Good Question: They’re Not Friends After All

I want to see Biden in prison! Why does Trump think I would visit him in prison?

70 thoughts on “Good Question: They’re Not Friends After All”

  1. No, no, no. Trump will never go to jail. He never does anything wrong.

    I know this because he told me it’s a witch hunt hundreds of times. Fox says it’s a witch hunt too. They both told me everything else is fake news, so obviously I don’t even need to listen to any other news source.

  2. Trump is the biggest traitor to America ever – hands down – call yourself a patriot? Then you should want to see the fat apricot hang

  3. This post is supposed to Slander Trump, but really it just showcases Biden’s stupidity. Just another example of the left can’t meme

  4. Court ordered criminal warrant, buddy: GUILTY! GUILTY! GUILTY! Your boy’s earned a one way ticket to the Slammer, goin’ DOWN.

  5. You can’t slander a swamp king.

  6. The regime is juggling chain saws. The problem with juggling chain saws is you can not stop juggling chain saws, because when you stop, your dead and so is everyone near you.

  7. Trump or Biden….
    As South park once made a song about the US voting system:

    Let’s get out and vote!
    Let’s make our voices heard!
    We’ve been given the right to choose
    between a douche and a turd

    It’s democracy in action
    so put your freedom to the test!
    A big fat turd or a stupid douche
    Which do you like best?

  8. The FBI raided, (a word that will soon have a new definition I’m sure), Trumps home because HE has information on THEM. Everyone knows that in the US. Whoever is leading this regime is dumber then a bag of hammers.

  9. Did they actually find anything illegal? I couldn’t help but notice he’s not in jail. Getting searched implies suspicion but I’ve never heard of the authorities finding something incriminating and not arresting.

  10. you’re

  11. Sure, and every drug dealer has “something” on the DEA. Wake up, you tool. Swamp King is playing you.

  12. You don’t go to jail instantly. Everything found has to be examined. If there would be the risk that Trump would flee the country, to his friend Vlad, for example, then he might be jailed to prevent evasion of justice.
    Yet, as Trump is a narcissist, he will not flee, because he thinks he is above the law.

  13. The only chainsaw massacre happened on January 6, when Trump’s goones tried to cut democracy into pieces.

  14. Lock him up, lock him up!

  15. If they come to arrest Trump, he’ll flush himself down the golden toilet.

  16. Trump is going to jail – for the very thing he accused Hillary of – (she had emails routed through a private server while she was in office as the Secretary of State – investigated and exonerated – Trump stole documents after he was out of office – took them home with him – for the FBI to raid his home means they probably have reasonable suspicion that he was using said documents and sharing the information with foreign actors or citizens without proper clearance) remember all those chants “lock her up!” – well the irony is thick here – Trump supporters have consistently proven their goose step sheepism by supporting a criminal – a pedophile- a narcissist – a traitor – a criminal that is Donald Trump

  17. He’s definitely getting treatment than he planned for Mike Pence: A lynch mob.

  18. Meanwhile, among other things, Hillary used special software to wipe clean her ILLEGAL UNSECURED server that she had in her house that had hundreds of top secret files on it and deleted over 33.000 e-mails, after she was ordered not to.

    Welcome to the Democrats’ banana republic justice system.

  19. Nah, i did that remotely. It was an unsecured server after all.

  20. b-b-but her emails!! What about Hunter Biden’s laptop???

    It’s so bad that no republican is even trying to defend Trump. He’s a crook, and deep down ya’ll know it.

  21. Ooh ooh AAAAH AAAAAAAAH!

  22. True words. Lock him up.

  23. Some emails on a server vs treason. Trumpists can distinguish a banana from a pile of sh*t. They eat it all.

  24. Impeachment #1: Nothing happened. Impeachment #2: Nothing happened, unless you count the Democrats falsifying documents multiple times and that being documented. Zero effect on Trump. His numbers actually went while Biden’s plummeted. Attempted Leftist court actions against Trump since he left office 1 thru 8: Nothing happened but the Leftists being made to look petty and the harassment documented. Raid on Trumps home: They were filmed playing with Trumps wife’s underwear. Nothing is going to happen, again, except now the Leftist look like an out of control group of Nazis. The FBI lost what little respect they had Left and the MAGA tards have been activated. These idiots are going to get this clown re-elected and will lose all credibility in the process. Even people on the Left are criticizing the weaponization of the DOJ for political attacks. You guys are right I guess, Under Biden America has become a banana republic.

  25. Trump 2016: Hilary claiming the fifth amendment is disgraceful and if she’s innocent she has nothing to hide.
    Trump 2022: Claims the fifth amendment during a legal deposition.

  26. “They were filmed playing with Trumps wife’s underwear”. LOL absolute bullsh*t.

  27. It’s a pretty standard legal move. Doesn’t change the facts or videos on Reddit showing the Gestapo pawing through his wife’s underwear and stuffing a a pair into the agent’s pocket. These are sick people. Lawless, but hey we knew that when Potato head won.

  28. Out of control Nazis? Look in the mirror!!

    Nazis, white nationalists, they all love trump. Greene just got through telling everyone that she wanted the republican party to become the (white) christian nationalist party.

  29. Is it a “standard legal move” when you do it hundreds of times??

    He wouldn’t do it unless he had something to hide. Just like his buddies who wanted pardons.

    He’s the swamp king.

  30. Political attacks? That’s the GOPs go to move.

    Remember when the GOP investigated Bill Clinton’s real estate investments? They couldn’t find anything, so then they turned the investigation into whether or not he cheated on his wife. ( witch hunt anyone? ) Bill was strong enough to testify. ( not trump, so sad. ) Then they tried to impeach him for lying about cheating on his wife. Does that sound more serious than defying congress to blackmail an ally or starting an insurrection?

