How To Surprise a Woman And Be Really Romantic

Surprises like this one are like epic farts: they can end a relationship. Even a marriage. She has a surprise for him too, he’s dumped.

Surprises like this one are like epic farts: they can end a relationship.

11 thoughts on “How To Surprise a Woman And Be Really Romantic”

  1. “I have a surprise for you! The divorce papers are on the kitchen table. I am taking the house, the car and the kids!”

  2. Right after youre finished the dishes!

  3. Me thinks both are slobs.

  4. Esp. as the dishwasher is right there.

  5. The dishwasher has her eyes covered

  6. What a special man, saving the dishes for her like that.

  7. This is a metaphor for all you Trump supporters! Ha! Ha! Ha!

  8. During Trump, your gas tank only held $36.
    Now it holds over $90.

  9. So how do you keep an idiot in suspense?

  10. During Trump, you sat home with your $36 tank of gas because you were unemployed and not going anywhere during the poorly handled and allowed to spread Trump Pandemic.

  11. By his incompetence and indifference Trump killed a million of American citizens alone. But why would he care for others? He has no empathy. Lying, abusing and gaslighting through life. Narcissism 101.

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