Of course. Indeed, only white males can walk a tight rope. What’s with this “representative” stuff? Kiss my grits. 1 1
Would it be offensive to ask why the picture only depicts a shirtless man walking the tightrope and not a shirtless woman? 1
I am offended that a white male is the only representative of tightrope walkers in this photo!
So what the Land Lord is saying is only white people can walk a tight rope?
Of course. Indeed, only white males can walk a tight rope. What’s with this “representative” stuff? Kiss my grits.
Why bother?
This is the word you wanted. Right?
Well I think Kanye West would make a wonderful President
That is the White Man’s Burden
True. He’s the president Americans deserve. At least a certain kind of them.
But you are not white.
Who could be behind this post?
Would it be offensive to ask why the picture only depicts a shirtless man walking the tightrope and not a shirtless woman?