While looking at his Poe boy meme, you will definitely start hearing Bohemian Rhapsody in your head. How do we know that? Because human brain is easily manipulated – it’s just a slightly electrically charged piece of meat.
46 thoughts on “He’s Just a Poe Boy, Nobody Loves Him”
The courts are trying to make me a Poe boy; donations needed.
Canada is euthanizing drug addicts, mentally ill people and now babies under 1 year of age. I guess when parents change their minds. I remember when another guy eliminated people like this… Hmmm.. see if you can guess who he was… But… Orange Man bad! Reeeee!
…Anonymous, above, it full of more crap than a Christms goose.
To bad his parents didn’t change their minds.
But you don’t refute it, because they ARE doing it provably. Just Look at the numbers.. what is it at now.. 10.. 15 thousand people euthanized. Your the Germans in the 1940’s claiming they didn’t know. But you do know. Justine Pierre Trudeau is the new Hitler.
Spare him his life from this punstrosity…
A recent poll just released indicates 39% of Americans would
cheat all their family members to inherit all the wealth of a
deceased relative.
When you have been kept poor by the 1% that inheritance looks attractive.
There once was an odd man who said “Yet 40 days and Niniva shall be destroyed”.
Yup here in Canada we just love euthanizing babies! Or do we like feeding the trolls? I can’t remember which one but yup!
Troll lives matter.
If he went into the french fry business, would they call them Poe Taters? 🍟
We all know which one it is. And it’s a crime against humanity, but hey, it’s Canada so.. slaughter away you sick twisted animals. My Parents are old and becoming a burden ☠️, this drug addict is a drain on society ☠️, I’ve changed my mind about this baby ☠️, I’m an injured veteran and.. ☠️☠️☠️, I’m suffering with the results of my Trans surgery and looking at a lifetime of pain and millions of dollars in medications… NO. You have to live because euthanizing Trans people would be madness. Oh Canada.. 🎼
Someone call the police.
That imoron certainly deserves euthanasia. If only this was possible in Canada…
He fled to the US from Canada now ranting here about the country and its prime minister. As we know there is no health care in the US. He can’t afford a psychiatrist. No one to help him. He is there all alone with his mental illness. Will end up on the streets of some American city in the end. One of those homeless guys ranting and spitting on pedestrians. Sad story.
US have a new bigot as speaker. Another of Trump’s pets. Also a sad story.
People who use the word bigot are bigots themselves! Because you tell them they are using the word incorrectly and they just won’t change! Stuck in their ways!
Read the definition of bigot and jump into a hole of shame.
a person who has strong, unreasonable ideas, esp. about race or religion, and who thinks anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong: Some of the townspeople are bigots who call foreigners terrible names.
– Cambridge Dictionary
He’s just a Poe boy
From a Poe family
Spare him his life from his warm sausage tea.
(at least that’s what it sounds like)
Are these comments representative of the humanity as a whole? Asking for a friend.
Yes. Let’s nuke ourselves.
The Canadian Government released its MAID reports this week showing that euthanasia accounted for 4.1% of all deaths. That’s a 31.2% increase from 2021. Projections for 2023 are expected to be double that of 2022. Over 45,000 have been murdered.. I mean euthanized since the State began killing its citizens in 2016. These are your numbers. From your Government. Yet no shame or concern here for the dead. Only the mocking of other countries when your own country under Justine Pierre Hitler 2.0 is becoming a base for evil. No wonder Indians are fleeing to the US. Get out while you can.
Canada is not murdering people, rather it has legalized assistance to people requesting suicide on medical grounds (and from 2024, mental grounds). For people south of the border this should be a non-issue: guns galore.
The idiot doesn’t care. It’s mental illness.
He’s an antivaxxer. That means he killed lots of people himself by breathing on them. And it made him feel superior. Murderer.
Especially is not the same as definitely! For the guy who thought he would post the definition of a bigot to prove people wrong but failed to understand the words defining the definition. Bigotry can involve anything under any context! It is ESPECIALLY used for race and religion but not exclusive. The definition states that “they think anyone who doesn’t have the same beliefs as them is wrong” now tell me liberals nor conservatives for that matter, don’t cast shade on people that disagree with them.
I think you and that other moron have wrong believes. Not anyone. Just you. So, no bigotry on my side.
This sites Bigotry towards the good people of the United States is a good example.
