10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter
Twilight is better than Harry Potter! There is no doubt about that. Here are 10 facts that prove it 100%. Scroll down and see for yourself!
1,762 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter”
Remus, what to turn it into, oh wait! We don’t need to because it’s already the most hysterical thing in existence.
Oh my. Filthy mudbloods. Where is my Blood Quill? Meet me for detention on Saturday.
So yeah, Twilight sucks.
P.S. I love all these comments. They’re hilarious. Hahahaha!!!!!
I didn’t die for this
This writer really a psycho, idk why twilight fans always hate HP. Wow twilight fans want HP dead
This article is pathetic. 50 points from Gryffindor.
Please, Get some help.
I wouldn’t say this article or even twilight sucked that’s way to nice. This is a garbage can filled to the lid with Mandrake root and garbage. Plus I don’t like the characters in twilight especially not that Edward guy.
This is just a joke. Stupid joke.
Thank you…SO much!
10 Reasons Why Twilight is better than Harry Potter:
1. It isn’t…
Wow…. Just Wow…
Interviewer: A lot of actors, when they say goodbye to a movie, they like to take something from the set. Did you indulge, did you?
Robert Pattinson: My dignity
That my friends, is an exact quote.
at least I don’t sparkle……
wait, why Gryffindor?
My father will hear about this!!!
Dude just go to St Mungos already. You need to go to the critical section.
Take them to St Mungos! Destroy them!
Harry potter came before twilight -WHO IS COPYING NOW EH aaand its sirius black not serios black detention tonight at my office
If this isn’t a joke there is something Siriusly Ron with you
The reason her name is JK is because her publisher thought boys wouldn’t write a book written by girls
I am quite interested in this article, for it is outrageously stupid. Please, do your research before you make an article.
One thing about this post has been really bothering me….how could Harry Potter copy that movie series about sparkly fairy vamps if Harry Potter came out before it?
Detention! You will write “I must not tell lies.” You will not need ink and will be writing with one of my special quills. Repeat until the message sinks in.
I’m not a gryffindor prof Snape….
I weep for the future of the human race.
Dobby would like to give you a sock so you will be free from your atrocious opinion.
This is true, but I think autocorrect got you- you said boys won’t WRITE a book written by girls.. :)
#1 there is more than one book set
#harry Potter is not a copy of twilight because twilight came out in 2005 and hp in 1997
And second of all pirates do exist
#the logos sure there both nice but the squiggly p is for his lightning scar the main storyline and it doesn’t look like the paint ran down while it was drying
#the name twilight is a time of day where vampires get a new beginning (which you would know if you read the books) and they were meant to be called forks (like cutlery so yeah). You just mocked everybody called Harry and for your information Potter is a very common name.
#steph has no talent so if you like being similarly to her then fine but jk Rowling put her initials because of sexism which is really a problem and we need to get over and since she had no middle name she took her grandmother’s that is kind and if you didn’t know her that is purely due to your lack of education rather than her not being famous. Plus jk Rowling lost her billionaire status because she donated so much to charity beat that.
OK first of all your reasons and your opinions are absurd, Harry Potter is much better than twilight in many ways, in first JK Rowling makes a story that teaches friendship, courage, bravery, love and gives you a clue to what is the real world.
Second is a story that teaches you many moral values, apart from that JK Rowling published his books first, so who would be copying would be Stephanie Meyer.
in third place Harry Potter as I said teaches many more moral values while twilight teaches you how important it is to have a boyfriend and if you do not have to pull a cliff, so yes, Harry Potter is much better, and on your reasons the title is much better done and has more meaning , the boxes of the products have nothing to do with the story and even if they had something to do are better those of Harry Potter and neither the edition of the books has to do with the history, and as JK Rowling drew his stories first Stephanie was the one who copied it in the name black, and not because it is called Black has to be a black actor.
about the author, don’t say, JK Rowling is and it’ll always be better than Stephanie.
In conclusion your reasons are absurd and you have the mind of a troll and you do not have to criticize something if you have no good reason to do so, to finish the Harry Potter books make you grow up with them and the story and you realize that there is a real world in which not everything is beautiful and ends with a handshake at the end , it makes you excited and you live inside the book and that the book is part of you, while Twilight teaches you that the real world does not exist and that everything ends well in the end without any effort why the author does not even have the courage to kill their own characters (which gives the realistic touch to the story) and if you think the magic does not exist here and it is a news , the bright vampires in the sun either.
