Weird Instagram Trend: Glitter Beards

Meanwhile on Instagram, men have been covering their beards with colorful glitter… For those who wish to participate in this trend and help to pollute our planet with microplastics here’s what you should do: Step 1: Grow a beard. Step 2: Put some glitter in it. Step 3: Post a picture on Instagram with #GlitterBeards hashtag. Step 4: Collect your likes and feel a little famous for a moment.

Glitter beards are the best beards.

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Hilariously Rude Farewell Cakes

“You are dead to us”, “We hope you fail”, “F*** you, traitor!”… What better way to tell your (ex)co-worker that you won’t miss him and that you hope he fails in his next job than with a beautiful, delicious cake?

Funny farewell cake.

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Chickens In Tutus: Summer 2022 Fashion Collection Is Here!

It’s not easy being a fashionable pet owner in this day and age when everything changes so fast. Regular boring chicken is not enough anymore. Now you must have a pet chicken dressed in tutu to be considered stylish and modern. If you don’t feel like making one yourself, there are plenty of options on Amazon. Featured in this post is the summer 2022 chicken tutu fashion collection.

Fashionable chicken wearing a tutu.

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