Parenting Is Hard: Mothers Put Up With a Lot

Here’s an advice: don’t get married, don’t have kids, save a lot of money, travel the world and actually avoid nervous breakdown.

Do you realize how much mothers put up with?

14 thoughts on “Parenting Is Hard: Mothers Put Up With a Lot”

  1. Ladies, It’s good to have 1st world problems, but don’t ride the USSA NYC subway as it can get hot, or walk through German Christmas markets due to insufficient diversity barricades.

    Thank you for observing all safety precautions and now you may continue your first world problem discussions.

  2. Correction: Taleb (R).

  3. Why don’t you stick your Christmas tree up your ***, Bob?

  4. It was a German AFD idiot, they are the equivalent to the US magaheads, who ran over the people at the Magdeburg christmas market. The political right is becoming more and more a terrorist threat.

  5. Still Love you, Jesse.


  6. WTF, the civil war has started. Me thinks me goofed, it
    was supposed to be between Republicans and Democrats
    not Republican against Republicans.
    Sorrrrrrrry! I will have Elon look into this.
    These distractions are buggering up my golf game.

  7. Donald wanted to be king. Now he is the fool and Elon will be king. Outmatched.

  8. No, no.. Governess Trudeau is the best thing for the State of Canada. Everyone knows that silly.

  9. Ok. 👌
    Next nutter please!

  10. I think some of these guy’s have a real boner for Elon. They wet their panties every time they type his name. It’s gross.

  11. Hitler had fans too. So, no suprise.

  12. Hitler!? Hahaha. The Left never learns. It’s why they are SO successful. Just look how well liked Socks is. What an asshat.

  13. Fans like you, yes. The reaction fits.

  14. Heavy sigh.. the world is broken.

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