Weird Dog Haircuts of Competitive Dog Grooming Contests

Check out the outlandish dog haircuts of America’s most extreme dog grooming competitions. Some people really shouldn’t be allowed to own dogs… What’s your opinion? Is this normal? Leave your thoughts in comments.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

Weird and crazy dog grooming.

15 thoughts on “Weird Dog Haircuts of Competitive Dog Grooming Contests”

  1. This is just wrong. Cruel, even. You shouldn’t do this to dogs. The groomers should put their “creativity” to work elsewhere. On non-living media.

  2. This can’t be “fur” real.

  3. Every poor pouch looks like Trumps head. Animal abuse!!

  4. Oh these poor dogs. These people shouldn’t be allowed to own pets.

  5. Good thing dogs are mostly color blind.

  6. I didn’t know Lisa Frank did pet grooming…

  7. Yup, this is cruel, Because your definition of cruel includes pretty much anything that displeases you! Do the dogs think it’s cruel? Do you people even know how the dogs feel? No! You know how YOU feel and are now projecting that on a bloody dog thinking it feels the same way through a consensus bias! You then act on this bias thinking your doing the right thing like every a$$hole on the planet! Grow Up!

  8. These comments are gold. You poor simps bitch and whine all you want. Not a damn thing you can do about it.

  9. Those who think this isn’t cruel themselves are cruel people. YOU should GROW UP and have compassion for other living creatures. No doubt you have sociopathic tendencies.

  10. Your big red nose and over sized shoes aren’t fooling anyone! Still a clown but the circus doesn’t want you anymore! You just BELIEVE the dogs are being mistreated so you can come act like a hero on the internet, while doing nothing for dogs who are actually suffering! Your a good person though, for doing nothing! Virtue signaling cuπts at the finest!

  11. Dog people will let kids die because pit bulls are “cute”! Ugliest animal on the planet……like dog people!

  12. “those who don’t think this is cruel are cruel people” let me rephrase that ” those who don’t agree with me are the bad guy” there ya go sweetie! Paint the bad guy where you need them right? Just like ol Adolf!

  13. For Americans animals are just things. Same as American citizens are just things to Donald Trump, the other GOP criminals and conservative voters.

  14. conservative voters just haven’t realized they are just things as well to Trump and the GOPs

  15. You’re things to every politician! Do you think Biden knows your names???? Quite the nativity amongst the left and right! Too many people think they are special for their choices!

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