Trump Lovers Logic: Typical Trump Supporters

The king of US Donald Trump may do and say whatever he wants, his fanboys will justify everything. Let’s face it, guys: it’s a cult.

He didn't say that. And if he did, he didn't mean that. And if he did, you didn't understand it. And if you did, it's not a big deal, and if it is...

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90 thoughts on “Trump Lovers Logic: Typical Trump Supporters”

  1. No point in pointing out how biased this site is. Serious Trump Derangement Syndrome thrives here. Speaking of syndromes, Yale scientists have linked Covid vaccinations to an alarming new syndrome causing “Distinct Biological changes” to the body. Post Vaccination Syndrome alters blood cells causing a loss of immunity and other serious illnesses as they discover MRNA still present in the blood and organs of individuals years after receiving Covid vaccinations. Hmmmm… so I guess the people who didn’t take the gene altering jab have been proven to have been correct all along. Sorry to all you GMO’s out there. Should a would a could a right.

  2. Many words. Say little. TDS= Trump Defense Squad

  3. There’s proof the brain cells got damaged, too. see above.

  4. Are there any good looking Trump supporters out there? Would like to see one.

  5. Y’all act like you never seen a orange President before, jaws all on the floor, like It’s the return of the “ah, wait, no way, you’re kidding. He didn’t just say what I think he did, did he?” Guess who’s back, back again? Trump is back, tell a friend… 🫣🙉😆

  6. Trump supporters are all morons.

  7. I thought baron was the retarded one, but Demented Donald keeps proving me wrong.

  8. You need to read that published paper from Yale, and not just copy paste what you read on social media….
    mRNA study might be to hard on the MAGA brains. You better stick to fox channel, where they tell the fools what to think.

  9. Yes, because Yale has always been a bastion of right wingers. It must be false then hahaha 🤣. People with brains didn’t fall for the Globalist population reduction plan. Those numb skulls.

  10. Would be so wonderful if there was a population reduction plan. I would really support this.

  11. Hitler had the same exact plan in mind. He succeeded in
    Eliminating about 20 million of those pesky people.

  12. There is. It’s called We Abate Residents, or just WAR for short. 💣

  13. Trump declared himself king. I warned you years ago. You didn’t listen. No more elections.

  14. Seems like you have the wrong President. Trump is in charge now, not Biden.

  15. Actually it’s Musk who’s in charge, even though absolutely no one voted for him.

  16. Yo Mama did.

  17. Trump is sucking up to his idol, the little murderous weasel Vladimir Putin.
    He is willing to sell the U.S.A down the river to obtain Putin’s approval.
    All the time Putin is looking and laughing at a man who is betraying his
    own country.
    It is a shame to have to witness this farce, and treason occurring. Trumps
    followers are no better than Trump for sitting back watching this tragedy

  18. The author of the website can’t calm down about the fact that the majority of Europeans support Trump. I mean not politicians, but ordinary people

  19. Adrian…. are you completely mental….?
    We have education in Europe, and the thought of self thinking is highly appraised.
    Absolutely no (ordinary) people in Europe would be so extremely weak brained to support a mentally sick man like Trump. Only in America…. We watched the election with disbelief.Trump gives a s..t about Americans, and he gives an even bigger s..t about the rest of the world. The only thing that turns him on, is power. If he is allowed to continue the full 4 years, he will bring millions of Americans into poverty, and probably be the sole cause of a war that will potentially kill millions. He has got the mind of a very popular Austrian painter, that lived around 80 years ago in Germany.

  20. Ehm….no Adrian ..
    Europeans with brains (not like my connationals in Italy…but they are special…)… would not support one guy like Trump…
    As said… my connationals voted for 3 times one mr Berlusconi and i think everybody consider Italy fourth world now

  21. Adrian no one with more than two brain cells supports Trump. Only uneducated, inbred American yobbos with bigger mouths than brains support that idiot.

  22. Europeans support Trump?
    That’s a strong claim, my not friend Adrian.
    Over here we clearly see how much the orange one is hollowing out your so much sacred democracy.
    We clearly see how much he’s licking Putins shoes.
    We clearly know to keep a distance from such a country.
    You’re on your own now.

    America first? Then be it so. You all clean your own toilets. No more Mexicans who come to clean. You don’t want these jobs? Ah, that’s why Mexicans still can come in legal ways.
    You all do your own mining. You don’t want to do 12 hour shifts down there? Ah that’s why your orange king lusts for vulnerable countries like Ukraine. Let others mine their mines for the king.
    You are whining about high prices of foreign goods coming with the additional tariffs?

    You’ve come quite far in America first, I’d say.
    Wasn’t there a single Americunt who had a look at the UK who’s struggling until today after being on their own again without EU?

    Facepalm after facepalm….