If your imagination says so. 💁🏼♂️
I admit I am prejudice, I hate all bigots, murderers, people with long
finger nails, and new Coca Cola.
I’m not prejudice I love all of you for who you are! I want you to just be yourself, Well unless youre a conservative, Then I want you to be more like me. I also think if you hate foot play or watersports then you are okay but if you hate two guys kissing your an evil bigot! Remember personal preference isn’t personal if you think gays are gross, only if you agree with what I think is gross!
That’s not how it works. Try again.
What… All I got out of that was that two guys kissing wasn’t gross. Sorry, it’s gross 🤮. Now 2 women kissing…
What’s the difference? Explain.
And keep in mind no one forces you to kiss men. But my guess is you don’t like the feeling of being objectified by other men. Something women have to deal with everyday. That’s the real secret behind homophobia.
Good points are often diminished by the ignorant through fallacies! If your only argument is to attack someone or say “fail” then you haven’t challenged the position. You are only proving you have no valid point to counter your opponents. A good argument to challenge this position would be ” but the oppression and prosecution of gays over centuries has been appalling thus any notion of anti gay sentiment should be limited” see what I did there? I didn’t belittle the opponents position I reinforced my own. You guys gotta improve your rhetoric if your gonna act clever on the internet!
That guy isn’t interestend in aguments or your position.
Gay sex involves fecal matter. Fecal matter is gross. There for gay sex is gross. It’s also a deadly sin. Go to Iran with your gay flag. See how that goes.
I’m not gay. And there is no such thing as sin as there is no god. And it seems natural as we see such behavior in many other animals.
Yes, fecal matter is gross but now one asked you to participate in such activities. So it’s not your business. But if you are indeed interestend in fecal matter I can’t write you a report about my dump last evening.
He’s just afraid to take it in the mouth after some backdoor activity. Talk to your partner about that. Not us.
Funny, as the only method of contraception known to Americans is butt s*x. 👌
So if there’s no God.. then how does Israel get away with killing and stealing land from Palestinians? Isn’t that all about the religious right to the land? Hmm 🤔
You don’t need gods to steal land. Look what the Americans did to the natives.
Show us proof of your “god”. We give you one week. There, you already failed.
No humans of any race are native to north america. Everybody wondered in here at some point. Some just did it sooner than others.
The courts are trying to make me a Poe boy; donations needed.
Canada is euthanizing drug addicts, mentally ill people and now babies under 1 year of age. I guess when parents change their minds. I remember when another guy eliminated people like this… Hmmm.. see if you can guess who he was… But… Orange Man bad! Reeeee!
…Anonymous, above, it full of more crap than a Christms goose.
To bad his parents didn’t change their minds.
But you don’t refute it, because they ARE doing it provably. Just Look at the numbers.. what is it at now.. 10.. 15 thousand people euthanized. Your the Germans in the 1940’s claiming they didn’t know. But you do know. Justine Pierre Trudeau is the new Hitler.
Spare him his life from this punstrosity…
A recent poll just released indicates 39% of Americans would
cheat all their family members to inherit all the wealth of a
deceased relative.
When you have been kept poor by the 1% that inheritance looks attractive.
There once was an odd man who said “Yet 40 days and Niniva shall be destroyed”.
Yup here in Canada we just love euthanizing babies! Or do we like feeding the trolls? I can’t remember which one but yup!
Troll lives matter.
If he went into the french fry business, would they call them Poe Taters? 🍟
We all know which one it is. And it’s a crime against humanity, but hey, it’s Canada so.. slaughter away you sick twisted animals. My Parents are old and becoming a burden ☠️, this drug addict is a drain on society ☠️, I’ve changed my mind about this baby ☠️, I’m an injured veteran and.. ☠️☠️☠️, I’m suffering with the results of my Trans surgery and looking at a lifetime of pain and millions of dollars in medications… NO. You have to live because euthanizing Trans people would be madness. Oh Canada.. 🎼
Someone call the police.
That imoron certainly deserves euthanasia. If only this was possible in Canada…
He fled to the US from Canada now ranting here about the country and its prime minister. As we know there is no health care in the US. He can’t afford a psychiatrist. No one to help him. He is there all alone with his mental illness. Will end up on the streets of some American city in the end. One of those homeless guys ranting and spitting on pedestrians. Sad story.
