10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter
Twilight is better than Harry Potter! There is no doubt about that. Here are 10 facts that prove it 100%. Scroll down and see for yourself!
1,762 thoughts on “10 Reasons Why Twilight is Better than Harry Potter”
BTW Meyer doesn’t even cast a black actor to play JAKOB BLACK. a bit racist? I thought so!!
Seriously, eww
Probably already did
I am sorry. :( It is a pretty name, and feel bad that you have to share it with her
I need to go recover from this. You obviously need to go read harry potter before someone crucios you.
Really? Let’s all remember which book came first…harry potter .
That’s not even Jo! Its Jennifer Aniston. God these people are stupid.
This is really stupid. Anyway, Harry Potter came out before Twilight, so jo couldn’t have copied Stephanie Myer.
sparkling vampires? please
This could be a few things. A troll who’s trying to start a fight, a person who was dared to make this/drunk when they made this/made this as a form of punishment, or Stephenie Meyer herself.
Hilarious .. how could u say that . Harry potter teaches u bravery and what does twilight teach u ??? Twilight sucks
That photo of JK ROWLING isn’t even JK ROWLING…its JENNIFER ANISTON…you stupid twilight fans.
Nice one Rose
Just so you know Harry Potter came out 8 years before twilight
That’s Jennifer Aniston. Don’t be as stupid as Bella.
And Hermione is a true inspiration for young girls all around the world.
No one asked your opinion you filthy little mudblood!!!!
Wait till my father hears about this
I’m so sorry, as much as I would like to share your view….
Harry Potter is my preference.
This is a joke right. I hope this is a joke and there isn’t an idiot with bad grammar and no sence of the fact that Harry Potter came out first
Oh. My. God. Let me ask you: have you ever even opened a book?? Your arguments make absolutely no sense, also; grammar, and you probably got a C because you can’t write for shit. Oh, wait, now I see how your writing is similar to SMs’. Sorry bout that, you illiterate fool.
At my school, people like twilight! And my reaction is just like, I’m surrounded by bloody idiots!
“OMG only dumb ppl believe in magic!” Are vampires and pedo-wolves not magic? I’m just saying!
I can’t belive I killed the Dark Lord so People like this can exist
This was amazing, I hate to think that some people truly that HP is terrible. You need to have more hilarious spoofs, @Eatliver.
It’s Sirius NOT ‘Serious’. MIND YOUR SPELLING
I would not expect any better from a person who use Comic Sans.
Jingle bell, twilight smells. Edward ran away…
Bella died, Jacob cried, Harry potter all the way.
I absolutely support your opinion
…oh wait, not a joke? Sorry, I only thought so because Harry Potter might be slightly superior to Twilight.
Who am I kidding Twilight is trash compared to Harry Potter.
Sooooo true
Wait… I’m confused, is it racist to be white while having the last name black? And J.K. Rowling had nothing to do with the casting; that’s the directors job.
This is hilarious, the poor girl is brainwashed from reading crap.
Let’s hope so
Well the original says “No one asked for your opinion you filthy little mudblood.”
Yes! Good Job!
I seriously hope this is a joke. Because whoever wrote this is either 5 years old or a complete idiot.
I was wondering if this person was just joking cos all your points seem like you’re showing how dumb Twilight fans are, so I’m wondering if you are actually a Potterhead showing that Twilight is stupid and they can’t produce evidence saying that Harry Potter is bad. Especially since your spelling is poor.
Cos seriously, whoever creates ‘points’ that Twilight is better is delusional.
It is a prank
(Never thought I’d be saying this, but) GO BELLATRIX!!!
I really hope this is a joke! If not this is person has less brains than a troll.
Relax everyone, this is a joke, from my brother Fred
Sorry George wasn’t made by me. I thought it was you!
Who did this stupid post then? Whoever posted this is a git!
Oh cousin, of course she was
OMG! I am laughing so hard now! Twilight?! T-Twilight teaches you those things?! LOL!!
I try very hard to be a git. don’t insult my ability to be a git.
They are both really really good. But in my opinion Twighlight is a little bit better. This is my opinion. I don’t care what you guys say
Rachel or Rowling?? Lmao…We’ll Steph did use bit of HP cuz HP came out before twilight and so Sirius …
Filthy mudbloods…
I’ve never know a vampire to sparkle…
This is a joke. Right, Fred?
Sorry, George.
I had nothing to do with it.
This is a joke, isn’t it, Georgie? The person who wrote this is mad and needs to attend St. Mungo’s immediately. ( Grins wickedly) Let’s show them the way.
I’m way ahead of you. Nosebleed Nougat of Fainting Fancies?
Yes please do this
Shameful, Bellatrix. I didn’t expect to find the likes of you on a website for muggles.
Leo? Don’t mess with wizards…
Harry Potter came before ttwilight, “r” is not a word, and this article is stupid.
Dad? Is this a joke from Uncle Ron? I hope this is a joke.