While by the name of the author, J is by Joanne, K is by Katherine her grandmother and it is because in the year in which she published her books, nobody wanted to read what a woman wrote and those initials made people think that JK Rowling was a man and will accept his book. Apart from the story of Harry Potter is much more than the romantic vampires and Twilight’s boyfriends, JK Rowling had a great idea to inspire people and teach them what is right, and what can become an end, a world and a life lesson.
While Twilight does not.
Seriously nobody reads Hogwarts, a history???
I think the nargles stole your brain, Cedric Diggori was fabulous as a competitor to the triwizard tournament, not a brilliant vampire.
Well I guess Stephanie not only copied on names of characters (black), also in actors.
And…………………no One asked your opinion you filthy little mudblood!!!
Okay, this is the most pathetic thing I have ever read. Firstly, did you get your grammar and spelling skills from Twilight because you most absolutely did not get them from Harry Potter. Harry Potter was my childhood, is my childhood and is a magical story series which has honestly changed me as a person in so many ways. Harry Potter has strong, bold, realistic and likeable characters who taught me about courage, self confidence and bravery. The twilight characters taught me that you need a man which you do not. Hermione was strong and courageous in so many ways. She stood up for herself and taught me that you don’t need a man to prosper. Bella taught me that if your man leaves you, you should go through a state of depression and go into practically a coma. Twilight is not a good book full of role models for young girls and boys, it`s a book about a girl who needs a man which makes me angry, to be honest. J.K.Rowling created Sirius Black before Jacob so who copied who? Harry Potter is a much better book and anybody who says otherwise has obviously never read either of the books.
First, can I start off by saying that most of your “reasons” are based on appearance, and first impressions. If you were truly a competent writer, you would’ve actually read up a bit on the plot of the Harry Potter series before you said anything about Twilight is better than Harry Potter. Obviously, you took one glance at the Harry Potter series and decided Twilight is better. Obviously, you know NOTHING about the plot of Harry Potter, obviously, you know NOTHING about how Harry Potter teaches children about the value of friendship, bravery, heartbreak, and LOVE. You’ve failed to realize that your “beloved” series teaches young girls how to be shallow, how to stand behind and let men do all the work. Yeah, great lesson.
Also, can I just say that using actual grammar would’ve made your presentation seem more formal, instead of using bad grammar, the font “Comic Sans”, and all lower-case letters. That only proves that a 9-year-old made this presentation. Since you seem to be going off appearances here, I’m just saying, this whole presentation itself doesn’t “appear” to be very strong, so, really, you shouldn’t even talk about appearance. Get a sense of style first. And learn your grammar. I’m not wasting any more time on this poorly written, absolutely DISGUSTING article. Come back to me when you can actually come up with valid reasons, and then maybe we can talk.
Well excuse me I didn’t think that we kept books in a box. is this box just supposed to be in the attic hidden away by parents who are scared for you.
1. Ihave a set of HP books that aren’t a crate
2.twilight was written AFTER HP, not before it, so twilight is the copy
3.Can you not see that the p has a lightning bolt, which connects to the series. H ow does the Swirl connect to the twilight series?
4.twilight as in the time day and Harry Potter as in the main characters name.
5. JK Rowling is Very famous and the JK is her first and middle initial.
There are soooooo many more reasons HP is better.
You know what? THIS HURT.
It hurt my love for a series I adore and treasure.
It hurt my love for history because it came out before twilight and I went to the little cafe she wrote the first book.
The casing for Hairy Potter was beautiful and told me the series was about wizards. Twilight’s was modern yes but the box wouldn’t have been very appealing to me as a customer.
This is the most stupid and pathetic thing i’ve ever read in my life.
A moment of silence for all those who took this article seriously.
No one asked for your opinion you filthy little mudblood
Harry Potter is stil a better love story than Twilight!
Actually J.K. Rowling Stands for Joanne Rowling, IT’S AN AUTHORS NAME!
Twilight copied Harry Potter because Harry Potter was released 8 years earlier than twilight, so Jacob Black is actually a copy of Sirius Black
The Harry Potter Book case is actually a trunk from the books and movies. Where in Twilight is there an elegant, clean cut book case?
And J.K. Rowling is one of the richest authors in the world!
This comment was written by 2 14 year old danish girls, still less spelling errors!
