Why do Christian MAGA people support Trump? It’s not like he’s following Jesus teachings or anything. Is the right answer that they’re simply dumb?
Btw, if you want to piss off a Trump support in your life, get him a present: Trump pen holder. It’s both practical and hilarious.
It,s the Truth!
It’s the TRUTH!
It’s the truth!
I win you rubes!
“Give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven.”
Not quoted from the Bible.
Please try harder next time.
“Give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven” is a quote from the Bible, Matthew 19:21.
Take money from the poor, and you will have the Treasury Service in Washington.💰🤑💰
Giving money to the poor is charity. The government taking your money and giving it whoever they want is socialism. If you disagree, you is dum.
And that’s BS.
Trump wants to deport priests that don’t praise him. He thinks he is God.
Give the money to the poor and you will have less money.
Don’t give money to the poor, they will just use them.
Giving the poor money is a waste, they will just piss it away
on food and medicine.
Now do Jews.. or Islam.. for ONCE.
Do Jews or Islam? Jews don’t need money from others, they already have all. And Islamic don’t need money – they have goats.
And the goats are not happy about this.
It is very refreshing to see trolls show contempt for the bible and try to spread misinformation, may they burn in hell.
Maybe the goats are, nobody knows.
I knew if I stated that, someone would look it up and post the chapter and verse.
“If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.”
Matthew 19 verse 21.
So not just money; everything.
The bible has been written by the elites to oppress the masses.
I’m your Lord and Savior.
Dirk Asstro, Trump wants to tax the middle class and poor with tariffs on the stuff they buy and give it to his rich buddies while eliminating the income tax while the rich already pay only a small portion of their disposable income compared to the peons. That means Trump is a socialist.
No, Trump is a fascist. It doesn’t even matter if he is left or right. By modern definition it can be both ways. It’s defined as a authoritarian and/or totalitarian system.
And Trump fits the bill of a fuhrerfigure like Hitler or Stalin.
🙄 progressive’s be crazy an sh&t
Right, progress is evil and crazy shit. Conservatives should return to their caves and let others live their lives in peace.
Few know Hitler paid no taxes since 1933, and he had significant income due to the mandatory purchase of “Mein Kampf” (over a million RM just in 1933+34).
And he claimed in 1933 that he is chancellor without salary, only to pay himself salary as chancellor AND president starting 1934.
Let’s see whether Trump does similar.
Wait, writing is a drag…I’m sure somebody will write a book for him with a title like “What you can get done with tiny hands”.
Eliminate all rich people’s wealth!!
Of course, you’ll have no job, no taxes for infrastructure or welfare, no innovation, no hospitals, nothing to buy, no food to eat etc. etc.
Of course Hitler didn’t need a salary. He just took money out the state budget if he needed some.
Socialism is the most perfect form of government there is—on paper.
But like a unicorn, it doesn’t exist in real life. It’s a pipe dream.
When you see people risking their lives on leaky boats to get Cuba or pay gangs their life savings to get into Mexico or Venezuela, then I’ll believe you.
Socialism is the government living high on the hog so they can ensure that everyone else in the country is equally miserable.
“In fact, the economies of Denmark and the other Scandinavian countries are not socialist but capitalist. They depend on the free market to generate the funds that make their extensive welfare system possible.”
If there is no reward for being successful, then there is little reason to be successful. Socialism breeds mediocrity. It’s that simple.
Every time humans are involved everything goes to sh*t.
Not every time, how about the time Trump – – – – –
Yah your right, right to shit!
Trump is the first US president to start with more disapproval than approval. Worst president in history. 😂
Talking to his people not to baby killers and those who would cut bits of their children. It’s a priority thang.
Trump wants to deport priests that don’t worship him as a god. You better watch out.
I think it beautiful how the leftards call Trump a fascist as they actively commit fascism against him. Then again, they are the same who commit actual racism in order to eliminate racism.
You obviously don’t understand the things you are talking about. It’s like someone is saying the police commits a crime because they arrest a criminal.
But, yeah, that’s what conservatives are actually saying these days when it’s about the criminal Trump… Never mind, you make sense. In your distorted way.
In my view, having read Nicodemus, my interpretation of Christ’s teachings isn’t that’s all about giving things away and being kind, i think it’s actually about people trying to kill Christ because they hated the truth of what he was saying against the dystopian state of the time. If you interpret Christ’s teachings in this way, then Trump is a true Christian, because he’s risking his life to call out the bullsh*t which everyone else is too cowherdly to point out.
And this is where you are wrong. Trump is the main source of all the BS. He just accuses other and his sheeple believe every lie. You are following a false prophet.
Apart from that Jesus and Nico lever lived. There is no historic record of their existence. The bible is not a historic document and all sources mentioning them take reference… yeah, to the bible and documents refering to the bible. Theology is a joke.
OMG you are quite the opinionated know it all prick.
Bet you could count on one finger the number of people
whom can stand to be around you. You are an ignorant
boorish know it all.
Nicodemus said, “Courage of the heart is very rare, the Stone has a power when it’s there.” 🐀
He ran out of arguments. Therefore he resorts to insulting me. What would Nicodemus say about that?
Nicodemus seemed pretty wise, by rat standards, thanks to NIMH, but apparently, don’t stand under the big looming brick, eluded him. So, I’m not really sure if that was the case. Maybe something along the lines of, “People who shop at Ikea shouldn’t play, The floor is lava…” 🤔
Lets argue about meaningless BS while the country burns.
Trump welcomes the fires as long as it is democratic states burning. He doesn’t care about the people losing their homes and lives. Just his image. That’s what narcissists do.