Stop, stop, stop, you’re going to going to take some one’s eyes out, besides, its authOR, not authER!
P.S. Surprised to see me here Harry? I’m still alive, and I can play the pretending to be dead thing just as well as you! Meet me at the Shrieking Shack on Friday at midnight, and come alone. I’m waiting Harry.
Hey Harry is this a joke from your friends Fred and George Weasley?
Hello Tom. I can do it too
Dear The world’s stupidest troll
Alright first of all you got a C for 3 reasons
1. You write like Stephanie Meyer
2. Your spelling and grammar are atrocious
And 3. You’re abusing my father and my world
Sincerely Albus Severus Potter
Not even Voldemort would want you as a death eater half blood pure blood mudblood he won’t care he’d never let you join
P.S. jingle bells twilight smells Edward ran away Bella died Jacob cried Harry Potter all the way
From peeves the poltergeist
Ha yeah right I’m not going to fall for that one
How can you think that twilight is better because you don’t find out about the plot until more than halfway through the movie in twilight
Wait till my father hears about this…..
how can anyone even try to compare twilight to harry potter.. Everything in harry potter connects and everything is there for a reason
P.S.the picture is not even Rowling’s, that is Jenniffer Aniston
Mom, is this a joke from Uncle George or Uncle Fred.
repeat after me riddikulus
But what are you doing here, Father?
Didn’t make this, Lily-flower. I thought it was your brother. I mean, James try too hard sometimes.
Oh, son, he already has…
Rose, didn’t I tell you not to talk about Fred around George? He’s still not over it. And watch your mouth around your grandparents too.
I’m sure George made this as a joke.
You demigods should stay away.
Finally, someone who understands life! FAITH IN HUMANITY RESTORED
This article is riddikulus *mutters*
What has this world come to. :(
It’s a joke! And putting Jennifer Aniston instead of J.K. Rowling was just meant as a joke because they look alike.
Fred, Fred, back from the dead.
I love all of these comments
Who wrote this? I would like to know if this person is in the infirmary and/or the asylum
What. An. Idiot.
1) its SIRIUS and 2) i can’t believe i’m doing this but, i have to be with my mother for this one. muggles really are pathetic.
you go Minnie!
I seriously almost clawed my hair out reading this
What??? *cries*
Who do you think gave him internet connection?
You know dear, the moment I looked at that Comic Sans font, I knew you did not have the mind for the noble art of Divination…..or even reading and learning in general….
Oh dear child, I’m afraid you need help…..
This better be a troll because I’m going to need to have a talk with them
They call Harry Potter’s fans Potterheads, and they call Twilight fans Idiots. I see why.
BTW Meyer doesn’t even cast a black actor to play JAKOB BLACK. a bit racist? I thought so!!
Seriously, eww
Probably already did
I am sorry. :( It is a pretty name, and feel bad that you have to share it with her
I need to go recover from this. You obviously need to go read harry potter before someone crucios you.
Really? Let’s all remember which book came first…harry potter .
That’s not even Jo! Its Jennifer Aniston. God these people are stupid.
This is really stupid. Anyway, Harry Potter came out before Twilight, so jo couldn’t have copied Stephanie Myer.
sparkling vampires? please
This could be a few things. A troll who’s trying to start a fight, a person who was dared to make this/drunk when they made this/made this as a form of punishment, or Stephenie Meyer herself.
Hilarious .. how could u say that . Harry potter teaches u bravery and what does twilight teach u ??? Twilight sucks
That photo of JK ROWLING isn’t even JK ROWLING…its JENNIFER ANISTON…you stupid twilight fans.
Nice one Rose
Just so you know Harry Potter came out 8 years before twilight
That’s Jennifer Aniston. Don’t be as stupid as Bella.
And Hermione is a true inspiration for young girls all around the world.
No one asked your opinion you filthy little mudblood!!!!
Wait till my father hears about this
I’m so sorry, as much as I would like to share your view….
Harry Potter is my preference.
This is a joke right. I hope this is a joke and there isn’t an idiot with bad grammar and no sence of the fact that Harry Potter came out first
Oh. My. God. Let me ask you: have you ever even opened a book?? Your arguments make absolutely no sense, also; grammar, and you probably got a C because you can’t write for shit. Oh, wait, now I see how your writing is similar to SMs’. Sorry bout that, you illiterate fool.
At my school, people like twilight! And my reaction is just like, I’m surrounded by bloody idiots!
“OMG only dumb ppl believe in magic!” Are vampires and pedo-wolves not magic? I’m just saying!
I can’t belive I killed the Dark Lord so People like this can exist
This was amazing, I hate to think that some people truly that HP is terrible. You need to have more hilarious spoofs, @Eatliver.
It’s Sirius NOT ‘Serious’. MIND YOUR SPELLING
I would not expect any better from a person who use Comic Sans.
Jingle bell, twilight smells. Edward ran away…
Bella died, Jacob cried, Harry potter all the way.
