Horribly Funny Christmas Design Fails

You’ll find hard to believe these actually happened. But they did. Probably because many companies see Christmas as a golden opportunity to push out a bit of extra crap that we might be tempted into buying. The rush to get them into the shops means that corners are sometimes cut.

Xmas design fail.

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The Best Parenting Tweets of 2020

Parenting is about love, managing responsibilities, balancing priorities… And being able to laugh about all of it, of course! Twitter parents are completely honest about raising their kids. What’s more, they often confess their trials and tribulations in hilarious ways. Scroll down to see the best entries of 2020!

Funny parenting tweet.

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2020 Versions of Stuff

Magical. Lovely. Wonderful. All of these are words that totally do not describe 2020 for most of us. It has been a long and exhausting uphill battle of a year. Scroll down to see the gallery we have compiled just to give you a brief reminder of we all went through.

2020 in a nutshell.
Photo by Jack Newton

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Brilliant People Who Found a Way To Protect Their Christmas Trees From Pets

Pets get a bit psyched about the holiday season every year. They eye the tree with admiration just seconds before murdering it. Anyways, what follows next is a destroyed Christmas tree lying on the floor with broken ornaments all over the place. The good news is that with simple lifehacks shown in the pictures below, it’s no longer necessary for you to choose between having a pet OR having a beautiful Christmas tree.

How to protect your Christmas tree from pets.

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