I know right
This is why you are unstable
Okay first off *SIRUS. Second off sure maybe the magic in Harry Potter is not real but lots of us grew up with these stories and they taught us how to believe and tear down old stereotypes so that magic will be real to us ALWAYS, but last time I checked vampires who sparkle in sunlight and humans who can turn in to wolfs aren’t real either unless you’ve seen a 109 year old man that falls in love with a good for nothing teenage girl witch I highly doubt. Third off HP came out in 1998 and the series that shall not be named came out in 2005. Finally JK Rowling is world famous there won’t be a child in our world that doesn’t know her name (see what I did there *wink *wink) she thought us that friendship, family and love can over power anything Stephanie Meyer taught girls you don’t need to fight for yourself let your creepy ass boyfriend do the work for you and if he leaves you go into a big depression and jump off a cliff
PS that’s Jennifer Anniston and incredible actress in a popular TV show F.R.I.E.N.D.S make sure to check your facts sweetie xx
When Robert Pattinson at the airport, some fans yelled “Edward! Edward! Edward!”, but he didn’t respon them. But, when a fan called him “Cedric! Cedric!”, he suddenly walk towards this fan and give her a signature.
It’s a real story guys
Erm…Sirius is not a werewolf…Reamus Lupin is…
ikr like seriously thats jennifer aniston, if your going to bother writing a post that twilight is better than harry potter ( which it isn’t )then put some effort. Potterheads aren’t going to be persuaded easily, and they aren’t going to listen lies and crap. This is another reason harry potter is better than twilight, people who read it can spell. Seriously your going to comment on the box sets, you didn’t even mention the story line. The box sets are meant to suit the book and they both do, thats not to do with the actual story. I came to see why you thought this and it was a waste of time. Me and my other potter heads are loyal and aren’t persuaded by bad spelling and lies. Next time, make sure you get your facts straight and have good facts.
IKR, potter heads aren’t persuaded by crap
Okay, first of all this is just pathetic you obviously haven’t even read the Harry Potter series because one you spelled the name Sirius Black WRONG and used a picture of Jennifer Aniston
as J.K. Rowling. Second of all the Harry Potter franchise has 7 books and the Twilight saga has only 4. Also Harry Potter actually teaches children about friendship, bravery, and love, Twilight teaches girls how to be shallow and rude, and it looks like a 10-year old wrote this. Your reasons are absolutely pathetic and you don’t know how to correctly use grammar, and Harry Potter books were released 8 years before Twilight so if anything Twilight copied Harry Potter. No one cares about the logo. Why? Because it’s the actual story and plot that counts you don’t just look at the cover of a book and say, “Oh well it looks kind of ugly but Twilight looks amazing I think I’ll go read that instead.”. You’ve obviously based these off the movies because you no nothing about Harry Potter.
First of all, it’s SURIUS Black and you didn’t even use the right picture of J.K. Rowling that’s Jennifer Aniston which is an actress in an amazing TV show called Friends. This looks like a 7-year old wrote this because it doesn’t even use grammar correctly, the font is atrocious, and you don’t even know when to capitalize your letters. Also, the Harry Potter franchise was released 8 years before the Twilight saga, so Stephanie Mayer actually copied J.K. Rowling. Then to end it on the worst note possible you even spell your beloved writers name incorrectly. If you want to make a story on how something is better than something else check your facts and do research on the topic instead of using common and yet so stupid knowledge to create a pathetic little story which isn’t even true.
This actually disgusts me because one you spelled SURIUS completely wrong and just because a fictional character has the last name of Black does NOT mean they need to be a black actor, so you are the racist one here. The Harry Potter series teaches kids moral values, like bravery, love, and friendship. Twilight teaches girl that they absolutely need a boy to let them do all the work for them if you don’t have one you have to jump off a cliff. Second, you used a picture of Jennifer Aniston as JK Rowling and it looks like a 9-year old wrote this, next time you do a story make it look formal, the font is terrible, you can’t use capitalization correctly, and you don’t know what grammar is. If you want to do a presentation research your facts, and possibly even read the Harry Potter and Twilight series because I doubt you have,. Don’t judge a book on it’s cover so don’t think any one will agree with your pathetic logo reason. Just as I thought things couldn’t get any worse while reading this you decide to spell your favorite authors name incorrectly, and again not even capitalizing the name.
Can we give a moment of silence to whoever took this seriously, they obviously have brain damage.
I will track you down and kill you with my wand.
This is the most stupid and pathetic thing I have ever seen. I will have you take detention in my dungeon for this.
Really humans?! I mean really. How hard is it to realise that JK is a brilliant writer. I mean duh! If she wasn’t, I wouldn’t exist. Also, wizards. Don’t take any notice of these silly muggles. They are just a bit loopy in the head. ~ ᏥᎧᎠᏔᎥᏀ
Lmao hp was 1997 and twilight was 2005 I’m laughing hard Harry Potter is original and actually if you didn’t know back in the old days witches did exist but has vampires every exist?!? I think NOT you need to sort out your priorities and get a life plus the logo is way better and btw that picture is not jk rowling that’s Jennifer Anniston if your two into your mythical worlds to realize that and it least rowling wasn’t to lazy and she wrote 7 books not 4 and Bella committed suicide cause her bf didn’t love her awwww so sad😒
u said that magic didn’t exist in real life. so what about vampires? do they exist in real life? go read hp series before u comment on it. and twilight was released 8 years after hp. twilights the copy! and don’t u dare say anything about Sirius. he was my fav!
