Designer Invents Useless Solutions For Problems That Don’t Exist

Matt Benedetto is a product designer on a quest to design products to help solve the most difficult problems in the world… that don’t really exist. His collection of totally unnecessary inventions is filled with items that no one is asking for but Matt has taken it upon himself to bring these products to life anyway.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

The greatest invention of all times.

8 thoughts on “Designer Invents Useless Solutions For Problems That Don’t Exist”

  1. You would have to be a bit fruity to come up with these ridiculous ideas.
    Eatliver you disappoint again, we need more manly man stuff to encourage
    a healthy supply of men.

  2. That rules out American men.

  3. Don’t you read the bloody noosepeeper? Scandalnavian men are leaking sperm so fast the peninsula will be depopulated by 2025.

  4. Bravo, edgelords. This guy be way wicked smarter than that elongated feller, these inventions are useful and they actually work

  5. That is why they have allowed a half million muslims into their
    country. They breed like mice keeping the population growth
    at acceptable numbers.
    Why in 50 years they will take over becoming and become a
    Muslim State, and kick all the Swedes out,

  6. Americans don’t have sperm because of all the legal poison in their food and water. So the Republicans sold The States to the Russians.

  7. Fifty fifty with China. Like “The Man in the High Castle”, but real.

  8. The personal spacinator is way too small.

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