Funniest Reactions To Leonardo DiCaprio Dating No Women Over 25
People couldn’t help but notice Leo’s unusual choices when it comes to his relationships. It seems that while the actor is getting older, the women he dates don’t. And people think that his most recent break-up with 25-year-old Camila Morrone proves the theory that the actor doesn’t date women older than 25 which they see as ridiculous. See the funniest Twitter reactions below!
Finally! 2023 Cats On Catnip Calendar Is Here!
These poor cats were leading productive lives as sober upstanding citizens until they found a catnip stash and the addiction hit them full force. Cat owners, please be responsible and warn your pets about the danger of drugs, and raise the awareness of this problem by showing them 2023 Cats On Catnip Calendar!
The Best Mullets of 2022 USA Kids Mullet Championship
You might think that the notorious mullet died in late 1980s and nobody is committing this crime against hair anymore, but you would be wrong. Turns out that there’s an annual competition held in the USA that names the greatest kid’s mullet of the year. Scroll down to see the best (worst?) entries of 2022!
Animals After Switching To Standard American Diet
What would happen if animals ate like Americans for one year? And second question to people who are viewing this gallery from US: how butthurt are you right now?
This Instagrammer Creates Funny Mr. Bean & Celebrity Mashups
Have you ever wondered what would the world look like if every celebrity had Mr. Bean’s face? Of course you have. It’s your lucky day, because this guy on Instagram has he answer provided by his ongoing photoshopping project to insert more Mr. Bean into our lives. Scroll down for some of the funniest examples!
Planning To Have Kids? Look At This Gallery First!
So you’re thinking about having a kid and finally becoming a parent? Well, maybe you should reconsider… Because this is what parenting really looks like. The crotch goblins will ruin your life!
The Weirdest Self-Help Books You Can Find On Amazon
From How To Raise Your I.Q. by Eating Gifted Children to How To Talk To Your Cat About Gun Safety, when it comes to books, Amazon really has everything. Scroll down to see the weirdest and most ridiculous “how to” self-help books you can actually buy online. And don’t forget to order some to support the small business owner Jeff who started Amazon few years ago. During the inflation he really needs your money to put food on the table!
How To Talk To Your Cat About Gun Safety by Zachary Auburn