Thank you for helping this lost soul by educating them with history and basic facts that someone with the brain power of a usual human would have known or researched.
I miss the days when I thought this was serious and put time and effort into crafting a response to it.
Ugh what kind of crap is this?!?!!
Thaaaaaank You
– Everybody else
This is so pathetic I’m laughing.
I showed my Liturature teacher this and she was appalled by the grammar and that you think Harry Potter copied Twilight. LOOK UP YOU FACTS. Filthy little muggle…
The sixth point doesn’t even make any sense. Comic Sans isn’t the best font to use for an argument. Use some freaking grammar. That’s not even a picture of J.K. Rowling. J.K. Rowling once roasted Stephanie so hard I don’t even think your little Twilight fan girl brain could handle it.
Stephanie Meyer was at a press conference and she said, “The god of writing sent me to grace the Earth.” Sometime later, J.K. Rowling said, “I didn’t send anyone.”
Rose! Why did you have to bring Fred up!!!
If they say they aren’t gay constantly… maybe they ARE gay
Robert Pattinson was in an airport and some Twilight fan girls came up to him and called him Edward and he ignored them but when a Harry Potter fan girl came up and asked if he was Cedric Diggory, he gave her an autograph.
Twilight teaches little girls how to be shallow
There are soooo many reasons I have problems with this article. God, muggles are so stupid sometimes
I’m sorry my friend… it is not
As I hate to agree with a Dementor, yes this person needs to go to St.. Mungos and never leave
No only give them fire whiskey and that fancy French dish from goblet of fire
Don’t drag Jesus into this. This is a fandom thing not a religious thing
Finally! Someone who understands this persons racistism ( I know that’s not a word shut up)
Nooo don’t do that. I will come to your house and do something to you… I’m not sure what yet
She spelled swirl like Quirrel!
Omg this made my day
Omg you insulted her so bad while trying to make us feel bad for her! HOUSE CUP FOR YOU
This series just teaches little girls to be shallow and depend on men
Comic sans makes you sound sooooo stupid.
This made my day
Can’t even count… that just makes this even more stupid
Not even 50, give this person 150
Also Sirius was created BEFORE Jacob.
Or maybe she has a tic just like the person who wrote Harry Potter in the titles.
I’ve recently read this “persuasive” argument of yours and I must say, you must have banged your head several times against the keyboard when you were writing this. First of all, you should probably check you spelling and grammar. There were multiple words that were spelled incorrectly and there were several grammar mistakes. Secondly, Harry Potter came out years before Twilight did so it was impossible for J.K. Rowling to copy Stephanie Meyer. In conclusion, you written this essay in my class, you’d be guaranteed to get a 1 out of 10.
In conclusion, if you’d written this essay in my class, you’d be guaranteed to get a 1 out of 10.
Taylor launter isn’t black, so basically your fact backfired on yourself, and that’s not even j.k Rowling that’s Jennifer anniston.
J.k Rowling suffered from depression and writing the books helped her get over that. So I’m asking have you ever watched the movies or read the books of Harry Potter, obviously not because you would now that the stem on the p resembles the scar on Harry Potter forehead that’s all I have to say you MUGGLE!!
Wow these comments make me feel good
Most people who hate on Twilight haven’t even seen the movies & are just making assumptions that it doesn’t have a plot and is only about a ‘sparkling vampire’. That’s actually not true. A lot of comments are about how Bella did nothing but lie around while her boyfriend did all the work. That’s also not true. She went through pain & suffering.
– In the first film she was willing to sacrafice her life for her mother, and ended up getting extremely injured.
– In the second film, she risked her life to save the person she loved.
– in the third film, she cut herself to save Edward from being killed.
– in the fourth film, she went through so much pain and suffering- she broke her back, had to get her stomach cut open- with no medical help or treatment; and died.
– in the fifth film, she did anything to protect her daughter and would’ve fought in a motherfking war.
Also, in the first few films when Bella is still a human, SHE CANNOT KILL A FKING VAMPIRE. she literally cannot rip a vampires fking head off.
Also, I’m a Harry Potter fan too.. I’m not hating on your fandom, I’m just trying to stop you all hating on Twilight. Don’t get me wrong; Harry Potter is a great series and I’ve read all the books.
But still, stop hating on twilight.
