Come on guys, just because Donald Trump filed for bankruptcy 6 times and all of his casinos failed doesn’t mean you shouldn’t trust him on tariffs. His university was very successful, wait, nevermind. His airline… wait. You get the point!
Don’t forget to get your very own Trump pen holder! It works great with orange crayons and slim Russian salami, too!
Orange is the new failure
Only success was as casting show host.
Illegals being deported.
More! more… more.
The rank and file blob being fired.
More! more… more.
FBI and DOJ 1/6ers being fired and investigated.
More! more… more.
No more DIE signatures.
More! more… more.
Not tired of winning
More! more… more.
Inflation was down to 2%. Trump will get those numbers back up again. More..more.
Unemployment was down to 4%. Trump will fix that too. More,,More
Our allies respected us and stayed good allies. Trump will change that around.
Trump renegotiated NAFTA but is violating that agreement just like his business contracts. More..More… Doh!
Trump is firing all those pesky educated, competent and experienced people that can investigate his illegalities. Instead putting into his maladministration the most loyal to him or the billionaires that he is loyal to. It’s the setting of the start of the glorious Derp State Era. It sucks to be you if you are not already rich or lily white.. MOE..MOre.. mORe!
I hope his voter will be happy to pay for the tarrifs he established. Because it’s the consumer who has to pay the bill for that, not manufacturer. 🤣🤣🤣 Make America Pay Again!
Elon got full access to all your bank accounts and financial data. Let the steal begin.
It takes a special kind of imbecile to lose money with a casino.
He was skimming his casinos. He walked away with a lot of money
while the bankruptcies help wipe out “debt”.
To all of you who voted for this fraud artist I hope you will
be able to afford groceries, gasoline, and cost of living that
Is about to bite your ass.
Same old BS. Orange Man bad. Americans suck. You people learned nothing in the global fall of the Lefts suicidal ideology. Just doubling down on stupid now. But it’s okay. You have no political power. Your divisive voices no longer matter. Like Obama said, Elections have consequences. You should be spending your time rebranding. Not just keeping the failed status quote alive. But hey, you do you.
Meh… After four years of Bidenomics, a sudden arbitrary spike in prices isn’t an event, it’s a Tuesday… 🥱
Ouch, that’s a severe case of denial. 😂
17% of American exports go to Canada. 15% of American exports go to Mexico.
The US will be virtually unaffected by tariffs. Mean while, 80% of Mexican exports come to America and 75% of Canada’s exports come to America. They will ruin your whole economy. This is objective reality. Coping and seething will not change it. Cope.
Unless they invoke counter tariffs. As they have less imports from the U.S. they will easily find other suppliers with better commercial agreements and save money in the end. 😂
Or we could just stop the flow of illegal invaders and Chinese drugs into the US and it all goes away. This is a self inflicted wound. Or another Trudeau inflicted wound. Why won’t he even try to stop the drugs? Hmmm 🤔. Follow the money.
The money leads to the White House. Surprise. Just good business for conservatives. Drugs and human trafficking.
Ok bots.
These tariffs are gonna be awesome for the economy!
I’m not bothered by tariffs.
Skupaj z Melanijo sem bil na FAGG (fakulteta za arhitekturo, gradbeništvo in geodezijo). Bila je največja pizda in pička. Vse izpite je naredila z razširjenimi nogami. Govno. Je pa res, da je točno za prvo damo USA… tldr: ogaba.
My Canadian friends are tariff-ic
Follow the money. Eatliver Trump memes make Trump grumpy. Grumpy Trumpy tariffs Canada. Maple syrup prices in the US skyrocket. Shortages of syrup at Waffle House makes their customers meaner. Meaner patrons leads to more brawls. More brawls means more Waffle House memes for Eatliver… 🤔
I bake my own waffles. I’m ok with that.
I can imagine this being true, Bookbinder. Who else would marry Trump?
350 million people in the States, and the best you guys could come up with is this jackass – a convicted felon.
Convicted essentially of lying to cover up a sexual encounter. I remember a time when Dems thought that was just awesome. Certainly no reason to disqualify someone from holding office. 👗
So the Danish have folded on Greenland and Mexico also caved to Trump. The Mexican President will be sending 10,000 troops to the border to assist the US in securing its southern border. It’s main focus will be stopping cartels from shipping people and fentanyl into the US. Threat of tariffs removed. See how easy that was Trudeau? You F’ing idiot. Why will this clown not secure the border? He’ll crash our entire economy by refusing to do what he should already have been doing. Again.. this smells of corruption. And corruption is Trudeau’s middle name. He’s got to be getting paid by China for the fentanyl smuggling. Why else would he refuse to even try to stop it. God save us from this corrupt incompetent clown.
People won’t forget that bullying. You have been marked.
Mexico should invade Texas. It’s their territory.
Marked. I will as always report the threat to the FBI. Not the first time.
Trudeau has agreed to enforce border security. 1.3 billion on fighting drugs and people crossing into the US. Tariffs postponed for 30 days. See how easy that was… not worth threatening people who were correct in the first place. But I get it. You can only sling dirt on the US here. Anything else gets you marked. Sad.
