Funny Dictionary of Finnish Language And Culture
Instagram account @SuomiDictionary collects hilariously clever Finnish words and sayings and translated them to English language. Check out some of our favorites below, and don’t forget to follow them for more!
Really High Dogs
“We need to marilize legijuana”, “Roll over? You mean roll another?”, “Play dead? No man… Play Floyd!”, and other brilliant thoughts that would appear in dogs’ minds if they got high.
Dogs Wearing Human Dentures Look Terrifying…ly Funny
Who would have thought that dogs wearing dentures will look like something out of a horrible fever dream? …and a bit funny.
Brilliant Examples of Toilet Graffiti
Some people just can’t help themselves: they couldn’t keep their thoughts to themselves if they tried to. And what better place to express yourself than a toilet wall?
Obvious Signs That Humanity Is Rapidly Getting Dumber
These photos provide proof that humanity is getting stupider really fast and not much one can do to slow it down. Let’s face it: we are doomed.