Geez… no just no Bella is relying on Edward… she just teaches little girls how to be shallow
Remus, what to turn it into, oh wait! We don’t need to because it’s already the most hysterical thing in existence.
Oh my. Filthy mudbloods. Where is my Blood Quill? Meet me for detention on Saturday.
So yeah, Twilight sucks.
P.S. I love all these comments. They’re hilarious. Hahahaha!!!!!
I didn’t die for this
This writer really a psycho, idk why twilight fans always hate HP. Wow twilight fans want HP dead
This article is pathetic. 50 points from Gryffindor.
Please, Get some help.
I wouldn’t say this article or even twilight sucked that’s way to nice. This is a garbage can filled to the lid with Mandrake root and garbage. Plus I don’t like the characters in twilight especially not that Edward guy.
This is just a joke. Stupid joke.
Thank you…SO much!
10 Reasons Why Twilight is better than Harry Potter:
1. It isn’t…
Wow…. Just Wow…
Interviewer: A lot of actors, when they say goodbye to a movie, they like to take something from the set. Did you indulge, did you?
Robert Pattinson: My dignity
That my friends, is an exact quote.
at least I don’t sparkle……
wait, why Gryffindor?
My father will hear about this!!!
Dude just go to St Mungos already. You need to go to the critical section.
Take them to St Mungos! Destroy them!
Harry potter came before twilight -WHO IS COPYING NOW EH aaand its sirius black not serios black detention tonight at my office
If this isn’t a joke there is something Siriusly Ron with you
The reason her name is JK is because her publisher thought boys wouldn’t write a book written by girls
I am quite interested in this article, for it is outrageously stupid. Please, do your research before you make an article.
One thing about this post has been really bothering me….how could Harry Potter copy that movie series about sparkly fairy vamps if Harry Potter came out before it?
Detention! You will write “I must not tell lies.” You will not need ink and will be writing with one of my special quills. Repeat until the message sinks in.
I’m not a gryffindor prof Snape….
I weep for the future of the human race.
Dobby would like to give you a sock so you will be free from your atrocious opinion.
This is true, but I think autocorrect got you- you said boys won’t WRITE a book written by girls.. :)
#1 there is more than one book set
#harry Potter is not a copy of twilight because twilight came out in 2005 and hp in 1997
And second of all pirates do exist
#the logos sure there both nice but the squiggly p is for his lightning scar the main storyline and it doesn’t look like the paint ran down while it was drying
#the name twilight is a time of day where vampires get a new beginning (which you would know if you read the books) and they were meant to be called forks (like cutlery so yeah). You just mocked everybody called Harry and for your information Potter is a very common name.
#steph has no talent so if you like being similarly to her then fine but jk Rowling put her initials because of sexism which is really a problem and we need to get over and since she had no middle name she took her grandmother’s that is kind and if you didn’t know her that is purely due to your lack of education rather than her not being famous. Plus jk Rowling lost her billionaire status because she donated so much to charity beat that.
OK first of all your reasons and your opinions are absurd, Harry Potter is much better than twilight in many ways, in first JK Rowling makes a story that teaches friendship, courage, bravery, love and gives you a clue to what is the real world.
Second is a story that teaches you many moral values, apart from that JK Rowling published his books first, so who would be copying would be Stephanie Meyer.
in third place Harry Potter as I said teaches many more moral values while twilight teaches you how important it is to have a boyfriend and if you do not have to pull a cliff, so yes, Harry Potter is much better, and on your reasons the title is much better done and has more meaning , the boxes of the products have nothing to do with the story and even if they had something to do are better those of Harry Potter and neither the edition of the books has to do with the history, and as JK Rowling drew his stories first Stephanie was the one who copied it in the name black, and not because it is called Black has to be a black actor.
about the author, don’t say, JK Rowling is and it’ll always be better than Stephanie.
In conclusion your reasons are absurd and you have the mind of a troll and you do not have to criticize something if you have no good reason to do so, to finish the Harry Potter books make you grow up with them and the story and you realize that there is a real world in which not everything is beautiful and ends with a handshake at the end , it makes you excited and you live inside the book and that the book is part of you, while Twilight teaches you that the real world does not exist and that everything ends well in the end without any effort why the author does not even have the courage to kill their own characters (which gives the realistic touch to the story) and if you think the magic does not exist here and it is a news , the bright vampires in the sun either.
While by the name of the author, J is by Joanne, K is by Katherine her grandmother and it is because in the year in which she published her books, nobody wanted to read what a woman wrote and those initials made people think that JK Rowling was a man and will accept his book. Apart from the story of Harry Potter is much more than the romantic vampires and Twilight’s boyfriends, JK Rowling had a great idea to inspire people and teach them what is right, and what can become an end, a world and a life lesson.
