Ultra-Short Versions of Classic Books For Lazy People

Illustrator John Atkinson has been working tirelessly to help others save lots of time. Thanks to his book Abridged Classics: Brief Summaries of Books You Were Supposed to Read But Probably Didn’t you can now read dozens of ultra-condensed classic books in just few minutes. This is the future of education! Scroll down for some of our favorites.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Ultra-shortened version of classic book.

Want some more? Check out John’s book Abridged Classics: Brief Summaries of Books You Were Supposed to Read But Probably Didn’t on Amazon!

33 thoughts on “Ultra-Short Versions of Classic Books For Lazy People”

  1. Try Richard Armour’s The Classics Reclassified.

  2. Or the Five Minute Illiad

  3. That’s far too much text for the 2016-2020 POTUS. Can you summarize? In marker? Tripple size. Thanks.

    A drunk jewish maniac rants how the world should be; other fools attempt it with 100s of millions dead, poverty and misery resulting.

  5. RIght. Better all be slaves of the 1%, fool. 👍

  6. What possible reason could you have for using the word Jewish except being a maniac prejudiced scumbag? The entire idea here is to remove stupid crap.

    P.S. You can add “Then million’s hatred of this one failure is used as an excuse to attack Capitalism by tricking fools into thinking Capitalism is Communism.”

  7. Karl Marx’s parents were born Jewish, but converted to Lutheran right
    before Karl was born. Karl Marx had at least one Uncle who was a Rabbi.
    The Jewish connection can not be disputed.

  8. Read some more history and you will find that many of those millions of dead where due to Josef Stalin, a former trainee-priest. The christian connection can not be disputed.

  9. “The Wisdom of Joseph Robinette Biden”


  10. The Art Of The Deal: Me! Me! Me! The art of the grift.

  11. Trump’s deal was not to help Ukraine to build a strong military so buddy Putin could wipe them out. They did it anyway. Buddy Putin so mad about pet Trump’s failure. Another in a long list.

  12. Western media: Ukrainian people are not Nazis.
    Ukrainian media: Yes, we love Nazis so what.
    This site: Trump! Reeeee
    The Hunter Biden laptop and the emails proving that China Joe is corrupt to his core are all verified now. It was true all along.
    This site: Trump! Reeeee
    Phizer’s own documents prove that they lied, faked tests results, they knew the vaccine didn’t work and they have literally killed thousands.
    This site: Vaccines are safe and effective. Take the fourth shot or you support Putin. Oh and Trump! Reeeee
    Instead of eatliver this site should be called The sheep round up.

  13. Books contain information. The communist manifesto was a book written by a man who was 1/2 Lutheran and 1/2 Jewish. I’m 1/2 Jamaican and 1/2 Indian and Good Night Moon is good. Books mentioned are written by Uk’sters and Putiniestas which is bad. Black lives matter.

  14. You are not black. Not even white.

  15. You could make a theme park about your psychotic fantasies. Or write a book on toilet paper.

  16. A hundred people with nazi sympathies in a country of 44 millions: a nazi country.
    A vaccine that kills several hundred but saves millions: ineffective.
    Biden conveying Obama’s demand that the Ukraine remove a corrupt minister: Biden is corrupt.
    And so on. You are turning molehills into mountains that obscure your view of the real mountains.

  17. this is what everything comes down to

  18. The truth is that it’s not about skin color. It never was. It’s all about eye color and always has been and always will be. They just don’t talk about it but the people who need to know know. Colored eyes matter!

  19. That “Kamala” guy’s eye color is “yellow vomit”.

  20. Kamala, if that’s your real name, just imagine the book mentioned
    is a simplified Reader’s Digest for dummies.
    Don’t over think Kamala, all you’ll get is a head ache.

  21. Most of these books are on the GOP burn list.

  22. 1984 is their handbook.

  23. Watching Trudeau being called a petty dictator and more right to his face by other world leaders has been amazing! What a putz.

  24. Did you make the fake voiceover yourself in the basement? Fun hobby for a boring person.

  25. Obviously Anonymous is a hard-core case of schizophrenia.

  26. Those were not world leaders, but your extreme right wing friends suspected of nazi sympathies.

  27. Nazi sympathizers like Ukrainian’s? The ones that call blacks racist slurs? There are people on the Left that hate that lil twerp also ya know. Many, many people.

  28. Yes, just like that tiny minority in the Ukraine that you keep identifying with the entire Ukraine.

  29. Suspected? They ARE the nazis of 2022.

  30. At the moment Russia is the all-out nazi-state. Even building concentration camps for Ukrainian families.
    They do not come to destroy Ukraine’s crops or villages. They come to destroy its people. Down to the last child.

  31. Haha.. you are the most imaginative people on here. Often wrong, but never uncertain. Please keep the laughs coming. We need it.

  32. Your comments say more about you than about the people you are commenting on.

  33. But.. I thought I was a Russian Bot.. make up your mind.

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