George Floyd has not committed a crime in over 4 years now…
Trump took over and committed them for him.
That border security is wasted money. The trafficking is controlled by Republicans. They’ll have other ways to get the stuff in.
Don’t make us burn down your White House.
1.3 billion wasted: “Last year, U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents intercepted about 19 kilograms of fentanyl at the northern border, compared with almost 9,600 kilograms at the border with Mexico.”
He’s still a billionaire, so what’s your point? He’s obviously made more than he lost. Anyone who passed 2nd grade math can figure that out, which explains why so many libs can’t. The president must take a salary ($400,000 a year) but he donated all of his and became the only president to leave office worth less than he went in, mainly because he wasn’t allowed to run his businesses personally while he was in office. He didn’t care.
“You can’t get rich in politics unless you’re a crook.” – Harry S, Truman
How did Biden, Pelosi, Schumer and all the other high-power Dems become multimillionaires?
“While Trump publicly took credit for donating his taxpayer-funded salary, that ended up being less than 0.1% of the revenue and income he disclosed during his presidency. Far from being a sacrifice, the donation was merely a fig leaf to cover up four years of brazen corruption.”
Funny they never found any evidence of all that BS what with Trump being the most investigated person in history. People should be more concerned with rebuilding the Democrat brand since it’s circling the bowl. Lies and innuendo just make the brand worse. If that’s even possible at this point.
Trump himself claimed to be the most investigated person in history. Everyone knows it’s bull.
Haha! It’s all working. Trump has victory after victory.
6 bankruptcies in 100s of businesses isn’t bad at all.
You know the pyrrhic victory?
Mexico and Canada owned Trump and his Minions. They agreed to do what they were already doing. Trump also negotiated a deal where McDonald’s will now be offering French Fries.
Arguably one of the most ridiculous comments I’ve ever read on here. Not only a lie, but a over the top lie. This is the mind of the Left. Scary.
Indeed. You are as smart as your master. No one can fool you. 😏
All Trudeau did is remind Trump he promised 1.3 billion two months ago.
If only Trump’s plans weren’t working. These countries know a powerful and effective leader and get with the plan quickly. Quite beautiful actually. It’s nice to have an effective leader that looks out for the country.
you know this days is very difficult to very person because Inflation is very high soo every peson disappointed soo you i have many
creative ideas to work from home ➤
Sounds like a scam. But the Admins allow it. Now say something pro Trump or anti Trudeau and THAT gets censored. Ok got it. Clown world.
Scam. Reminds me of Trump.
Yes, Trump and his scams. The most investigated man, family and businesses in history and they find garbage or made up new laws and inserted ADs and prosecutors for their cause and still fail to “get him” after at least a decade.
Blind pardons and commutations going back a decade for all Biden family members and croneys doing their will is perfectly fine. Nothing to see here. We swear.
In a civilised country January 6th would have earned him a prison sentence.
Jan 6th details keep pointing to people other than the one you blame.
Why pardon the Jan 6 committee?
What about all the evidence that was “lost” or “accidentally” destroyed?
Why a massive collection, distruction and reissue of cell phones of the secret service and other government agencies involved at that same time when evidence would have needed to be preserved?
“Pipe bombs” at the DNC and RNC and no arrests or follow ups?
It kind of stinks when all the conspiracy theories that people were jailed over seem to come out as true over and over and over again.
The only thing I’ll give you on Jan 6th is that anyone who assaulted law enforcement or vandalized government property deserve proper and equal application of the law against them.
Where’s the proof against Trump? Is it the dog whistles that only the left seem to hear?
“The most investigated man”
That’s what he claims to be. Which is the ususal nonsense.
There has been proof for his crimes though. But the American justice system is weak and evidence can be easily dismissed or disappear if you have the right people at the right positions or enough political pressure. So, the problem isn’t getting proof but getting justice to work in America.
He wants to be seen as “the most investigated man in history” because otherwise it would mean he is a common criminal. And his narcissistic ego couldn’t cope with that.
So who is the most investigated man in history then? Serious question. It certainly wasn’t Trudeau or Biden. So please tell us O wise one, who is it?
The better question is: Why is Donald Trump involved in so many investigations? If there was nothing to investigate, he wouldn’t be investigated, would he? And as we know, in the U.S. justice system, just because you’re not convicted doesn’t mean you’re innocent. There’s always a deal to be made.
That is called fascism. When the controlling political party uses the justice system as tool to try and eliminate competition who will bring their corruption forward.
Is that the answer you wanted? It’s true. They even created laws to bring him into court knowing they couldn’t win but rather to drag him down and waste his money on legal matters. What if it was you or someone without his wealth. Would you be able to fight back? I doubt it.
Yeah, that’s what Trump is trying to establish now. A crippled justice system under his personal control.
All investigations into him were justified. His business pactices have been common knowledge before he even thought of becoming president. He often bragged about it. He bragged about molesting women for everyone to hear. And everyone saw him in January 6 live on TV. So, no witch hunt there.