While Twilight does not.
Seriously nobody reads Hogwarts, a history???
I think the nargles stole your brain, Cedric Diggori was fabulous as a competitor to the triwizard tournament, not a brilliant vampire.
Well I guess Stephanie not only copied on names of characters (black), also in actors.
And…………………no One asked your opinion you filthy little mudblood!!!
Okay, this is the most pathetic thing I have ever read. Firstly, did you get your grammar and spelling skills from Twilight because you most absolutely did not get them from Harry Potter. Harry Potter was my childhood, is my childhood and is a magical story series which has honestly changed me as a person in so many ways. Harry Potter has strong, bold, realistic and likeable characters who taught me about courage, self confidence and bravery. The twilight characters taught me that you need a man which you do not. Hermione was strong and courageous in so many ways. She stood up for herself and taught me that you don’t need a man to prosper. Bella taught me that if your man leaves you, you should go through a state of depression and go into practically a coma. Twilight is not a good book full of role models for young girls and boys, it`s a book about a girl who needs a man which makes me angry, to be honest. J.K.Rowling created Sirius Black before Jacob so who copied who? Harry Potter is a much better book and anybody who says otherwise has obviously never read either of the books.
First, can I start off by saying that most of your “reasons” are based on appearance, and first impressions. If you were truly a competent writer, you would’ve actually read up a bit on the plot of the Harry Potter series before you said anything about Twilight is better than Harry Potter. Obviously, you took one glance at the Harry Potter series and decided Twilight is better. Obviously, you know NOTHING about the plot of Harry Potter, obviously, you know NOTHING about how Harry Potter teaches children about the value of friendship, bravery, heartbreak, and LOVE. You’ve failed to realize that your “beloved” series teaches young girls how to be shallow, how to stand behind and let men do all the work. Yeah, great lesson.
Also, can I just say that using actual grammar would’ve made your presentation seem more formal, instead of using bad grammar, the font “Comic Sans”, and all lower-case letters. That only proves that a 9-year-old made this presentation. Since you seem to be going off appearances here, I’m just saying, this whole presentation itself doesn’t “appear” to be very strong, so, really, you shouldn’t even talk about appearance. Get a sense of style first. And learn your grammar. I’m not wasting any more time on this poorly written, absolutely DISGUSTING article. Come back to me when you can actually come up with valid reasons, and then maybe we can talk.
Well excuse me I didn’t think that we kept books in a box. is this box just supposed to be in the attic hidden away by parents who are scared for you.
1. Ihave a set of HP books that aren’t a crate
2.twilight was written AFTER HP, not before it, so twilight is the copy
3.Can you not see that the p has a lightning bolt, which connects to the series. H ow does the Swirl connect to the twilight series?
4.twilight as in the time day and Harry Potter as in the main characters name.
5. JK Rowling is Very famous and the JK is her first and middle initial.
There are soooooo many more reasons HP is better.
You know what? THIS HURT.
It hurt my love for a series I adore and treasure.
It hurt my love for history because it came out before twilight and I went to the little cafe she wrote the first book.
The casing for Hairy Potter was beautiful and told me the series was about wizards. Twilight’s was modern yes but the box wouldn’t have been very appealing to me as a customer.
This is the most stupid and pathetic thing i’ve ever read in my life.
A moment of silence for all those who took this article seriously.
No one asked for your opinion you filthy little mudblood
Harry Potter is stil a better love story than Twilight!
Actually J.K. Rowling Stands for Joanne Rowling, IT’S AN AUTHORS NAME!
Twilight copied Harry Potter because Harry Potter was released 8 years earlier than twilight, so Jacob Black is actually a copy of Sirius Black
The Harry Potter Book case is actually a trunk from the books and movies. Where in Twilight is there an elegant, clean cut book case?
And J.K. Rowling is one of the richest authors in the world!
This comment was written by 2 14 year old danish girls, still less spelling errors!
I know right
This is why you are unstable
Okay first off *SIRUS. Second off sure maybe the magic in Harry Potter is not real but lots of us grew up with these stories and they taught us how to believe and tear down old stereotypes so that magic will be real to us ALWAYS, but last time I checked vampires who sparkle in sunlight and humans who can turn in to wolfs aren’t real either unless you’ve seen a 109 year old man that falls in love with a good for nothing teenage girl witch I highly doubt. Third off HP came out in 1998 and the series that shall not be named came out in 2005. Finally JK Rowling is world famous there won’t be a child in our world that doesn’t know her name (see what I did there *wink *wink) she thought us that friendship, family and love can over power anything Stephanie Meyer taught girls you don’t need to fight for yourself let your creepy ass boyfriend do the work for you and if he leaves you go into a big depression and jump off a cliff
PS that’s Jennifer Anniston and incredible actress in a popular TV show F.R.I.E.N.D.S make sure to check your facts sweetie xx
When Robert Pattinson at the airport, some fans yelled “Edward! Edward! Edward!”, but he didn’t respon them. But, when a fan called him “Cedric! Cedric!”, he suddenly walk towards this fan and give her a signature.
