10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter

Twilight is better than Harry Potter! There is no doubt about that. Here are 10 facts that prove it 100%. Scroll down and see for yourself!

1,762 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter”



  3. OMG DYING!!!!

  4. THANK YOU!! and to add on J.K stands for Joanne Kathleen J.K is her nickname that “twitch she so says is the reference to the lighting bolt on harry potters scar

  5. I wonder in which world do you live. Never heard about J.K Rowling? Seriously are you kidding me! You filthy mudblood.

  6. Agreed, I’ve never heard of a Twilight theme park. Also, I don’t think there will ever be one.

  7. You are stupid

  8. Most are thinking harry potter is better then twilight cheak your facts sweetie

  9. take the sword of griffindor you earned it


  11. Dumbledore Approves

  12. I refuse to believe that the person who wrote this is not a freaking troll. You’ve got to be a freaking moron to believe that Twilight is a better series than Harry Potter. There”s no comparison here. All Twilight is a a love triangle that tries to match the absolute brilliance of Harry Potter. I assumed going in that this was a troll going in, but I know for sure when they tried to say that JK Rowling copied the character Sirius Black. As if. I can’ even.

  13. Sorry, I cant hear you over the sound of a harry potter theme park

  14. Lool yess

  15. Thank you!!

  16. Twilight was released after Harry Potter, so your beloved Stephanie Meyers copied Harry Potter instead

  17. you noticed that the fourth prewett brother is here and alive? maybe he got the three relics from his brothers and used them to become immortal.

  18. For the record. J.K Rowling is a goddess and Harry Potter is the best.

  19. Poor thing. Where’s ur common sense? Lost it while swooning over Edward?? Because he SPARKLES??!! HA

  20. Well, the Half-Blood Prince was pretty greasy… But at least even HE sided with the good guys because of love instead of trying to put himself in danger just to hear Lily’s voice

  21. The most stupidest thing i’ve ever seen and i’m not even a fan of both books but this exceeds all stupidity.

  22. This is so funny I died XD it’s a joke right? It’s so dumb

  23. That was absolutely hilarious. No seriously if that was serious (please don’t make it be serious) you definitely have a negative IQ or something but as a joke it was hilarious. Absolutely hilarious

  24. No. You got a c because your grammar and spelling is worse than the person you hate

  25. Hmmm, the website is called eat liver. I’ll just let you eat only 20,000,000 pounds of liver and feed you to Nagini

  26. Right… lemme buy a wand. I’ll zap the person who made this into a grease spot.

  27. Noh Sangeun, GRAMMAR QUEEN WOOOOO! We need more people like you

    Person who made this “argument”, GET A LIFE

  28. You must be kidding me. Harry Potter is so much better than Twilight! Harry Potter books have sold almost the double more than Twilight books! And if your fussing about designs, you are a bit crazy and obsessed. The least successful Movie of Harry Potter profited about more than 9 Million Dollars than the most successful Twilight movie. Robert Pattinson hated being Edward Cullen anyways. Also, Stephenie Meyer copied J.K. Rowling. And she is “racist” too, then. Twilight promotes Teen Pregnancy, “I’m nothing without a Boyfriend”, “I should kill myself when I and my Boyfriend breakup” , should I go on with how sexist Twilight is? The storyline is terrible and obvious, too. Your Grammar is terrible and your teacher said that it was similar to Stephenie’s because you don’t have good vocabulary. Be happy with your unoriginal fandom and your drug- using cousin.

  29. And J.K are not her initials, because her name is Joanne and she thought of her grandmother when she put the K, for Kathrine.

  30. I do hope that this person is trolling

  31. Uh…..you do know that Harry Potter came out in 1998 and Twilight in 2005? Also the picture you put isn’t of JK Rowling. And Harry Potter teaches you about friendship, love and bravery.
    All Twight teaches you is to marry a Vampire and jump off a cliff. Btw aren’t Voldemort and Bella similar? I mean, they both want to be immortal. Just saying!

  32. Btw, Stephanie Meyer uses ‘greenly’ in her writing.

  33. The person should’ve gotten an F on there report. You do know writing like SM is bad?
    Do u want me to go to the grocery store to buy u a brain?

  34. Potter’s all together now, aim! AVADA KEDARVA!

  35. 1. Oh really? u don’t believe in magic? then y even think about vamps and werewolves?
    2. Harry potter came out EARLIER than twilight, so Stephanie is actually copying Harry Potter. Also, y wasn’t Jacob black played by a black person then? ur the racist person
    3. the logos, are u serious? i think twilights’ is harder to read
    4. if twilight means light and Jesus, y there vampires and werewolves and all the sort of things that Jesus doesn’t even allow?
    5. Stephanie Meyers is probably more famous because of the dates the books came out, and the newer books usually become more famous than the old ones. Also, whaddya think about the copying and creativity, huh? ‘Edward’ and ‘Bella’ and at least JK Rowling had the decency to think of good spells and names.
    Lastly. U can’t count. #10 reasons? nah it was five. Or maybe u couldn’t give more ideas on criticism for Harry Potter.
    im sorry.

