kick the bucket your next of kin have many options. Just because you
    bought a plot doesn’t mean you’re gonna get buried. In many cities plots have a
    good resale value.
    More money for the estate 👍.
    Let’s look at the options:
    Your body could be donated to a medical research facility.
    Cremation is a cheap alternative. Just don’t get sucked into purchasing an expensive urn.
    Some cultures will place the body on a roof top to let birds devour the remains
    Burial at sea is a good option. Cheap alternative!
    Consider using old soiled linens, and bury the body in the back yard.
    Maybe bury them in their favourite park, don’t forget to bury them deep, or someone’s fu- – ing
    dog may dig it up🐶.
    Put the body in the basement along with the neighbourhood cats, within a month those starving
    kiddies will have devoured all the soft parts.🙀
    Be creative, your loved one(s) deserve the best.

  5. Ahh, the fideism of the village atheists. Remarkable.

  6. Atheism is no faith but the absence of it. Get informed before you post.

  7. only the leftovers. the savvy family members already took the good stuff while you were still on your death bed.

  8. Even funnier now. First, you’re in error—atheists actually believe (very often only until in a tight spot) the silly pap they spew. Further, one could just as well say they simply have no faith the world exists and such solipsism would be mockable. Finally, since there is no positive evidence for atheism the position is both fideistic and irrational. Educate yourself before say anything more at all.

  9. What a load of bullocks.

  10. Atheism has nothing to do with solipsism. Your post is nonense.
    I know you exist too. And that you are stupid. Unfortunately I can’t blame any deity for it. Just your genes or head injuries.
    There is no need to find “evidence for atheism”. The deists are the ones who are obliged to present the proof of an almighty being. Yet they are unable as you can’t prove anything non-existent. Instead they show us one worthless circular argument after another.

  11. That is how Trump got rich, had his fathers will written so he got all the cash. His
    siblings got shafted. Bet family reunions are rare for that family.

  12. Narcissist are bad family members and parents. Ask his children. Only Don Jr. is still ranting for him. Stockholm syndrome. Without his daddy he’s nothing.

  13. He should have gotten his money from China like the Biden family and Dirty Socks. You can’t really make fun of other countries when your own is run by someone with 3 ethics convictions. Makes you sound petty and hypocritical. But hey, you do you.

  14. Again, wrong on all counts. Atheists have never convinced any major portion of society and according to polls are actually losing ground with new generation scientists. Understanding there is a Prime Mover is the default position of humanity throughout cultures and millennia, ergo we have no onus. Those of us with earned doctorates certainly have no interest in the squealing of the village or internet atheists who have name calling and nothing more. I come here for the (sometimes) good humor—never for wisdom. I look for that in places where it can be found.

  15. LOL.

    I spend my life worshiping a god, and spend time at church. It’s the atheists job to prove he doesn’t exist.

    You’re right though, you don’t HAVE to prove god exists. It’s ok if you waste your time, and it’s ok if we think you are being foolish. Enjoy.

  16. Funny thing is, atheists rarely even try to convince “any major portion of society” of something. It’s understandable though, god didn’t command them to go around and convince everyone that their way is the rightest so even those who try, do it by their own free will.

  17. Religion is not based on proofs or facts, but on blind faith, which is why scientists are far less religious than the general populace. Europeans are leaving the churches in droves.

  18. Hilarious! You guys are so inbred you try believe each other. As noted, there is no positive evidence for the fideism of atheism. None. On the contrary the evidence of a Prime Mover is compounding, particularly in the past 30 years. But go ahead, stick with your naïveté if it gives your mind a bit of temporary comfort.

  19. But Trump got money from China. He invested there big time. Even made business there while being president. Everybody knows that. It’s no secret. And he didn’t pay taxes to his country.
    But where is that mysterious Biden money? And why can’t anyone find anything on Hunter’s laptop? Even though both sides tried to find anything?
    Because it’s only in your fetishist head.

  20. Still waiting for the Nobel prize being awarded to unrefutable proof. Longheld believes are n

  21. He’s be investigated more times then any President in history and still no convictions. Unlike Dirty Socks and his three convictions. Once he’s convicted you can gloat all you like. We’ll wait.

  22. All it shows is that the Canadian justice system is superior to the American where criminals walk free just because they can afford it.

  23. There is also zero proof that this “prime mover” is anything like a god, especially that angry and capricious abrahamic one. For all that matters, it might be a giant steam turbine powered by angry philosophers letting off their steam. Or it might be not.

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