Sinister Parodies of Vintage Pop-Culture Pictures

Instagram account @BubblePunk alters retro pop-culture pictures through the mighty Photoshop, adding the text in order to give them a different meaning with a comedic effect. Warning: not for the easily offended! Everyone else: scroll down and laugh!

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

Vintage poster parody.

10 thoughts on “Sinister Parodies of Vintage Pop-Culture Pictures”

  1. Sadly relatable.
    It appears though that some wit somewhere still gives enough shit to say that not everybody just rolls over and ask for seconds.
    Punk 2.0

  2. The idea of being a landlord is to make a living, just like all people who have a job. It’s not to be a charity or a Kindergarden. I doubt any of the ones who think landlords are so horrible would be able to put up with tenants like themselves for any price. If the place you rent is so horrible, move – then shut-up,
    P.S. Do your homework BEFORE you sign a rental agreement… not afterwards.
    By the way, I’m not a landlord and never was, but I’ve been in apartments of people who don’t give a shit about cleaning up after themselves after even the most basic tasks. When I see idiotic posts about how evil and greedy landlords are, that are made by lifetime losers who blame the fact they are losers because it’s someone else’s fault, I can assure you that I would never consider being ma landlord. Most landlords put up with more shit than I would ever be able to.

  3. Found the Glibertarian!
    As general rule, the simple fact that 95% of landlords/atheists/pederasts are quietly going about their business of providing a valuable service/raping dogs/flensing yer mom into yummy bits of pederastical jerky is no excuse from your toadying to the 5% who are undeniable morons, psychopaths, and mental defectives – the very ones who earn the reputations that you sanitize. You racist thug.

  4. …nothing creative, clever or humorous here. Please move along…

  5. Landlord dude…it’s a joke! Get off the internet if your bothered so much you mook!

  6. Some of you seem to be offended by the content here. That’s okay! We made a safe space on the internet for you called “Reddit” It’s a great place for people who are offended by everything! You can make your own little “sub safe space” if you like, where the most unique individuals go to act the same as each other and agree on the same things!

  7. Hey, Gliberidiot. Criminal and perversion rates among theists are much higher than among atheists. The numbers are online. Put in your d*ck and look it up, perv.

  8. Self loathing garbage. Imagine that You have to put in to get out. this is the mentality that is destroying us.

  9. I kept scrolling down thinking I would find something funny. Nope.

  10. I personally, myself found this extremely amusing. People that don’t find this funny have never been in these situations.

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