Student Loans Forgiveness: The Only Forgiveness I Need

Church has a lot of money and they are all about loving people and against greed. Why don’t churches spread their wealth among poor students? It’s almost like they don’t believe their own gospel… Go figure.

What do you need forgiveness for, my child? Student loans.

22 thoughts on “Student Loans Forgiveness: The Only Forgiveness I Need”

  1. Poor people take out a loan to go to a public university and pay high interest on the loan.

    Rich people just pay cash.

    So, because of interest, a PUBLIC university costs more for poor people than for rich people.

    How exactly does that setup serve the public interest?

    Let’s also not forget that when a rich person takes out a loan and finds themselves unable to pay it back, they can declare bankruptcy. Student loan interest, on the other hand, by law, is not dischargeable in bankruptcy.

  2. Hahahahaha, freedom.

  3. Forgive me father for I have sinned;
    I’m in a Gender Studies for 16th Century Afro-American Cultures and can’t get any cash for school or my psilocybin so I looted a Lootyvigson. Its in the name father, it can’t be a sin.

  4. It has nothing to do with the students. For those unaware, in the US, once a school reaches a certain default rate on student loans, that school looses access to all federal student assistance programs, grants, loans, etc. Student loan relief is an indirect bailout to ivey league universities, their exobatent tuition, and predatory lending practices.

  5. Slaves.

  6. Perhaps if students studied things that could actually earn them a living, then paying off their loans wouldn’t be such a problem. We all had student loans. But some of us were at least bright enough to see where the jobs would be when we graduated.

  7. That’s not how science works.

  8. I’m going to get a $200k student loan, graduate in queer gender studies and then cry about the church because the government and tax payers expect me to pay it back.

  9. If there were only a way for free education for young people.
    Not for the slaves of America.

  10. I’m gonna pay higher taxes my whole life to fund colleges and call it free.

  11. Good doggy. Bark at the evil education. Education is communism. Only rich people should be educated.
    You pay taxes anyway. But most of it is for BS and rich people who get loopholes to pay zero taxes. So, better fund colleges so young people can learn for free. This really would make America great.
    But not in America.
    Because Americans are egocentric, greedy, envious and antisocial. In pluribus unum my a*s. Every slave for himself.

  12. President Musk agrees. America’s first president not born on American soil.

  13. I will keep calling tax payers funded college as free because I’m money illiterate. And it’s very fair that blue collar workers who went to trade schools fund the “free” college to other people who will make higher wages.
    Anything other than that is fascism.

  14. It’s free for the children. They don’t pay taxes yet, halfwit.
    But then fascists like have always been against free education. Educated children make bad cannon fodder.

  15. When the child gets a student loan, the college is free for them too. Just like when they have to pay taxes after they graduate, they have to pay the loan after they graduate.
    But a few key differences: they stop paying the loan eventually and only who goes to college pays it.
    Meanwhile, in your case they will keep paying until they die, and the dude from trade school who never went to college has to pay for his entire life too.

  16. Every loan is a link in the chain. You are a brainwashed slave . They made you blind for real freedom.

  17. Shut up. you European pig. He’s my property.

  18. I’m gonna pay 60+% in taxes my whole life for shit others enjoy and call slave who pays less for shit they used.

  19. I actually pay more when I do the math. I pay taxes for where I live, state tax and federal tax. I get ripped off triplle. Then I end up with less than the Europoor who pay one tax for all. There is nothing left to save. I have to get another mortgage on the house. I own nothing. Not even the clothes I’m wearing. I’m in so much debt. I’m property of the bank. :-(

  20. Yes America should run things like Governess Trudeau does. The State of Canada is doing sooo well right.. right? Never mind.

  21. You still pay more.

  22. Interesting! )))

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