The Secret Life of Dogs: Funny Cartoons

These cartoons will be very relatable to anyone who has ever owned a dog. They’re made by Rupert Fawcett and he calls this series “Off The Leash”. There’s also a book available on Amazon if you wish to support his work. Scroll down for some of the best examples!

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

The secret life of dogs.

If you want to see more and wish to support Rupert Fawcett’s work, you can get a book available on Amazon. Please note that this site is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. As an Amazon Associate affiliate we earn from qualifying purchases.

22 thoughts on “The Secret Life of Dogs: Funny Cartoons”

  1. All these illustrations show why cats are the superior pet. Dog lovers are some what
    – – – what’s the word – – – oh yes, stupid.

  2. Go drink you’re Bud Light. Dogs rule.

  3. Dogs are dumb. Like children.

  4. “Go drink you’re Bud Light. Dogs rule.”
    It’s your, not you are, dumbass.
    Somebody wasn’t paying attention in school and now faces a life of ridicule for bad grammar.

  5. He’s a graduate of Joe Biden High School.

  6. Cat owners love budlight

  7. First cartoon, the dog made a Trudeau.

  8. Not any Trudeau. A warm Trudeau.

  9. Covefefe for the 2 Corinthians that live in Thighland. You know, the country between Nipple and Button where they took over the airports in 1776 by changing the course of a hurricane with a Sharpie.

  10. Trudeau Derangement Syndrome. One of the symptoms is seeing a Trudeau everywhere.

  11. I saw Trudeau on youtube complaining it’s absurd to label CBC government funded media just because it received $1.2B+ in federal grants.

  12. It’s a normal thing in democracies. What what would you know about democracy. You guys in China and Russia only know your beloved leaders and media not only funded but controlled by the government.

  13. What aboutism. And it will ALWAYS be Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s ridiculous you think you can just move it around to other matters. Russia DS, China DS, immigration DS. Canadian DS

  14. As you command, comrade.

  15. Whataboutism???

    Coming from the guy who is constantly trying to change the topic to Trudeau, this is pretty funny.

    “I mean sure, one guy was trying to overthrow the most important country in the free world, but did you hear about Trudeau? He had ethics violations. Ethics!!!”

  16. Right.. a bunch of nutbags with no guns get invited into the capital and are given tours by police officers and their gonna over throw the free world. 😂🤣. Did enjoy the part about the US being “the most important country in the free world”. That part you got right. Thanks.

  17. What a fantasy!
    Those of us who still believe in the rule of law know that there were a lot of crimes committed at the capitol that day. They weren’t invited, they broke in. There have been 420 convictions so far. 5 police officers were killed. 8 men have been charged with seditious conspiracy.

    Yes, we know they were idiots and incompetent, (just like their leader) but that doesn’t mean they didn’t commit a crime. If you try to rob a bank with a spoon, you’ll still get charged with attempted bank robbery.

  18. Invited? Guest usually don’t steal furniture, papers, other stuff and don’t smear feces on the walls.
    Welll… your’s might though. I don’t know your social environment…

  19. You have to stop listening to your Government Affiliated Media. It wasn’t an insurrection and no police officer were killed. The released videos prove they were allowed in. That’s why they had to release the Buffalo guy. Just a big distraction like the violent Trans, BLM and Antifa movements. The Left is always violent. Remember the KKK? All democrats.

  20. Allowed in through broken windows?

  21. That guy’s drugs must hit really hard. Or he isn’t taking his prescription.

  22. 4th Trump indictment, he just won 2024 in a landslide!

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