Just wondering how much fixing this problem would cost in the USof A without an insurance… Probably around $60,000 at least. With a senior discount.
40 thoughts on “Superglue Meme: It’s a Serious Medical Condition”
Trump supporters trying to think of something good to say about trump!
That’s gonna be a short thread. 😂
Trump = Strength
Democrats = Weak
Everyone sees it. The past almost 4 years a basement dwelling, bumbling dementia patient was shown as the leader of the US. The world was watching and knew the US would be a total pushover at every point.
Democrats need to stop pretending to be good people. Nobody believes you anymore.
Trump accomplishments – how about more money in working America’s pockets.
Moron Biden ended US energy independence on day one. That and it’s downstream effects will hurt us for a long time. In his defense, I doubt he knew what he was signing. I guess his controllers like the optics of child slave labor producing our disposable green energy devices in China and Africa better than taking care of the citizens. Shall we get into the foreign invasion he created? Hint: There are very few Mexican abuleas coming over these days. We are importing the army to destroy from within.
I got a fun one.
Let’s gather a list of Kamala’s own accomplishments post Willie Brown.
Let’s see – 440 votes last primary before she had to drop out
Black – sometimes (but don’t tell her dad)
Indian – sometimes when convenient
Only candidate with immediate relations to slave ownership – Grandad
Border Czar
Uncontrollable laughter to any non-supplied softball question
Word Salad extraordinaire
Likes yellow school buses – shorter the better for her
and umm.. what else?
Holy crap, the Trump band wagon is on fire today. Pity they
don’t know what they’re bitching about.
How so? Care to debate? You have nothing but “Orange man bad!” with nothing to back it up. Since 2016 most investigated person in history and what have they actually found? Russia? Ukraine? Racism? Misuse of Government agencies and services for personal or party gain? Trump? Nope. Current Administration? Yes. At all costs, yes.
Debate? Trump the coward opted out of a debate against Kamala Harris. Nothing fear conservatives more than intelligent, strong women.
Many things have been found against Trump. But during his reign he placed people into positions to block almost all investigations, like his pet supreme justices. And his own party in Congress and Senate. If you look for a deep state, look for conservative puppets.
Still a short thread. That hollow Trump supporter BLAH doesn really count. 🤡🤡🤡😂
Dumbocrats are defenseless. Not surprising. Their leaders, have the cumulative mental capacity of gnat.
Wow just say “trump bad” and watch the snowflakes melt! You thought the lgbqt community cried a lot? No way! Republicans take that cake!
Let’s say Trump ran away from a debate like a cat runs away from a vacuum cleaner.
The desperation meltdown is happening here, today. It’s a vodka over time pay day!
You apes can’t even troll right. Useless tw@ts.
Trump the coward opted out of a public debate against Harris. No surprise there. 🤣
Admins deleting posts. Again. Admins not allowing upvotes on how bad Kamala is. This Canadian Chinese site is pathetic. Just Chinese propaganda. You know Trump would cripple China economically day one. Thus, this site kicks into censorship over drive. As if anyone would be dumb enough to believe anything on the site. But apparently there ARE some that do. Sad.
Defamation is not covered by free speech. Fascist tears.
Republican crime as usual.
Whatever you say comrade. Now go kiss that Chinese butt hole.
The term „off topic“ isn‘t extreme enough for this shit.
Trump works for China dude!
Yeah, Trump works for China while the payments from China, Russia, Ukraine and heaven know where else, go to the Biden family. Big Joe has to get his 10% cut. It’s been going on since before he was VP. The only thing you can’t say was that Joe was any sort of mastermind.
Yup and Biden also has a secret gamma ray pill that turns him into captain iron hulk! See I can make shit up too about people! Wait let’s just tell the truth about trump!
He wanted to inject bleach into people and shine UV lights into them during covid, how ridiculously dumb do you have to be? What more do you need to realize he’s an idiot?
He put tariffs, on aluminum making his countries own automobile industry pay huge amounts more to buy American aluminium, because Canadian aluminium bad…..once again how much more do you need to prove hes a dolt????
He has no class, none! How can you call him a leader? He acts like a teenager who just figured out that the vacuum cleaner can be used for more than just cleaning!
He has colluded with China several times but now people somehow think he’ll stop China? All his shit is made in China! His maga hats are made in China, his shirts that state “make it in America again” are made in China!
In the end he has no value, this is why repubs have to belittle EVERYONE else! It’s the only way to get a big orange idiot to be president, trick all the other idiots! The repubs don’t care about you, they care about their rich friends that they can make richer by telling you to work harder and that those who are actually trying to help you are really the bad guys. Its working and they are winning!