US have a new bigot as speaker. Another of Trump’s pets. Also a sad story.
People who use the word bigot are bigots themselves! Because you tell them they are using the word incorrectly and they just won’t change! Stuck in their ways!
Read the definition of bigot and jump into a hole of shame.
a person who has strong, unreasonable ideas, esp. about race or religion, and who thinks anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong: Some of the townspeople are bigots who call foreigners terrible names.
– Cambridge Dictionary
He’s just a Poe boy
From a Poe family
Spare him his life from his warm sausage tea.
(at least that’s what it sounds like)
Are these comments representative of the humanity as a whole? Asking for a friend.
Yes. Let’s nuke ourselves.
The Canadian Government released its MAID reports this week showing that euthanasia accounted for 4.1% of all deaths. That’s a 31.2% increase from 2021. Projections for 2023 are expected to be double that of 2022. Over 45,000 have been murdered.. I mean euthanized since the State began killing its citizens in 2016. These are your numbers. From your Government. Yet no shame or concern here for the dead. Only the mocking of other countries when your own country under Justine Pierre Hitler 2.0 is becoming a base for evil. No wonder Indians are fleeing to the US. Get out while you can.
Canada is not murdering people, rather it has legalized assistance to people requesting suicide on medical grounds (and from 2024, mental grounds). For people south of the border this should be a non-issue: guns galore.
The idiot doesn’t care. It’s mental illness.
He’s an antivaxxer. That means he killed lots of people himself by breathing on them. And it made him feel superior. Murderer.
Especially is not the same as definitely! For the guy who thought he would post the definition of a bigot to prove people wrong but failed to understand the words defining the definition. Bigotry can involve anything under any context! It is ESPECIALLY used for race and religion but not exclusive. The definition states that “they think anyone who doesn’t have the same beliefs as them is wrong” now tell me liberals nor conservatives for that matter, don’t cast shade on people that disagree with them.
I think you and that other moron have wrong believes. Not anyone. Just you. So, no bigotry on my side.
This sites Bigotry towards the good people of the United States is a good example.
If your imagination says so. 💁🏼♂️
I admit I am prejudice, I hate all bigots, murderers, people with long
finger nails, and new Coca Cola.
I’m not prejudice I love all of you for who you are! I want you to just be yourself, Well unless youre a conservative, Then I want you to be more like me. I also think if you hate foot play or watersports then you are okay but if you hate two guys kissing your an evil bigot! Remember personal preference isn’t personal if you think gays are gross, only if you agree with what I think is gross!
That’s not how it works. Try again.
What… All I got out of that was that two guys kissing wasn’t gross. Sorry, it’s gross 🤮. Now 2 women kissing…
What’s the difference? Explain.
And keep in mind no one forces you to kiss men. But my guess is you don’t like the feeling of being objectified by other men. Something women have to deal with everyday. That’s the real secret behind homophobia.
Good points are often diminished by the ignorant through fallacies! If your only argument is to attack someone or say “fail” then you haven’t challenged the position. You are only proving you have no valid point to counter your opponents. A good argument to challenge this position would be ” but the oppression and prosecution of gays over centuries has been appalling thus any notion of anti gay sentiment should be limited” see what I did there? I didn’t belittle the opponents position I reinforced my own. You guys gotta improve your rhetoric if your gonna act clever on the internet!
That guy isn’t interestend in aguments or your position.
Gay sex involves fecal matter. Fecal matter is gross. There for gay sex is gross. It’s also a deadly sin. Go to Iran with your gay flag. See how that goes.
I’m not gay. And there is no such thing as sin as there is no god. And it seems natural as we see such behavior in many other animals.
Yes, fecal matter is gross but now one asked you to participate in such activities. So it’s not your business. But if you are indeed interestend in fecal matter I can’t write you a report about my dump last evening.
He’s just afraid to take it in the mouth after some backdoor activity. Talk to your partner about that. Not us.
Funny, as the only method of contraception known to Americans is butt s*x. 👌
So if there’s no God.. then how does Israel get away with killing and stealing land from Palestinians? Isn’t that all about the religious right to the land? Hmm 🤔
You don’t need gods to steal land. Look what the Americans did to the natives.
Show us proof of your “god”. We give you one week. There, you already failed.
No humans of any race are native to north america. Everybody wondered in here at some point. Some just did it sooner than others.