Really Accurate Drawings of Cats

Cats come in all shapes and forms. Documenting them all, an Instagram account called @DailyPurrr is creating, as they put it themselves, “stupid cat drawings on a daily basis”. The portraits they share is a borderline genius combination of simplicity and humor.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

Very accurate drawing of a cat.

7 thoughts on “Really Accurate Drawings of Cats”

  1. The point of this is?

  2. To make Catman happy.

  3. Never really cared for minimalism.

  4. Line drawn cats are the best. You can erase them with a good India gum rubber eraser.

  5. Excellent! “Draw me like… with a few lines“. As that girl once said in that movie.

    Titanic would have been A far more succesfull Movie, if it was acted out by cats… And they all got saved in the end… By a giant helicopter and some sort of crane… All operated by cats… If only cats had opposable thumbs; they would rule over the universe.

    For now. They rule over the lesser animals. Dogs in particular.

    Chopper Cats > Crane Operating Cats > Cats > Random stuff > The weakest, most disappointing products from Wish dot corn > Dogs

    – CatMan

  6. Some of these are just too precious to miss. Some of the line drawings would, by themselves, look awfully silly. It’s rather fun to see that they reflect reality.

  7. Yeah. If only. But they don’t, so they are just parasitic furballs with no actual justification for their existence.

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