A small man for small people.
Kamala isn’t black. Stop trying to convince people she is. Even Obama, (black Jesus), was half white. The day a real African American is elected will be a good day. All this now is just the usual lies from the Left.
How conveniently people change their colors as you racist f*cks need it, right?
with your political commentary.
Is that all you have to contribute. Better shut up.
Right.. haha. You’re a racist if you tell the truth about the Lefts constant identity politics. Kamala isn’t black. Her acting like she is and doing black voices is as racist as black face. And speaking of that, how is Kamala Harris a woman when the Left doesn’t even know what a woman is? You’re propaganda isn’t working any more. You need to come up with something better. If you can..
You’re a racist because you use peoples skin colour to slander them dude! It’s not hard to figure it out, most 6 year olds grasp why you shouldn’t do that! You on the other hand, well your just an a$$hole, but you’re our a$$hole, where else is all the shit gonna come from!?
Studies show: All children are leftist until their minds get corrupted by conservative values.
Oh no! They figured out that Kamala isn’t black. What ever will we do. No one in the US even ever thought she was black until she she started lying about it 2 weeks ago. The words Racist and Nazi don’t even mean anything to anyone anymore. The Left uses them so often that they have become meaningless unless you use them to identify members of the identity politics cult.
Same as Trump isn’t white.
He’s orange.
But still brown inside like any nazi.
People who use The following words here in the common section is our closet, transgenders: Trump, Harris, Vance, Biden, Republicans, Democrats, elections, president.
People who use the following words here in the comment section are closet transgenders: Trump, Harris, Vance, Biden, Republicans, Democrats, elections, president.
Congrats on coming out! Seriously you set your self up you big idiot!
Imagine being six years old and thinking that was going to work, calling people closeted weirdos in an attempt to get them to stop triggering the snowflake! Is politics too much for you sweety? Is the internet a mean place?
Their problem is: The internet is not a conservative place.
Kamala Harris’ dad is a black ass Jamaican, how does that not make her black?! The guy even looks like her! You people are insane!
If it gives her votes she isn’t black. If it costs her votes she is black. Racist republican logic.
You like making stuff up don’t you? Who also likes to invent fantasies and live them out? Oh yes….children!
Trump supporters trying to think of something good to say about trump!
That’s gonna be a short thread. 😂
Trump = Strength
Democrats = Weak
Everyone sees it. The past almost 4 years a basement dwelling, bumbling dementia patient was shown as the leader of the US. The world was watching and knew the US would be a total pushover at every point.
Democrats need to stop pretending to be good people. Nobody believes you anymore.
Trump accomplishments – how about more money in working America’s pockets.
Moron Biden ended US energy independence on day one. That and it’s downstream effects will hurt us for a long time. In his defense, I doubt he knew what he was signing. I guess his controllers like the optics of child slave labor producing our disposable green energy devices in China and Africa better than taking care of the citizens. Shall we get into the foreign invasion he created? Hint: There are very few Mexican abuleas coming over these days. We are importing the army to destroy from within.
I got a fun one.
Let’s gather a list of Kamala’s own accomplishments post Willie Brown.
Let’s see – 440 votes last primary before she had to drop out
Black – sometimes (but don’t tell her dad)
Indian – sometimes when convenient
Only candidate with immediate relations to slave ownership – Grandad
Border Czar
Uncontrollable laughter to any non-supplied softball question
Word Salad extraordinaire
Likes yellow school buses – shorter the better for her
and umm.. what else?
Holy crap, the Trump band wagon is on fire today. Pity they
don’t know what they’re bitching about.
How so? Care to debate? You have nothing but “Orange man bad!” with nothing to back it up. Since 2016 most investigated person in history and what have they actually found? Russia? Ukraine? Racism? Misuse of Government agencies and services for personal or party gain? Trump? Nope. Current Administration? Yes. At all costs, yes.
Debate? Trump the coward opted out of a debate against Kamala Harris. Nothing fear conservatives more than intelligent, strong women.
Many things have been found against Trump. But during his reign he placed people into positions to block almost all investigations, like his pet supreme justices. And his own party in Congress and Senate. If you look for a deep state, look for conservative puppets.
Still a short thread. That hollow Trump supporter BLAH doesn really count. 🤡🤡🤡😂
Dumbocrats are defenseless. Not surprising. Their leaders, have the cumulative mental capacity of gnat.