I absolutely support your opinion
…oh wait, not a joke? Sorry, I only thought so because Harry Potter might be slightly superior to Twilight.
Who am I kidding Twilight is trash compared to Harry Potter.
Sooooo true
Wait… I’m confused, is it racist to be white while having the last name black? And J.K. Rowling had nothing to do with the casting; that’s the directors job.
This is hilarious, the poor girl is brainwashed from reading crap.
Let’s hope so
Well the original says “No one asked for your opinion you filthy little mudblood.”
Yes! Good Job!
I seriously hope this is a joke. Because whoever wrote this is either 5 years old or a complete idiot.
I was wondering if this person was just joking cos all your points seem like you’re showing how dumb Twilight fans are, so I’m wondering if you are actually a Potterhead showing that Twilight is stupid and they can’t produce evidence saying that Harry Potter is bad. Especially since your spelling is poor.
Cos seriously, whoever creates ‘points’ that Twilight is better is delusional.
It is a prank
(Never thought I’d be saying this, but) GO BELLATRIX!!!
I really hope this is a joke! If not this is person has less brains than a troll.
Relax everyone, this is a joke, from my brother Fred
Sorry George wasn’t made by me. I thought it was you!
Who did this stupid post then? Whoever posted this is a git!
Oh cousin, of course she was
OMG! I am laughing so hard now! Twilight?! T-Twilight teaches you those things?! LOL!!
I try very hard to be a git. don’t insult my ability to be a git.
They are both really really good. But in my opinion Twighlight is a little bit better. This is my opinion. I don’t care what you guys say
Rachel or Rowling?? Lmao…We’ll Steph did use bit of HP cuz HP came out before twilight and so Sirius …
Filthy mudbloods…
I’ve never know a vampire to sparkle…
This is a joke. Right, Fred?
Sorry, George.
I had nothing to do with it.
This is a joke, isn’t it, Georgie? The person who wrote this is mad and needs to attend St. Mungo’s immediately. ( Grins wickedly) Let’s show them the way.
I’m way ahead of you. Nosebleed Nougat of Fainting Fancies?
Yes please do this
Shameful, Bellatrix. I didn’t expect to find the likes of you on a website for muggles.
Leo? Don’t mess with wizards…
Harry Potter came before ttwilight, “r” is not a word, and this article is stupid.
Dad? Is this a joke from Uncle Ron? I hope this is a joke.
Stop, stop, stop, you’re going to going to take some one’s eyes out, besides, its authOR, not authER!
P.S. Surprised to see me here Harry? I’m still alive, and I can play the pretending to be dead thing just as well as you! Meet me at the Shrieking Shack on Friday at midnight, and come alone. I’m waiting Harry.
Hey Harry is this a joke from your friends Fred and George Weasley?
Hello Tom. I can do it too
Dear The world’s stupidest troll
Alright first of all you got a C for 3 reasons
1. You write like Stephanie Meyer
2. Your spelling and grammar are atrocious
And 3. You’re abusing my father and my world
Sincerely Albus Severus Potter
Not even Voldemort would want you as a death eater half blood pure blood mudblood he won’t care he’d never let you join
P.S. jingle bells twilight smells Edward ran away Bella died Jacob cried Harry Potter all the way
From peeves the poltergeist
Ha yeah right I’m not going to fall for that one
How can you think that twilight is better because you don’t find out about the plot until more than halfway through the movie in twilight
Wait till my father hears about this…..
how can anyone even try to compare twilight to harry potter.. Everything in harry potter connects and everything is there for a reason
P.S.the picture is not even Rowling’s, that is Jenniffer Aniston
Mom, is this a joke from Uncle George or Uncle Fred.
repeat after me riddikulus
But what are you doing here, Father?
Didn’t make this, Lily-flower. I thought it was your brother. I mean, James try too hard sometimes.
Oh, son, he already has…
Rose, didn’t I tell you not to talk about Fred around George? He’s still not over it. And watch your mouth around your grandparents too.
I’m sure George made this as a joke.
You demigods should stay away.
Finally, someone who understands life! FAITH IN HUMANITY RESTORED
This article is riddikulus *mutters*
What has this world come to. :(
It’s a joke! And putting Jennifer Aniston instead of J.K. Rowling was just meant as a joke because they look alike.
Fred, Fred, back from the dead.
I love all of these comments
Who wrote this? I would like to know if this person is in the infirmary and/or the asylum
What. An. Idiot.
1) its SIRIUS and 2) i can’t believe i’m doing this but, i have to be with my mother for this one. muggles really are pathetic.
you go Minnie!
I seriously almost clawed my hair out reading this
What??? *cries*
Who do you think gave him internet connection?
You know dear, the moment I looked at that Comic Sans font, I knew you did not have the mind for the noble art of Divination…..or even reading and learning in general….
Oh dear child, I’m afraid you need help…..
This better be a troll because I’m going to need to have a talk with them
They call Harry Potter’s fans Potterheads, and they call Twilight fans Idiots. I see why.
This article is riddikulus…