Someone else wouldn’t have been dragged to court because they are not Trump. And if they had done the same crimes it would be justified as well. Trump is only a free man because the U.S. American justice system has already been compromised during his first term.
Looks like Trump brought down another plane. This time in Alaska. Best government ever.
Alaska is Russian.
The most investigated man is Hitler, without a shadow of a doubt. Unfortunately most of these investigations came too late. And in the one that should have earned him extradition to Austria he got a right-wing judge.
In the US, Al Capone beats Trump.
I kicked a brick wall and now my foot hurts!
Evidence of Trump corruption right there.
I’ll stand by the most investigated person comment. Your reasoning is flawed. These are modern times with modern technology in use, and hell of a lot more people and agencies and resources to investigate a living person. For your other examples, without direct access to information or the people themselves, a common person had few resources outside of Newspapers (some of which were supportive of Hitler, like the New York Times) to investigate these people in their time. After they were dead, you had to go to the library or buy books. The game is different.
Ah yes. Trump crippling the justice system.
Did you see how he inserted right wing justices and district attorneys who campaigned on nothing more than “I’m going to “get” the leader of the opposing party and make them pay” with no broken laws to mention.
Did you see how they changed and created laws to bring fake charges against people, knowing they couldn’t win but could declare victory in negative press and legal costs almost no one could bare.
Oh wait, that’s the left. Not Trump.
Nothing to see here.
I know…. Trump must be using witchcraft. Yeah that’s it.. Witchcraft! Some little municipality must still have a law on the books. He’s a witch! We must prosecute!
Not so far fetched when you hear people like AOC and Maxine Waters.
It’s not witchcraft. It’s centuries of mafia experience.
In the latest USAID release the Americans learned that Chelsea Clinton received 84 million dollars from the Democratic slush fund. US taxpayers paid for her lavish wedding and her mansion. But I’m sure everyone on here supports that right?
Baseless nonsense by the Me Am Gullible American crowd.
What a pile of BS. Look at those MAGA animals. They even attack people who never were in politics or in office. Only because who their family is. They did that in Germany in the 1930s too. Throwing whole families into the concentration camp because of one family member. They called it “Sippenhaft”.
North Korea does it to this day.
Trump wants that for the US too. You better start selling out your siblings to the MAGestapo.
How about we discuss all the successes of the previous administration.
1 – DEI hire VP
and umm.. Successes?
If you haven’t anything to contribute to the discussion… leave.
Trump will make America white again.
You misspelled ‘whine”.
You misspelled “wither”.
The only people involved with government that fear Trump actually fear getting caught.
Remember: If you say you hate Elon, you hate African Americans
Elon is one African American, not all of them. And he violated his student visa restriction. He’s a criminal immigrant. Deport him.
Wrote the person that not only hates African Americans but is now actively persecuting immigrants. What will you do next you monster..wash the blue dye from your armpit hair and loose enough weight so that you can no longer support your satellites with your gravity?
I think the troll is high tonight.
RFK Jr. is going to ban blue hair dye.
And your cancer treatment.
At least he is finally looking into SSRI’s. That poison has destroyed an entire generation of young people solely for profit. That alone is enough. The other stuff he does is just gravy.
Like every pharma product in the U.S. Republican owned included. You’re just cattle for the 1%. And Trump is their pet. Musk is president. 🤣
Says the person who has never even been to the US.
But you don’t have to go to America to understand American pharma conglomerates. Just sayin’.
Well JFK is going to fix big pharma. Because Trump wants him to. But it’s a bad thing if he does it right?
No, but it won’t be big pharma suffering. He’ll protect them. His children are vaxxed.
Hahaha sure they are. Just like Turdo was “vaccinated”. None of the elites actually took that crap regardless of the staged vaxx events. That was all for the sheep.
In the whole history of trade wars, the country that started it, always lost the most money.
Trump think US economy is strong. He will soon find out America ain’t top dog anymore.
Okay, you be sure and let us know when the US is not top dog anymore. And when the petro dollars isn’t the world’s currency. Or when their military looks like Canada’s. Going to be one hell of a day that.
Okay, U.S. is not top dog anymore.
EU GDP is higher.
Good luck with the fast rising inflation in trumpistan, and the crazy debts your country keep increasing.
Alienating the US of A from the rest of the world, while destroying your own economy.
You voted for the orange Big Mac Putin.
Now live with it.
Can’t wait for the Russian victory parade now that the USA have been conquered by the Kremlin.
China GDP is higher than US.
Worry about your own countries for once. We managed to get rid of Trudeau, or Turd O as we call him. Tomorrow’s election in Germany will determine the future course of Europe. Let’s just hope they can change their course or all is lost 😞. But for the Americans the futures so bright they gotta wear shades 😎
Germany will once again vote for the rape of their women and children. They just can’t help themselves from sacrificing their countries women to the invaders. That is usually the last straw for a country when they can’t or won’t protect their own women and children.
You couldn’t find Germany on a map even if your live depends on it, you buffoon. 🇩🇪💪🤣
The USA voted once again for a sexual predator in the WH.
In the conservative parts of the U.S. they call rape “marriage”.