The lady in this meme is Mette Frederiksen. She’s a prime minister of Denmark (the real owner of Greenland), and she has a joke to tell.
The lady in this meme is Mette Frederiksen. She’s a prime minister of Denmark (the real owner of Greenland), and she has a joke to tell.
This panel is a good joke, the Orange guy is a bad joke.
But he needs that ice for his beverages… btw, who’s the Karen?
You are.
She’s the prime minister of Denmark. A real politician not an orange TV clown playing one for his own amusement and enrichment.
They’re(politicians) all in it for their own amusement and enrichment, some are just a lot louder, obvious and obnoxious about it than others.
Trump is a loud mouth Buffon who thinks is the most powerful
person on the planet. Guess he will learn over the next four years,
If he survives that long, how little power he actually has.
Poor old America, he is going to destroy even further what most
nations already feel about Americans.
She doesn’t look that hot. I think the hair bun pulls the wrinkles out. The Italian prime minister is the hottest in leadership in the EU. Why are conservative women hot?
They aren’t. Look at MTG.
And judging women on their looks… makes you look weak, Bob.
So, concerning MTG. She isn’t good looking. And also a nutjob. The nutjob being the relevant part in politics.
MTG is the best because she is smart. So smart that she is hiding the fact she is daily.
That one was good.
Being smart doesn’t mean you can’t be a complete nutjob…
If you use more than 1 square of toilet paper you are to blame for the fire.
If you don’t sweep the forest floor like in Finland you are to blame for the fire.
And if you don’t use a Sharpie to draw clouds and raindrops on a California map then you are to blame for not putting the fire out.
We have exploding trees… dangerous.
I see the lefties are taking their slaughter at the polls well! You would think they would learn something from it, but most of them won’t. The ones who did learn are why they got their butt kicked to begin with. They are reduced to blaming Trump for things when he’s not even president yet!
The Nature Conservancy says they routinely use planned and controlled brush fires to prevent major fires. The libs in California wont allow that. How’s that working? They are more concerned with DEI. That’s a big help now, isn’t it? California is a laughing stock. I say we give them, Oregon, and other northwestern blue states to Greenland! Let them take care of the clueless buffoons.
That would improve the life of Californians. Modern freedom, rights, laws and social systems. The U.S. can’t offer that.
Your “slaughter” is a 1.5% difference in votes.
Founding fathers fight mornachy and declare independence from kingdom. Republican voters vote man to be king and lose freedom.
The fires are Gavin Newsome’s fault. Much like Trudeau, this oily haired idiot has been destroying his State of eCalifornia for years. DEI just means unqualified people in positions of power and look what that’s done. Progressive Governance simply doesn’t work. But their vote blue no matter who madness has ruined a once great State.
Come on now, Newsome is the best thing since Jesus, maybe better. He’s managed to get whine from no water…
When you say it we all know it’s just lies.
When money was needed to manage forests so many Republicans voted against it. But now they will blame the Democrats . Typical.
Republican blame game 101
Democrats are 100% in charge of California. It doesn’t matter what the Republicans want. Newsome and his progressive insanity is responsible. The reservoir was empty on purpose. The water mains were empty on purpose. Newsome cut 100 million of the fire departments budget and the mayor in the area, the one who was in Africa at the time, cut an additional 20 million. Even the fire chief stated publicly that the Mayor and Newsome failed the citizens. As I said, Progressive governance doesn’t work. Biden showed us that. Trudeau showed us that. How many more people have to die or have their lives destroyed by these clowns before people learn. The fires were Republicans fault. What a pile of horse shi#.
Sure, LA burned down. But at least the fire department had lots of trans, women, and PoC
Orangeland is the 51st state
Still amazed stupid maga people think other people couldn’t be firefighter because they are trans, women or poc. It takes a special, vicious kind of stupid to think that. Usualy it’s grounded in some kind of inferiority complex.
As said, Republican blame game 101. Repeating the lies don’t make them true.
It’s American standards. A European city wouldn’t burn like that due to building standards. Everything in the U.S. is cheap. Even the luxury villas of the stars.
A Fench church burns every 2 weeks
The whole U.S. burns every year.
Greenland’s leader, Múte Egede, said he is prepared to negotiate with Trump about the future of the Arctic territory.
Newsome and his twin Trudeau. The destroyers of anything decent. Both fought to put men in little girls changing rooms. Both forced people to take a now proven carcinogenic injections. Even forced it on children. How many little kids collapsed and died or are now suffering with heart problems or blood clots etc.. pure evil.
Eucalyptus is an invasive species imported from the Ausi underverse to punish the wicked Comifornians. I blame the Ausi’s, The French (of course the French) and those of you who use > 1 square of toilet p as paper.
My work is done here, carry on.
The fires are still set by Republicans. They counted on this outcome and the blood of those who died in the fires is on their hands.
On Jan.20th my first act as President will be to addressed as
“Your Highness”.
I have worked hard and diligent all my life to earn this title.
P.S the Initial J in my name is for John, not rotten little Johnny!
I will sue those who have besmirched my name.
It’s gonna be yuge
How would sweeping the forests stop subdivisions from burning? Do MAGAs think that they leave dried out tumbleweeds packed around their houses and on their lawns in California. Should have stopped with “Do MAGAS think…”. Should Newsom have put up windbreaks to stop 100 Mph winds.
After hearing and misunderstanding the California news conferences, where they repeatedly mention “repopulating” the area, both president elect Trump, former president Clinton, and a host of other sitting and former politicians are rushing to the area to aid in this effort…

When Orangeland is acquired impediments need to be put in place so The Party(D) doesn’t take over and find a way to burn it down.
Bosh the bibble complexity in Trump’s name% (R)
Gibberish as always.
The Orange (Felon) idiot has been destroying Our nation for years. MAGA just means unqualified people in positions of power and look what that’s done. MAGA governance simply doesn’t work. But they vote red no matter whose madness has ruined a once great Nation.
I would have made this joke with a more exact quote, but your English is not “pretty”.
MAGA is not political. It’s a scam to steal taxpayer money.
Sadly for the Left, Leftist ideology globally is at an all time low. Your just sad angry sore losers. And no one cares anymore
Is it though? People had it too good under the last decades of “leftist idiology”. That’s why they forgot how incompetent and vile Conservatives and Far-rights are. Seems they will get a new lection soon.
People had it to good under Leftist ideology.. hahahaha. Yes, that’s why leftist leaders like Trudeau are resigning and being thrown out of office. Because they were doing such a great job hahaha. Like the Leftists in California. Your ridiculousness is excellent. The perfect example of a low information voter. Thank you
. Watch closely on Monday when a real leader takes control.
And Trump would be in prison if you morons hadn’t voted for the criminal. Enjoy 4 years of embarassing cleptocracy.

Butt hurt Leftists.. it never gets old

Gloating about being scammed. Rightards 101.
What’s that? I’m sorry but since you’re such a tiny majority now the Left really has to scream to be heard. And no one cares anyway. How can you not know that by now? So out of touch with reality. Sad.
You are still a minority, moron. Cheating yourself into office doesn’t make you a majority.
Wait.. so now Trump cheated in the election?
. Oh my God. The Radical Left is truly insane. I think Trump broke their tiny minds. Well stand by.. he’s just getting started.
Trump cheated all his life. He cheated in business, his marriage and politics.
Cry louder. No one can hear the Left anymore. Nor does anyone want to. We’re to busy winning! No time for sour grapes.
What does the left have to do with his cheating? He’s still a cheater.