For those who didn’t get it: in slang, “tea” is a term used to refer to gossip or inside information. It is often used in the phrase “spill the tea” or “serve the tea,” which means to share juicy or exclusive details about a situation or person. There you go. Now laugh, goddammit! LAUGH!
I’m going to f’n sue you!
Donald Trump is to old to be president! He can barely stand as it is, it’s just elder abuse to keep him in the race guys! You cons should be ashamed of yourselves!
Biden supporters,
If Joe was not president but was a close family member, what would you trust him to do? Get himself a glass of water? Go check the mail? Go to the store on his own? Help the grand kids run a lemon aid stand? Count $20 in singles? Use the stove unsupervised? Do you think you could leave him alone in the house to take care of himself for two days?
No. None of these.
I keep waiting to hear he sold Alaska back to the Russians for a handful of magic beans.
He was never smart but now, three aneurysms (at least), and progressive dementia on world display, he’s a tremendous liability. He’s so bad off, the cackling idiot Kamala is almost being considered.
Americans are fukked
They’ll be just fine. Thanks though.
What, was ‘spill the beans’ deemed racist or something? Or did we slip timelines again?
I don’t get it.
…a bunch troglodytes haven’t figured out what this posting of bit of humor was about. They should remove their fingers from their… Modesty forbids me from saying it.
Biden’s policies are working!
During Trump, your gas tank only held $36.
Now it holds over $90.
You are confusing gas prices with presidential IQs.
Hey all you jittery Trumpists and Bideners, maybe you should all jerk off more often.
They do, all over their keyboards.
I can’t your mom’s mouth is in the way!
Pssst, heard a juicy rumour. Trumps tiny hands creep out his wife
especially when he touches her.
Trump’s hands are on a little boys Weiner, namely his sons!
Why do trump supporters always look like they are about to whistle? They just getting ready to put his weiner in their mouths!
“ Trump’s hands are on a little boys Weiner, namely his sons!” nobody cares about the fantasies you fap to.
Look! I posted something mean and fictional about Trump. Now Biden will win for sure! Thanks to me. You’re ridiculous. Biden is toast. Deal with it.
If Americans would be smart they’d vote a candidate from a third party, not Republicans or Democrats.
Problem is America isn’t a real democracy but a two-party dictatorship.
Awwww the trumpies are mad I made fun of their cult leader…..I’m soooo soowweee sensitive snowfwakes! Maybe you can talk to someone about how you feel? Maybe someone who cares? You keep telling everybody the lgbqt community is overly sensitive, maybe they’ll listen!
Trumpists are like Russians. Everything they accuse others of they are and do themselves.
I wish the people on here would talk about the failed politics of their OWN countries instead of investing so much time and hate into elections they aren’t involved in. It just seems ridiculously low IQ to ignore YOUR countries failures when you should be working on fixing them. At least talk about them. Post about them. But you never do. Oh thats right.. you can’t. You might get your bank accounts frozen or go to jail. Why no posts about that fascist nonsense? You are cowards. And your countries will never be great because of that fact. Do better.
Why would we post about our countries in a foreign language?
I like that it bothers him other people have the free speech to talk about his country lol maybe trump will fix that too!
I don’t see any foreign languages on this site. Which is what I posted about. THIS site.
Wait is that guy not talking about his OWN countries problems while telling people they should talk about their OWN countries problems? Hypocrisy at its finest dude!
Messages in foreign languages are removed on this site.
Odjebi, pičko…
People who post political comments on eatliver are mostly closet homosexuals. Are you one of them? Then remember to ask yourself every time you post a political comment: “Am I gay?”
Yes you are!