Suffering Dads Who Took Their Daughters To a Concert

This post is a tribute to those poor wretched souls who are stuck in a concert of a band their daughters like. Scroll down to see the most horrifying examples and let this be a warning what can happen to you if you decide to have kids.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

Dad suffering in a concert his daughter likes.

8 thoughts on “Suffering Dads Who Took Their Daughters To a Concert”

  1. There’s something in common with all the dads spending time with their daughters

  2. Good Dad. Keep them safe.

  3. Poor bastards, been there.

  4. No wonder American kids become psychotic grown-ups.

  5. None of the photos accurately depict the awkwardness of being the only adult among some 46,000 screaming twelve-year-olds at an N’Sync concert.

    By the way, those kids put on a great show.

  6. Another overprotective father. No wonder the US is leaing in teeenager pregnancy.

  7. And one more. American parenting is abuse.

  8. You should have stayed there.

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