Did you miss the presidential debate between Trump and Biden? Are you wondering how it went? Well, wonder no more! This picture perfectly explains it.
16 thoughts on “The Presidential Debate In a Nutshell”
350 million people … and this is the best we have to choose from?
Nope, no bias at all.
Biden was going to say to Trump, “Liar, liar pants on fire” but
he forgot the words.
What’s hilarious is the Libs have to make stuff up to poke fun at Trump. Conservatives only have to show an actual video of Dementia Joe – or simply quote him verbatim.
Watching the Left panic now that they can’t cover up for him is priceless. It’s over. No one with any intelligence could vote for him even if they hate Trump.
Both are too old. The only difference was Drumpf’s bad character.
“[Abe Lincoln was a] Great president. Most people don’t even know he was a Republican,” Trump said while addressing attendees at the National Republican Congressional Committee Dinner. “Does anyone know? Lot of people don’t know that.”
You’re propaganda failed. You’re lies failed. They will elect Trump. I just hope they replace Biden with Killary Clinton so she can lose. Again. The entertainment value would be great to watch.
No matter who wins, it will be the people of the U.S. and the world, who lose this November. 🤦🏻
Not necessarily true. But I guess they will find out. Now maybe Canada can focus on dumping Trudeau since his approval ratings are worse then Bidens.
What’s to complain about?
Biden’s policies are working!
During Trump, your gas tank only held $36.
Now it holds over $90.
So, the U.S. president dictates global oil prices? Moron.
Maybe if trump gets elected again he can prove his incompetence twice! Then that should prove to the retar…..I mean nice trump supporters that he’s an idiot…..right? 4298th times the charm! It’s like the cult of musk…..were in a fad of worshipping retards!
During a Friday night campaign rally [two weeks ago] in West Palm Beach, Florida, former President Donald Trump bizarrely suggested to a crowd of prospective voters in a state with 30 Electoral College votes that they shouldn’t feel compelled to vote for him.”I actually tell our people we don’t need your vote. We got so many votes, we don’t need them,”
Germans 1932: Stuff is expensive due to a global economic crisis. Let’s vote Hitler. He’ll make everything better. How bad can it be?
Americans 2024: Stuff is expensive due to a global economic crisis. Let’s vote Trump. He’ll make everything better. How bad can it be?
The supreme court confirmed it. Trump is king of the United States soon. Welcome to the monarchies America.
350 million people … and this is the best we have to choose from?
Nope, no bias at all.
Biden was going to say to Trump, “Liar, liar pants on fire” but
he forgot the words.
What’s hilarious is the Libs have to make stuff up to poke fun at Trump. Conservatives only have to show an actual video of Dementia Joe – or simply quote him verbatim.
Watching the Left panic now that they can’t cover up for him is priceless. It’s over. No one with any intelligence could vote for him even if they hate Trump.
Both are too old. The only difference was Drumpf’s bad character.
“[Abe Lincoln was a] Great president. Most people don’t even know he was a Republican,” Trump said while addressing attendees at the National Republican Congressional Committee Dinner. “Does anyone know? Lot of people don’t know that.”
You’re propaganda failed. You’re lies failed. They will elect Trump. I just hope they replace Biden with Killary Clinton so she can lose. Again. The entertainment value would be great to watch.
No matter who wins, it will be the people of the U.S. and the world, who lose this November. 🤦🏻
Not necessarily true. But I guess they will find out. Now maybe Canada can focus on dumping Trudeau since his approval ratings are worse then Bidens.
What’s to complain about?
Biden’s policies are working!
During Trump, your gas tank only held $36.
Now it holds over $90.
So, the U.S. president dictates global oil prices? Moron.
Maybe if trump gets elected again he can prove his incompetence twice! Then that should prove to the retar…..I mean nice trump supporters that he’s an idiot…..right? 4298th times the charm! It’s like the cult of musk…..were in a fad of worshipping retards!
During a Friday night campaign rally [two weeks ago] in West Palm Beach, Florida, former President Donald Trump bizarrely suggested to a crowd of prospective voters in a state with 30 Electoral College votes that they shouldn’t feel compelled to vote for him.”I actually tell our people we don’t need your vote. We got so many votes, we don’t need them,”
Germans 1932: Stuff is expensive due to a global economic crisis. Let’s vote Hitler. He’ll make everything better. How bad can it be?
Americans 2024: Stuff is expensive due to a global economic crisis. Let’s vote Trump. He’ll make everything better. How bad can it be?
The supreme court confirmed it. Trump is king of the United States soon. Welcome to the monarchies America.