  36. This has to be a joke because if it isn’t this person seriously needs to do their research and be sent back to school.

  37. Umm, did you fall off a cliff and hit your head? Is that how you, in the words of Fred Weasley, May he Rest In Peace, suffer such extensive brain damage? Did you smoke the marijuana, too? Are you high? What is that peace of utter garbage that I just read? As you can tell, I’m a Hufflepuff.

  38. Bruh, what? A) Harry Potter came out first…so Meyers copied Harry Potter. B) Not all of us believe in Jesus. C) Um, Twilight literally doesn’t even have a capital in the logo. D) Meyers is literally named after Mayonaise. E) Seriously? Twilight has a better name? It’s literally named after that sparkly pony in My Little Pony! F) You have sparkly vampires and giant dogs.

  39. I think she was joking

  40. Soz I mean*their

  41. No offence, but u spelt a lot of things wrong. Plz stop writing like Stephanie Meyer

  42. It was 90 million dollars more not 9 million

  43. I refuse to believe this idiot is real

  44. You spelled authors wrong. Also that is not J.K Rowling, it’s Jennifer Anniston

  45. yessss

  46. Did you know that PoA was relased before Twilight? No? That explains much.

  47. I think this is sarcastic 😂😂

  48. I completely agree. I really hope she/he was trolling cuz if not she has a negative IQ

  49. I refuse to belive this idiot is real

  50. That wasn’t J.K Rowling though😂

  51. WTF is this
    Are you high or somin

  52. This is utter rubbish

  53. I agree

  54. Don’t tell me you exist

  55. Oof roasted

  56. love how that person wasn’t even JK Rowling…

  57. I pity whoever raised this supreme idiot.

  58. I pity the parents of this unfortunate child

  59. Didn’t Harry Potter come first. I looked it does

  60. I sincerely hope this was a joke, my friend

  61. No, we should make her suffer first. CRUCIO!

  62. UM? I was unaware that our QUEEN was actually Jennifer Aniston? And that Sirius was described as Black in the books, which the Harry Potter movies (which Gary Oldman, a fantastic actor), were based off of?
    Please tell me that this is a joke.

  63. Please tell me this is a joke…

  64. Also it’s not serious black, it’s Sirius Black. Get it right

  65. And what is Eligant?

  66. Harry Potter books are some of the most famous books ever written. Twilight has no plot and no lovable characters

  67. I am over 90% sure that this is a joke. If not, dear lord, give me patience. Or an ax.

  68. As do I. I shed tears for her bloodline.

  69. Ya know that’s not how you spell Sirius right?

  70. I seriously hope that you read these comments.

  71. i really hope this is a joke cos if it isnt then i fear for the human race

  72. first of all, that’s 5, not 10.
    second of all, please do research before making such things
    third of all, crucio

  73. with the amount of incorrect things in this article I could right a book series better than twilight. Lmao

  74. don’t want to cyber bully but this deeply shocks me that someone could think so much crap, I mean Steve King even said that Meyer can’t write worth a damn. BOOM.

  75. I actually laughed out loud (which I never do when I type LOL). This was obviously a joke and it cheered up my day. Who wrote this? xD

  76. Harry Potter has ” modern eligant(elegant) clean cut, fancy, to the point ” boxes too. Who cares about boxes anyway?

  77. exactly

  78. I think you meant Avada Kedavra

  79. yall who are mad at this: wooooooooshhhh

  80. Honestly, whoever wrote this is worse than professor umbridge

  81. ikr

  82. twilight is well better the H.P. Wheres ur common sense lost it while swooning over the ugliest being on the earth harry?

  83. by he way bella doesnt try and kill her self when edward leaves

  84. i can think of another idea of criticism for harry potter its sh*t

  85. also sirius black was mentioned in the 1st book, when hagrid says that sirius lent him the motorcycle

  86. i thing they were trying to spell elegant


  88. Thank you.

  89. No let’s force them to apologise. IMPERIO!

  90. Exactly

  91. Yesssss
    All hail the sassypuff!

  92. Excuse me, we harry potter fans take harry potter seriously. Please do not shame our queen J. K Rowling. And please please check your atrocious spelling before posting. Seriously, SERIOUS BLACK!? And please do get your facts right.

  93. FYI Harry Potter can first around 80’s or 90’s, twilight came during 2005. This Is Riddikulus

  94. Whoever made this Article, I siriusly hope you’re mind is in the Right Place.

  95. And at least harry potter teaches us more meaningful and real lessons.

  96. Yes this “idiot” is real and is giving u the hard truth and btw I’m 12 and have more common sense and taste than u

  97. I LOVE Harry Potter and I showed this to my friend and we both died over the stupidity of this person like LOL!! 🤣🤣🤣

  98. No argument here

  99. just because your cousin does drugs dose not mean we all do

  100. Hmm, that’s saying a lot. Since umbridge is so bad that literally no hp fans can list good points about her. Perhaps we can now since we read this article.

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