45 thoughts on “Donald Trump vs. Kamala Harris Debate In a Nutshell”

  1. That’s kinda how it went.

  2. and she looks as clueless as she is…

  3. I looked pretty much the same trying to follow what the orange wig said.

  4. Clueless about what planet he came from. Wondering how many light years away is Planet Gibberish.

  5. It’s almost like putting an old senile man in office is a bad idea…..well that’s what the conservatives keep saying any way!

    The right wing of democracy, is hypocrisy apparently!

  6. We are all clueless about he is talking about, including Rump.
    In NY the T in his name is silent… lol

  7. Blimey; Trump is dumber than than a stick of gum!

  8. Oh good lord. A political post? The comments are gonna be a shiatshow

  9. Pretty fair moderation of the debate.
    Kamala gave lots of details on her plans on how to fix things.
    Kamala demonstrated her successes since she was gifted the VP position in relation to the border and the economy.
    Kamala sucsessfully separated herself from the dramatically failed Biden presidency.
    Kamala didn’t even repeat long debunked stories about Trump.

    Just kidding.
    She’s more fake than a plastic Santa.

  10. Best read to the tune of “Lose Yourself” by Eminem. 🤣🤣😿

  11. Please elaborate ANY of trumps plans, for improvement of the country?

  12. MAGA

  13. Preventing a further 4-8yrs of Bidinflation would be plenty…

  14. Inflation began during trump presidency

  15. Donald Coward Trump announced he will not attend a second debate. Sore loser.

  16. I’ve always wondered if Orange Dude was just pretending to be horribly stupid to attract the less than intelligent sector of the country. After watching the debate, it’s official: he is truly horribly stupid.

  17. It always make me sad, when hearing him talk.
    All he does is saying: I’m the best, all others are failures, the country is going to hell if you don’t elect me.
    He keep repeating the same statements over and over, and people, instead of actively researching if it’s the truth, start thinking, it must be correct, since he claim it to be.
    He got no plans or solutions for fixing any problems in the country. He say he does, yet never explain how.

    His supporters don’t care. They just verbally attack first Biden and now Harris.
    Finding it fun to come up with nicknames, instead of attacking their politics.

    Try search the truth, and not just listen to Fox News or CNN.

  18. Attacking Harris is far easier than coming up with anything valid to say about trump! They just can’t tell us why trump is good…..only that Kamala isn’t the skin colour they thought she was so she is gonna be a bad president, I guess! Or make something up about inflation being Bidens fault…somehow!

  19. Blah? Idiot.

  20. MAGA = RINO
    Even Dick Cheney says he’s a clear and present DANGER!

  21. Trump says that he won’t have a second debate – guess the bone spurs have returned.

  22. What a loser. Coward. Unworthy the presidency.

  23. ‘ What a loser. Coward. Unworthy the presidency.’

    But enough about Harris

  24. Want inflation? Just add at least 10% to everything with all those tariffs trump wants!

    Oil refineries were shut down when we all stayed home and China shut down for two years. Gas prices were going up, and so was everything we bought.

    We had low super low interest rates for over a decade, and the feds printed money like crazy with quantitative easing.

    We would of had high inflation with anyone in charge.

  25. “I have a concept of a plan!”

    He promised to repeal and replace on day one and it turns out he didn’t even have a plan. Eight years later and he hasn’t even come up with one. Same with that infrastructure bill.

    He promised to drain the swamp, but instead he hired a bunch of people who committed crimes while in office.

    Why would anyone believe anything Trump says? Do you trust him to drain the swamp ?

  26. Should you trust a criminal to uphold the rule of law?

    Is it ok to have a president commit crimes and ignore the courts? Even if you like Trump you may not like the next crook in charge. Maybe that’s why all those people who used to work for Trump have publicly stated they are voting for Harris.

  27. I don’t care if the Americans under Trump will implement more tariffs. That would mean their citizens will have to pay for it. Like any other country America needs imports. That’s the choice between global economy or living in a country like North Korea.

  28. Maga tears. Delicious!

  29. I just don’t get how someone can fail so hard for their first presidency but convince a group of people it was all someone else’s fault and that they really have what it takes to do it! How brain dead can you be to think he’s gonna do right this time? Kamala is bad so vote big dumb dumb? Is that the plan?

    The way the right seem to vote is equivalent to buying a new car based on how much you dislike all the other cars! It’s feckin weird man!

  30. Another fake attempt on Trump. 😂

  31. Trump stinks.

  32. Another false flag assassination attempt. Bob will fall for it.

  33. Once again a Republican has been identified as the shooter. Where’s Bob?

  34. My favorite word in the news today……”apparent” it’s like they dont even know whats happening but they’re gonna tell us the story anyway!

  35. When you plan a fake assassination attempt on yourself you ususaly know all the details. 🤣

  36. It’s official. The Republican party killed a helpless American woman on the operating table. Talirebublican Murder.

  37. Ya we saw the nineteen other posts you made saying the same thing…..good for you kid!

  38. Fact check: Kamala only lied once. It lasted about 90 mins.
    All she had to do was 10% better than Joe.

  39. Sure Bob. She had no chance against the geriatric genius.

  40. Ya she did only 10 percent better than Joe…….and still cleaned out the orange idiot…guess thats how easy it is to make a Republican look stupid!

  41. Kamala. Never have so many words said so little.

  42. But it were words. Trump made animal sounds.

  43. “We hate Trump because they told us to!”
    “Trump is a racist because they told us so!”
    “If Trump gets elected he’s going to nuke Finland and jail all the LMNOP+ people just like he did last time!”

  44. “we won’t take the vaccine that is proven by science because we were told not to by YouTubers!”

    “Immigrants eat your pets because trump said so and I believe stupid shit like that!”

    ” The ozone can’t be affected by CFCs if I spray them in my house…..it’s not like they can just escape out a window or ventilation, trump told me this so i believe it”

    “Covid is a hoax….oh wait no it’s not….now the vaccine is a hoax….no wait I dont know whats a hoax let me check in with Joe Rogan first”

    ” We think socialism is bad even though the police and fire fighters are socialist programs, we don’t say anything about that because we’re not told to say anything about it”

    We don’t like trump because he’s an idiot, you like trump because your an idiot!

  45. Don’t forget that bleaching your blood and UVing your insides was a good idea in Trump’s eyes! So naturally his followers would agree……..right? Right trumpies? He’s a smart cookie right?

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