It’s a real story guys
Erm…Sirius is not a werewolf…Reamus Lupin is…
ikr like seriously thats jennifer aniston, if your going to bother writing a post that twilight is better than harry potter ( which it isn’t )then put some effort. Potterheads aren’t going to be persuaded easily, and they aren’t going to listen lies and crap. This is another reason harry potter is better than twilight, people who read it can spell. Seriously your going to comment on the box sets, you didn’t even mention the story line. The box sets are meant to suit the book and they both do, thats not to do with the actual story. I came to see why you thought this and it was a waste of time. Me and my other potter heads are loyal and aren’t persuaded by bad spelling and lies. Next time, make sure you get your facts straight and have good facts.
IKR, potter heads aren’t persuaded by crap
Okay, first of all this is just pathetic you obviously haven’t even read the Harry Potter series because one you spelled the name Sirius Black WRONG and used a picture of Jennifer Aniston
as J.K. Rowling. Second of all the Harry Potter franchise has 7 books and the Twilight saga has only 4. Also Harry Potter actually teaches children about friendship, bravery, and love, Twilight teaches girls how to be shallow and rude, and it looks like a 10-year old wrote this. Your reasons are absolutely pathetic and you don’t know how to correctly use grammar, and Harry Potter books were released 8 years before Twilight so if anything Twilight copied Harry Potter. No one cares about the logo. Why? Because it’s the actual story and plot that counts you don’t just look at the cover of a book and say, “Oh well it looks kind of ugly but Twilight looks amazing I think I’ll go read that instead.”. You’ve obviously based these off the movies because you no nothing about Harry Potter.
First of all, it’s SURIUS Black and you didn’t even use the right picture of J.K. Rowling that’s Jennifer Aniston which is an actress in an amazing TV show called Friends. This looks like a 7-year old wrote this because it doesn’t even use grammar correctly, the font is atrocious, and you don’t even know when to capitalize your letters. Also, the Harry Potter franchise was released 8 years before the Twilight saga, so Stephanie Mayer actually copied J.K. Rowling. Then to end it on the worst note possible you even spell your beloved writers name incorrectly. If you want to make a story on how something is better than something else check your facts and do research on the topic instead of using common and yet so stupid knowledge to create a pathetic little story which isn’t even true.
This actually disgusts me because one you spelled SURIUS completely wrong and just because a fictional character has the last name of Black does NOT mean they need to be a black actor, so you are the racist one here. The Harry Potter series teaches kids moral values, like bravery, love, and friendship. Twilight teaches girl that they absolutely need a boy to let them do all the work for them if you don’t have one you have to jump off a cliff. Second, you used a picture of Jennifer Aniston as JK Rowling and it looks like a 9-year old wrote this, next time you do a story make it look formal, the font is terrible, you can’t use capitalization correctly, and you don’t know what grammar is. If you want to do a presentation research your facts, and possibly even read the Harry Potter and Twilight series because I doubt you have,. Don’t judge a book on it’s cover so don’t think any one will agree with your pathetic logo reason. Just as I thought things couldn’t get any worse while reading this you decide to spell your favorite authors name incorrectly, and again not even capitalizing the name.
Can we give a moment of silence to whoever took this seriously, they obviously have brain damage.
I will track you down and kill you with my wand.
This is the most stupid and pathetic thing I have ever seen. I will have you take detention in my dungeon for this.
Really humans?! I mean really. How hard is it to realise that JK is a brilliant writer. I mean duh! If she wasn’t, I wouldn’t exist. Also, wizards. Don’t take any notice of these silly muggles. They are just a bit loopy in the head. ~ ᏥᎧᎠᏔᎥᏀ
Lmao hp was 1997 and twilight was 2005 I’m laughing hard Harry Potter is original and actually if you didn’t know back in the old days witches did exist but has vampires every exist?!? I think NOT you need to sort out your priorities and get a life plus the logo is way better and btw that picture is not jk rowling that’s Jennifer Anniston if your two into your mythical worlds to realize that and it least rowling wasn’t to lazy and she wrote 7 books not 4 and Bella committed suicide cause her bf didn’t love her awwww so sad😒
u said that magic didn’t exist in real life. so what about vampires? do they exist in real life? go read hp series before u comment on it. and twilight was released 8 years after hp. twilights the copy! and don’t u dare say anything about Sirius. he was my fav!
