Phalgina: Non-Binary Option For Bottom Surgery

Trans patients are now getting a new surgery to give them a combined penis and vagina. It’s called “phalgina”, a term made of the words phallus and vagina, are offered by multiple clinics in the US for non-binary patients. You can read about it here. We live in amazing time when everything is possible!

I can't wait for flying cars and the cure for cancer! The future will be amazing!

7 thoughts on “Phalgina: Non-Binary Option For Bottom Surgery”

  1. I guess some people can now screw them selfs.

  2. Male pregnancy is still worse

  3. Who even cares? Doctors can do it, the patients can pay for it. What’s the problem? It’s just a smoke grenade of conservatives so you look the other way while they take away your freedom.

  4. It’s just a silly joke on the internet friend!

  5. Ya people get worked up over their politics here on eat liver, it’s like taking candy from a baby, not that it’s easy but that they whine whine whine and won’t shut up!

  6. Just what the elites have planned- an androgynous working class, just there to serve them. Much like a beehive or anthill.

  7. Neither ants nor bees are androgynous! They have distinct genders!

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