Finally! Extra Slutty Olive Oil!

Extra slutty olive oil is olive oil that has slept around a bit and earned itself a bad reputation. It is the polar opposite of extra virgin olive oil and it claims to have a better time.

Finally! Extra slutty olive oil!

The Funniest Cartoons by Will McPhail

Will McPhail is a professional doodler extraordinaire. As a regular contributor to The New Yorker, he uses his superpower of turning mundane moments into funny cartoons, ensuring that readers can enjoy a chuckle while sipping their morning coffee (or beer, if they’re raging alcoholics). Scroll down to see the funniest examples!

Cartoon by Will McPhail.

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Stoner Meme: Are You High?

Stoners are an endless source of amusement. Their world is like a never-ending blooper reel. They’re the type to spend twenty minutes trying to figure out if they left the keys in the fridge again, or if that’s just where the gremlins moved them. Their conversations also often drift into deep, philosophical debates – like this one.

Are you high? Am I what? High. Hello.