Dad logic is a strange thing. Here’s a list, or rather solid evidence, that busted the dads who shouted the loudest that they hate cats, but now love their little furballs more than they love their own children.
As reported by pinche_whey
Dad logic is a strange thing. Here’s a list, or rather solid evidence, that busted the dads who shouted the loudest that they hate cats, but now love their little furballs more than they love their own children.
As reported by pinche_whey
Whether we’re talking about poorly placed words and graphics, confusing layouts, or straight-up fugliness that literally looks like a piece of shit, some clothing design choices are just complete fails. You would think when it comes to mass-produced clothes, a team of highly-qualified people has certainly thought about everything, playing with the design, figuring out what works and what doesn’t. The gallery below will make you say, “what the hell were they thinking?!”
If you have ever wondered how influencers (or other people obsessed with their social media accounts) take those perfect pictures, @InfluencersInTheWild is here to show you. This Instagram account exposes them in their natural habitat, sharing the crazy behind-the-scenes moments with the rest of us. Scroll down to see the best examples!
Wearing denim speedos is like eating a bag of chips in church. Everyone looks over at you with disgust, but deep down they want some too. And if you’re really risky you’ll combine those last 2 sentences, eating a bag of chips in church while wearing this denim swimsuit. You’ll probably get tossed out, but you’ll look and taste good doing it. Btw, these should be paired with mullet socks for optimal results.
Babies are usually cute and adorable. But they’re also full of pee and poo (and vomit), and even the cutest babies aren’t afraid to make you aware of this fact at the most inopportune times. Just got to the studio (with no change of clothes) to take some cute baby pictures? Sounds like the perfect time for some explosive diarrhea to ruin all of your expectations for perfect Pinterest-worthy baby photoshoot!
Two Canadian “bros” are looking to take the fashion world by storm with their new, unconventional beachwear item: The Brokini. This product is the brainchild of Taylor Field and Chad Sasko, and is described tongue-in-cheek on its own website as “the perfect swimwear to make your parents question where they went wrong”. Would you be brave enough to wear it in public? Let us know in the comments!
Have an annoying neighbor with an unsecured wireless printer? Save this PDF document on your computer. Every time your neighbor have a loud party in the middle of the night, send it to his printer, and listen his wife shout at him “Why the hell did you print this again?!”
Being American, Twitter user Rob Delaney wanted to explore the differences in the English language. He asked his followers to present him with the best British insults that people use and that made a very funny thread…
People are sure to be talking about the events of the 2022 Oscars for a long time to come. The on-stage clash between Will Smith and Chris Rock has given Twitter users an opportunity to crack some jokes and make funny memes. Check them out!
It’s common knowledge that if cats had thumbs, human existence would be deemed obsolete by our feline overlords. Just think about it. If they had fully functional hands, they wouldn’t need us to open cans, doors, and scratch that perfect spot behind their ears or on their backs. Why else do us humans exist? The cat wars for global domination might soon begin, because you can actually find human hands for your cat on Amazon.
Some things in this world need time to mature. Wine and cheese, relationships, our self-esteem… But they are not what this post is about. Quite on the contrary – we’ll be looking at things that miserably failed the test of time and made it into full walk of shame mode.
In today’s episode of “Yes, apparently this is a thing”, we have wolf boxer briefs, which essentially turn your bulge into the snout of the wolf as it protrudes outward, giving a 3D look to it. Truly a life-changing invention, isn’t it?