If you’ve been closely following this site and paying attention, you know that we love medieval drawings. We’ve previously featured People Not Caring About Getting Stabbed, Cats Licking Their Butts, and Ugly Medieval Cat Paintings. Featured below is another hilariously weird medieval-themed pic list. This time a group of Czech students decided to recreate medieval drawings and the result is brilliant.
Medievel’s didn’t have the chunck problem.
Nice selfies.
Great – British tax payers money subsidizing eu students to piss around.
You are a retard
Despite what you think you crap stained moron, the universe does not revolve around UK and it’s political failures.
Can people just have fun and enjoy life please! I live in the UK and we do NOT all moan and whine constantly. I’m was once a reenactor (train daily but no society) and was once a student and would have loved to be a part of this xD just enjoy and have fun. Drink wine & beer and enjoy good company :) Please..just enjoy. It’s just a rock, just a money, I’d rather laugh with these folk and enjoy history too!
I also am a UK citizen and I LOVE this post. I can’t even imagine why anyone would think of UK taxpayers looking at that! These are fun and make us laugh. It’s just lovely to see these folks having fun doing history ! :D
I’ll take recreating art any day over re-enacting the American Civil War.
Why does McViticus think Czech students are being subsidized by British taxpayers? There was this thing called Brexit…