Thank you for helping this lost soul by educating them with history and basic facts that someone with the brain power of a usual human would have known or researched.
I miss the days when I thought this was serious and put time and effort into crafting a response to it.
Ugh what kind of crap is this?!?!!
Thaaaaaank You
– Everybody else
This is so pathetic I’m laughing.
I showed my Liturature teacher this and she was appalled by the grammar and that you think Harry Potter copied Twilight. LOOK UP YOU FACTS. Filthy little muggle…
The sixth point doesn’t even make any sense. Comic Sans isn’t the best font to use for an argument. Use some freaking grammar. That’s not even a picture of J.K. Rowling. J.K. Rowling once roasted Stephanie so hard I don’t even think your little Twilight fan girl brain could handle it.
Stephanie Meyer was at a press conference and she said, “The god of writing sent me to grace the Earth.” Sometime later, J.K. Rowling said, “I didn’t send anyone.”
Rose! Why did you have to bring Fred up!!!
If they say they aren’t gay constantly… maybe they ARE gay
Robert Pattinson was in an airport and some Twilight fan girls came up to him and called him Edward and he ignored them but when a Harry Potter fan girl came up and asked if he was Cedric Diggory, he gave her an autograph.
Twilight teaches little girls how to be shallow
There are soooo many reasons I have problems with this article. God, muggles are so stupid sometimes
I’m sorry my friend… it is not
As I hate to agree with a Dementor, yes this person needs to go to St.. Mungos and never leave
No only give them fire whiskey and that fancy French dish from goblet of fire
Don’t drag Jesus into this. This is a fandom thing not a religious thing
Finally! Someone who understands this persons racistism ( I know that’s not a word shut up)
Nooo don’t do that. I will come to your house and do something to you… I’m not sure what yet
She spelled swirl like Quirrel!
Omg this made my day
Omg you insulted her so bad while trying to make us feel bad for her! HOUSE CUP FOR YOU
This series just teaches little girls to be shallow and depend on men
Comic sans makes you sound sooooo stupid.
This made my day
Can’t even count… that just makes this even more stupid
Not even 50, give this person 150
Also Sirius was created BEFORE Jacob.
Or maybe she has a tic just like the person who wrote Harry Potter in the titles.
I’ve recently read this “persuasive” argument of yours and I must say, you must have banged your head several times against the keyboard when you were writing this. First of all, you should probably check you spelling and grammar. There were multiple words that were spelled incorrectly and there were several grammar mistakes. Secondly, Harry Potter came out years before Twilight did so it was impossible for J.K. Rowling to copy Stephanie Meyer. In conclusion, you written this essay in my class, you’d be guaranteed to get a 1 out of 10.
In conclusion, if you’d written this essay in my class, you’d be guaranteed to get a 1 out of 10.
Taylor launter isn’t black, so basically your fact backfired on yourself, and that’s not even j.k Rowling that’s Jennifer anniston.
J.k Rowling suffered from depression and writing the books helped her get over that. So I’m asking have you ever watched the movies or read the books of Harry Potter, obviously not because you would now that the stem on the p resembles the scar on Harry Potter forehead that’s all I have to say you MUGGLE!!
Wow these comments make me feel good
Most people who hate on Twilight haven’t even seen the movies & are just making assumptions that it doesn’t have a plot and is only about a ‘sparkling vampire’. That’s actually not true. A lot of comments are about how Bella did nothing but lie around while her boyfriend did all the work. That’s also not true. She went through pain & suffering.
– In the first film she was willing to sacrafice her life for her mother, and ended up getting extremely injured.
– In the second film, she risked her life to save the person she loved.
– in the third film, she cut herself to save Edward from being killed.
– in the fourth film, she went through so much pain and suffering- she broke her back, had to get her stomach cut open- with no medical help or treatment; and died.
– in the fifth film, she did anything to protect her daughter and would’ve fought in a motherfking war.
Also, in the first few films when Bella is still a human, SHE CANNOT KILL A FKING VAMPIRE. she literally cannot rip a vampires fking head off.
Also, I’m a Harry Potter fan too.. I’m not hating on your fandom, I’m just trying to stop you all hating on Twilight. Don’t get me wrong; Harry Potter is a great series and I’ve read all the books.
But still, stop hating on twilight.
Geez… no just no Bella is relying on Edward… she just teaches little girls how to be shallow