  23. Can we all agree that Adrian now is the new synonym for a Trumpeteer?

  24. Ok Bots

  25. Great job, bots! All that’s left for you is to fake comments

  26. Do you think Trump will invite the Team Canada Hockey team
    to the White House?

  27. Meh…seen it from both sides for decades. Nothing new to see here.

  28. I don’t know any person around me who would even consider supporting Trump. And I’m speaking multinational here, I know people from several EU and non-EU countries. Even neutral countries, like Austria. Everyone thinks he’s a traitor. To Ukraine, Nato and the USA.

  29. I love reading the lib melts-downs in these comments! Enjoy the next 4 years!!

    Don’t forget the words of your great idol, Obozo—
    “Elections have consequences. You lost. Get over it.”

  30. Trump Derangement Syndrome on full display. He’s not YOUR President. You don’t live in the US. Your just brain washed Leftist nut bags lashing out at a Government that you don’t have any control of. Hell most of you don’t have control over YOUR OWN Governments and your angry that Americans do. It’s pathetic. Seriously. Get some help. Or better yet try to get control over your own fascist Governments as the Americans did last November. Your jokes to the world. How can you not know that? Oh I know… your terrified of your own Governments because you’ll be jailed for speaking the the truth, so you tear down people who no longer fear the Leftist criminals they thru out of office. Again, pathetic.

  31. You should begin to learn Russian, Comrade Bob.

  32. President Krasnov prepares America for being taken over by the Russian Empire.

  33. Trump and Musk.
    Making sure all Europe will hate America.

  34. Too late… Europe has has always, if not hated, at least resented the US.

  35. Which is also a lie. The Russians are here.

  36. The US does know Europeans resent and hate the US. See the North Stream pipeline or what Trump has been doing there since day one. Europe is a neutered dog. A small whining dog. No longer relevant on the world stag. If you want to know the first Islamic that will get nukes, it will be the UK. Demographics don’t lie as so many here do.

  37. Cornyfusus says man who lickety split
    gets hair in teeth

  38. So much angst about former 1990’s era Democrats who are currently ruling the the country ; I hear NAZI this and National Socialist that. Here is a poem to calm all you’all;

    The Red Wheelbarrow
    “So much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens.”
    William Carlos Williams

    Now tuck your 60 year old shriveled white women boobs under your belt, cancel your gender affirming care and bask in your temporal 1990’s Democrat selves reincarnated for the 2020’s.

    What’s old is new again.

  39. So many words to say so little.

  40. Who would have thought the Russians win the Cold War and take over the USA.

  41. “The rapid development and deployment of COVID-19 vaccines have been pivotal in mitigating the impact of the pandemic. These vaccines have significantly reduced severe illness and mortality associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Additionally, vaccinated individuals experience a lower incidence of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) or long COVID, thus highlighting an additional potential benefit of receiving the COVID-19 vaccines. However, COVID-19 vaccines are associated with rare acute adverse events such as myocarditis and pericarditis, thrombosis and thrombocytopenia, Guillain–Barre syndrome, transverse myelitis, and Bell’s Palsy. In addition, some individuals have reported post-vaccination symptoms resembling long COVID beginning shortly after vaccination. This condition, sometimes referred to as post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) or post-acute COVID-19 vaccination syndrome (PACVS), is characterized by symptoms such as …”

  42. I would like to talk to you about the Boer from South Africa. Elon is a descendant of Dutch colonists. Colonizing is the operable term. His ancestors teraformed SF into a powerhouse of Africa it’s residue of prosperity even existing to this day. His ancestors made Africa dependent on patriarchy food, rare minerals and electricity. If he colonizes Mars and tereaforms it, there is a chance he may impact the indigenous bacteria of Mars and changing it’s climate forever.

  43. Those that believed The Blob are impacted for generations, they made their decision. F’ em

  44. Who let her dumb ass out​ of the kitchen?

  45. Posting on this site will be down 80 to 85% next week. Only
    positive posting about Trump or his partner in crime Elon
    Musky will be allowed.

  46. It’s a Canadian site. Only posts against Musk and his lapdog Trump will be allowed.

  47. You mock what you fear

  48. That’s why those MAGA guys mock everyone and everything?! 💡

  49. Looking good for a change in Germany. 🤞

  50. No coalition with the neonazis.

  51. USA: We elected Donald Trump.
    Germany: Hold my beer…

  52. Yes! Isn’t it fantastic. Leftist are powerless losers globally and its only gonna get worse. Thank God.

  53. US should be ashamed for telling Ukraine, if they don’t get their minerals, they will let Russia win.
    Threaten to close starlink.
    That’s not how allies behave.
    Shame on you.

  54. Trump isn’t an ally. He’s a Russian agent.

  55. Germany just kicked the neonazis’ butts. They hoped for so much more but underperformed after all that propaganda, financing from the Kremlin and illegal help from highasakite Musk and dogface Vance. 80% of German voters want to remain free people and allies to Ukraine. 🇩🇪❤️🇺🇦💪

  56. Wonder what Musk might find if he investigates Trumps
    money schemes.

  57. USA on same side as Putin.
    The dictator responsible for killing hundreds of thousands people.
    Killing his political opponents.