Wow just say “trump bad” and watch the snowflakes melt! You thought the lgbqt community cried a lot? No way! Republicans take that cake!
Let’s say Trump ran away from a debate like a cat runs away from a vacuum cleaner.
The desperation meltdown is happening here, today. It’s a vodka over time pay day!
You apes can’t even troll right. Useless tw@ts.
Trump the coward opted out of a public debate against Harris. No surprise there. 🤣
Admins deleting posts. Again. Admins not allowing upvotes on how bad Kamala is. This Canadian Chinese site is pathetic. Just Chinese propaganda. You know Trump would cripple China economically day one. Thus, this site kicks into censorship over drive. As if anyone would be dumb enough to believe anything on the site. But apparently there ARE some that do. Sad.
Defamation is not covered by free speech. Fascist tears.
Republican crime as usual.
Whatever you say comrade. Now go kiss that Chinese butt hole.
The term „off topic“ isn‘t extreme enough for this shit.
Trump works for China dude!
Yeah, Trump works for China while the payments from China, Russia, Ukraine and heaven know where else, go to the Biden family. Big Joe has to get his 10% cut. It’s been going on since before he was VP. The only thing you can’t say was that Joe was any sort of mastermind.
Yup and Biden also has a secret gamma ray pill that turns him into captain iron hulk! See I can make shit up too about people! Wait let’s just tell the truth about trump!
He wanted to inject bleach into people and shine UV lights into them during covid, how ridiculously dumb do you have to be? What more do you need to realize he’s an idiot?
He put tariffs, on aluminum making his countries own automobile industry pay huge amounts more to buy American aluminium, because Canadian aluminium bad…..once again how much more do you need to prove hes a dolt????
He has no class, none! How can you call him a leader? He acts like a teenager who just figured out that the vacuum cleaner can be used for more than just cleaning!
He has colluded with China several times but now people somehow think he’ll stop China? All his shit is made in China! His maga hats are made in China, his shirts that state “make it in America again” are made in China!
In the end he has no value, this is why repubs have to belittle EVERYONE else! It’s the only way to get a big orange idiot to be president, trick all the other idiots! The repubs don’t care about you, they care about their rich friends that they can make richer by telling you to work harder and that those who are actually trying to help you are really the bad guys. Its working and they are winning!
A small man for small people.
Kamala isn’t black. Stop trying to convince people she is. Even Obama, (black Jesus), was half white. The day a real African American is elected will be a good day. All this now is just the usual lies from the Left.
How conveniently people change their colors as you racist f*cks need it, right?
with your political commentary.
Is that all you have to contribute. Better shut up.
Right.. haha. You’re a racist if you tell the truth about the Lefts constant identity politics. Kamala isn’t black. Her acting like she is and doing black voices is as racist as black face. And speaking of that, how is Kamala Harris a woman when the Left doesn’t even know what a woman is? You’re propaganda isn’t working any more. You need to come up with something better. If you can..
You’re a racist because you use peoples skin colour to slander them dude! It’s not hard to figure it out, most 6 year olds grasp why you shouldn’t do that! You on the other hand, well your just an a$$hole, but you’re our a$$hole, where else is all the shit gonna come from!?
Studies show: All children are leftist until their minds get corrupted by conservative values.
Oh no! They figured out that Kamala isn’t black. What ever will we do. No one in the US even ever thought she was black until she she started lying about it 2 weeks ago. The words Racist and Nazi don’t even mean anything to anyone anymore. The Left uses them so often that they have become meaningless unless you use them to identify members of the identity politics cult.
Same as Trump isn’t white.
He’s orange.
But still brown inside like any nazi.
People who use The following words here in the common section is our closet, transgenders: Trump, Harris, Vance, Biden, Republicans, Democrats, elections, president.
People who use the following words here in the comment section are closet transgenders: Trump, Harris, Vance, Biden, Republicans, Democrats, elections, president.
Congrats on coming out! Seriously you set your self up you big idiot!
Imagine being six years old and thinking that was going to work, calling people closeted weirdos in an attempt to get them to stop triggering the snowflake! Is politics too much for you sweety? Is the internet a mean place?
Their problem is: The internet is not a conservative place.
Kamala Harris’ dad is a black ass Jamaican, how does that not make her black?! The guy even looks like her! You people are insane!
If it gives her votes she isn’t black. If it costs her votes she is black. Racist republican logic.
You like making stuff up don’t you? Who also likes to invent fantasies and live them out? Oh yes….children!
Most conservatives are perverts. No suprise.