You really think this is the place for meaningful discussions??? 🤣🤣🤣
So I guess it’s the EU’s turn for tariffs. He’s going to make them pay their fair share for the military protection the US provides. Seems fair. The EU is just a mask for the ever shrinking globalist elites. Love that the EU and NATO are in Trumps crosshairs. Both are worthless organizations sucking money off the US and providing nothing. Are Europeans better off now then before the EU? No, they are not. Now if we can just get our corrupt leader Trudeau to at least make an effort to help secure our southern border we could eliminate the real threat of tariffs. What a putz.
Spoken like a true Russian patriot. Make Amerika Russian again.
Not gonna gloat but I was 100% correct. Tariffs averted.
That border security is wasted money. The trafficking is controlled by Republicans. They’ll have other ways to get the stuff in.
100% wrong. The tarrifs are merely paused for 30 days, till the bully’s next whim.
Well Trudeau Fuc#ed around and found out. He will now do anything Orange Man tells him to do. Our leader is a joke.
Actually Trudeau did nothing. It was Trump swinging his wrinkled dongle around in other peoples’ faces. No wonder everyone is disgusted and just want him go away.
And yet, the majority of Americans are very happy with what he’s doing. Go figure. It’s their country. It’s their Government. He’s their President. Stop whining about countries that are not YOURS and try to repair your own countries. But nooooo. We would rather bitch and moan about other peoples countries because we are basically retarded.
“We would rather bitch and moan about other peoples countries because we are basically retarded.” You mean like the Americans did since the founding of their country? 😂😂😂
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Yes.. ALL Americans are dumb, Trump suc#s and we hate you all. Now please restart our taxpayer funded US aid. You can’t fix stupid.
If all immigrants are criminals your assessment must be true.
So it’s not a crime to enter someones country illegally. Got it. 🤪
Is it really? I mean from a humanitarian point of view? For most it’s more desperation than criminal intent.
Try to illegally enter Mexico. See what happens. And Yes, it is illegal to enter someones country without that countries permission. Period. Stop being a crime supporter, or Democrat as they are more accurately called.
Many countries allow it. Especially if the governments have treaties or if they are refugees seeking asylum. But what would you know about the world outside your borders? Your mind is imprisoned.
If my country enforced our laws on illegal immigration maybe we’d have enough money to buy eggs for our children’s breakfast instead of paying billions to feed, cloth, house and educate criminals and their children. Maybe after Turd O is gone..
Or you could just fill the state fonds by taxing the billionairs who pay no taxes at all. Oh, they just took power over your country and strip you of your freedom and civil powers. To bad. Enjoy your hunger. Still paying billions to billionaires to feed, cloth, house and educate wealthy criminals and their entitled children. 🤣🤣🤣
My country is Canada under Turd O. I think you are just uninformed on how America works. Just take a look at the USAID scandals and who benefited. It wasn’t Republicans or the American people. The Left in the US is completely corrupt. It’s why they are a dying breed there and well everywhere to be honest.
Mhm, sure. 👌 One can only hope you post out of malice. Otherwise it would mean you are complete, uneducated, misinformed moron. And that would mean there is a negative IQ count.
No. Socialism is taking away money involuntarily. I’m not religious, I don’t think Jesus said to STEAL money from people and redistribute it.
That’s not socialism. Back to school.
So Europe is going to just sit ideally by why the US steals Ukrainian resources from them. Just like when Biden blew up the North Stream pipe line and did major damage to the European economy and they did nothing. Once again we see the weak, feckless leaders trying to push their social engineering projects while destroying their peoples future. What the hell happened to these morons? It’s sad.
No one knows what Trump is actually doing. It changes every hour. Stealing the resources. Buffooning about annexation of sovereign countries. Giving Ukraine to Putin. Renaming international waters. Assisting Europe saving Ukraine, sending weapons. Brabbling nonsense to international leaders and the press. Kissing Putin’s butt. Kissing Selenskyj’s butt. Kissing Musk’s butt. Kissing his own butt. Forgetting what Ukraine is and what day it is, and so on.
No wonder everyone is confused. People just watch in disbelieve. Sooner or later everyone will ignore Trump. Europe is already planning ahead without him in the theatre because the U.S. became unreliable.
Europe should have built their own military decades ago. And yes, the US is unreliable in giving Europeans military protection for pennies. And that’s a good thing. Trump just gives tough love and the babies can’t take it. Well buckle up. He’s got years left and he hasn’t even started on the big stuff. It’s gonna be glorious!
Weakest American presidency ever. Sad.
Alyaska — russkaya.
If he’s so weak why all the whining over what he’s done so far. Absent logic and reason as always.
Because he breaks the china. And that is a waste of money and time.
Wish someone would break the china here in Canadastan. We need it!
Agent Krasnov, aka Donald Trump, will strengthen China. China is an ally of his Russian masterlord.
Look! It’s 2016 here. Russia, Russia, Russia! You Maoists need to come up with a new screed. No one’s going to buy this old tried and failed Russia BS. Just makes you sound dumb and brainwashed clinging to old wore out nonsense. Make up a new more plausible anti Trump rant if you want to be taken seriously. What about Oh no! Trump has converted to islam and will turn the US into the new islamic caliphate. It’s a better, newer propaganda line that might get you some traction in your war on freedom. Good luck! 👍🏼
That’s exactly what a Russian troll agent would post. How’s the weather in St. Peterburg?
See.. dumber then a bag of hammers.
Yes, Bob is a halfwit.
You have to be more creative if your going to sell your Leftist propaganda to the masses and save the failed Leftwing. This Old nonsense just isn’t going to work now. No rice bowl for you comrade 🍚
Wrong dish. Try again.