    Trump ain’t better than him now, and you wonder why others hate America.

  58. The US is not allied with Ukraine. Ukraine was and is the most corrupt crime infested country in Europe. Followed by the Netherlands. They are not, nor will they ever be a NATO country. Trumps election destroyed the Lefts plans for Ukraine. Now Trump wants the US tax payers to get their money back. It’s the right thing to do and if the rest of Europe disagrees, they can pay the money back. The US is not Europes rich Uncle. They are tired of supporting corrupt failed countries.

  59. Ok, Vatnik.

  60. I didn’t say a word about Ukraine.
    I said trump and USA are in bed with Putin now.
    But it can be hard for a maga follower to read.
    Just like the orange Putin wannabe blaming Biden for everything, even the things that started under trumps first presidency.

  61. All four years of Biden’s corrupt administration everything was Trumps fault. It’s always someone else’s fault with the Left. They won’t even take responsibility for Kamala’s failed Presidential election. It was the same when Killary’s lost both her Presidential elections. And no one is buying the tried and failed Russia BS. Leftist need to get a better play book but they can’t even come up with believable lies anymore. Sad.

  62. It has been Trump’s fault as it is his fault now. The Swamp King’s orange tentacles are everywhere – Krasnov the Kraken.

  63. And what’s going on in YOUR country? And why are you so obsessed with other peoples country but have no opinions about your own country? Seems like a propaganda operation to most of us. Hmmm… 🤔

  64. Because your politics have global consequences, moron. That’s what you get for being a superpower.

  65. Learn a foreign language and you will discover that people are free (in most countries) to criticise their government.

  66. Superpower? Since when is Canada a Superpower? And unless your willing to criticize your Government right here and now, you are a liar. Go ahead.. We’ll wait. But you won’t. They never do. Jail is too scary 😦. Hahaha clowns 🤡

  67. Fascist whining about his country banning fascism. Real life satire.

  68. Minister Faber is making a mess.

  69. And yet you are unable to publicly criticize your own fascist Governments. Which is the very definition of fascism.

  70. You always posting this doesn’t make it true, moron.

  71. Then prove it wrong. Post a negative comment. As always, We’ll wait. But you can’t, and everyone knows that. Because criticism of the Government is illegal in fascist countries. Provably.

  72. You are the liar. It’s your responsibility to prove your BS. Otherwise you’ll have to pay me for my time.
    I critize my government all the time. But not here and now. Not because I’m not allowed but so you won’t know my nationality, sucker.

  73. As said, Faber is making a mess of immigration affairs.

  74. Homo faber

  75. Sure you do.. in your head. It doesn’t matter. It’s not our country. The US can do whatever it pleases and whining changes nothing. What are we going to do.. attack them with our amazing military? Haha please.. It’s their world. We just live in it. Sad but true.

  76. MAGA: “What are they going to do.. attack us with their amazing military? Haha please.. It’s our world. They just live in it. Sad but true.”
    Famous last words…

  77. For who? It’s the UK and Canada that is now going to send THIER young boys to die on the Russian front. Right next to the 16 year olds that Zelinski is sending to their deaths. This is not the responsibility of the Americans. Period. Not sure why you can’t get your head around that. Trump tried to fix Obama and Biden’s boondoggle and all Europe and Canada did was cry about how it was being done. So now you get to do it yourselves. All these Pro Ukrainian people need to step up and fight. Go die for Israel and a corrupt little dictator. The US is obviously finished with Europeans. And good riddance.

  78. Do you come up with your texts yourself or do you get a template from the FSB bureau, my Russian friend?

  79. Well as a Canadian I don’t have much to do with the FSB. I probably should learn a little Russia though. If I get sent to fight them in Ukraine I should at least know how to surrender in their language. Maybe Zelinski’s child soldiers can teach me. If we live long enough.

  80. You can be Canadian and still work for the FSB. Like Trump.

  81. Ok bot boy 👍🏿

  82. I could be your father. Show some respect, snotty brat.

  83. If trump’s so terrible, why is his popularity rising with everything he does? Cry harder.

  84. A lot of the Geneva convention was created because of the actions of the Canadian military. The USA messes around with Canada at their peril.

  85. Wait.. “the USA messes with Canada at their peril”. Seriously.. ? No.. you cannot be serious. The USA could take our country in a day. Thank God they wouldn’t, but they could. Easily. You have to know that.. right?

  86. Same as 1775?

  87. 1775 was along long time ago. Making such a dumb and inaccurate statement is just foolishness. And I get it. But even you know that kind of confrontation would only go one way. And it would take less then a day. Interesting mental exercise though, I’ll give you that.

  88. “1775 was along long time ago. Blablabla” 🤣

  89. Actually it was the war of 1812. Duh…

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