What If Slogans Told The Truth?


11 thoughts on “What If Slogans Told The Truth?”

  1. I love this.

  2. It took me a day but I thought of one… Eatliver: reddit for people who don’t like cats.

  3. If I see one more cat picture here, I am going to scream! I’d rather see a picture of a Russian dude’s carpet.

  4. I pooped today!

  5. I don’t like Coke. Too sugary. I like Pepsi, but not diet pepsi.

  6. Pepsi is gorgeous, Coke tastes like liquefied chicken fat.

  7. cat picture

  8. Pepsi tastes like liquefied chicken fat during the decomposition process.

  9. Pepsi is sweeter than Coke (they both have the same amount of sugar, but Coke has more carbonation, which cuts the sweetness).

  10. Pepsi tastes like cola. Coke tastes like cola. RC tastes like good cola.

  11. its all garbage

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