If Celebrities Used Meth…

By removing teeth, you can really change a person’s appearance and make them almost unrecognizable. Can you name these celebrities? Let us know in the comments!

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

If celebrities used meth...

9 thoughts on “If Celebrities Used Meth…”

  1. I don’t recognise 95% of these “celebrities” even when they have their teeth….

  2. I am sure, some of them have been using meth. Difference between the celebs and the average druggie is that, the celebs often has some assistant to tell them to get to the dentist etc.

  3. IF

  4. Celebrities can afford the non teeth taking drugs. Like adrenochrome.

  5. Misread it the first time. Thought why would math do that…

  6. I believe the mathematics portion of science says it’s OK for the government to let me out of my house.

  7. No! Stay in your house. You must practice social distancing rules and wear your mask 24/7 or Cops, who aren’t practicing social distancing rules or wearing masks will come and beat the crap out of you. Reeeeee we’re all going to die! Mindless NPC’s haha.

  8. Glad you are still at it.

    I listen to scientists cause they know what they are talking about. Who do you listen to?

    I’m willing to sacrifice by wearing a mask and keep my distance. Why aren’t you? Don’t care about human life or America? It will save lives and we can open up the country quicker. Do you want to make America great, or don’t you?

  9. At least half of these are actual metheads.

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