    Later, the GOP investigated Hillary, and asked her to testify 15 times!! She showed up. ( more balls than Trump. So sad. ) They still couldn’t find enough evidence to charge her with a crime.

    It’s no wonder the GOP assumes that this is politically motivated, because that’s the way the GOP works.

  31. “They were filmed playing with Trumps wife’s underwear”
    Pics or it didn’t happen.

  32. There might have been passwords written on that underwear. Or IPs, names, maybe bank accounts with stolen tax money. Trumps loves sharpies. Makess ense to check all textiles. Good to know they did a thorough search. The FBI, one of the institutions the Trump mafia couldn’t get control of.

  33. Lock him up. For the rest of his days. Filthy traitor.

  34. I’ll leave this one for the Yanks to figure out.

  35. Catching a big fish takes a lot more time than catching a minnow. This isn’t a TV show where everything is limited to a one hour time frame.

  36. The Nazi’s were right wing. And why your fascination with her underwear? Bedroom drawers are the first place investigators look when they search a house.

  37. Most LEO’s including the FBI and DOJ are republicans.

  38. Few republicans still have principles.

  39. Biden should be in prison. All his shady business dealings in china and Ukraine being run by his son need to be exposed. But, since he is a long-standing member of the US oligarchy, nothing will become of it.

  40. OK, tell us about the Saudis giving 2 billion to Jared Kushner. He’s never managed investments before, but for some reason, the saudis give him 2 billion to manage? Hmmm….

  41. Once again, the GOP faithful aren’t even trying to defend Trump. He’s a crook.

    All they can do is tell us how terrible democrats are. That just lets us know that you’ve been studying fox or alt-right news. The emails! The laptop! yeah, those were all investigated already. That’s what we should do. Investigate when someone may have committed a crime. That’s what’s happening to Trump. Law and order, am I right?

    If you want to drain the swamp, don’t elect a crook. The GOP only wants to get rid of rules, so that just allows the swamp to grow and grow. Lets drain the money out of the swamp! #MoveToAmmend

  42. Republicans can no longer claim to be the party of “law and order” as they time and time again attack law enforcement for doing their job when members of their party are suspected of breaking laws.

  43. If you think that the FBI is out to get Trump, remember the head of the FBI, Christopher Wray was appointed BY TRUMP.

    There were a lot of Trump appointed judges ruling that the election was fair too.

    Trump is going to keep telling you “it’s a witch hunt!”, but that doesn’t mean it is. He’s being investigated for tax fraud in new york and took the 5th. ( Trump himself would tell you, only criminals do that. ) He’s being investigated in Georgia for trying to overturn the election results. He’s going to keep telling you that he’s innocent, but don’t believe it unless a judge confirms it. We follow law and order in this country, we don’t just believe the words of the accused, right?

  44. They are above the law. Like all fascists.

  45. I believe Trump because it’s more convenient than thinking for myself.

  46. Just imagine playing with then sniffing Hillaries undies.

  47. We leave that to you. They are all yours.

  48. Trump family watched raid live on CCTV.. including the panty theft. Man stream media caught red handed in cover up. What else goes on in the world that is covered up. Biden’s incompetence perhaps..

  49. I wouldn’t care if they took is toilet and all. As long as he goes to prison. Lock him up.

  50. Their SO afraid of him.

  51. They’re

  52. You should be afraid, too, when your ex-president Trump sells classified documents about U.S. nukes to the highest bidder. Probably China.

  53. He is SO afraid of law and order.

  54. Bet that agent of the secret police could the panties he stole on ebay for a nice price.

  55. Good for him. They are underpaid.
    More interesting are the top secret documents about U.S. defense systems and nukes they found in Trump’s villa.
    Looks like traitor Trump was planning to sell to the highest bidder in order to monetize his presidency.
    Lock him up.

  56. Why do you keep spreading this bullsh*t? Your obsession with Melania’s panties says a lot about your state of mind. Get help.

  57. Correct me if I’m wrong, but is Mr. Trump a sleaze?

  58. It is going to be hilarious how the minions will defend their living god!
    Ready, set, goooooooooo!

  59. Not only that. He’s a crook and mass murderer.

  60. Laptop!

  61. Trump with his 1/2 German heritage should do the honourable
    thing and shoot himself. The other 1/2 being Scottish will only
    allow one bullet.

  62. Trump has been buying them himself because that is as close as he will ever get to the wearer. Also why is there a camera focused on her underwear drawer in the first place?

  63. Because most dictators are also perverts. Even the wannabe ones.

  64. He has no honor, just lies and more lies.

  65. Trump and the GOP are threats to democracy – simple and true – anyone defending him and the GOP is also a traitor – take off your american flag t-shirts – you have defaced my service to this country enough. We here at the 4th Infantry Regiment know that Donald is a bigger threat than anything beyond our borders.

  66. F DT – Donald Jay trump was born with a silver spoon up his a$$ and later shot out a brick of McDonald’s. The guy has never been successful at anything, other than getting morons to believe his snake oil salesman ways. I have served this country in four campaigns and I hope for one more to take down the trump crew

  67. Patriots United! Let’s take down the sleaze – vote vote vote – trump is a traitor find a sturdy branch! His sizable over weighted body will break most!

  68. We wish you luck. There are so many stupid people out there. Not just in the U.S. But it would be a great start.

  69. Prison would be enough, I think. Once there he will wither away, like all narcissists.

  70. Please tell us why Trump should be in prison, or STFU. Pig.


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