The Weirdest Self-Help Books You Can Find On Amazon

From How To Raise Your I.Q. by Eating Gifted Children to How To Talk To Your Cat About Gun Safety, when it comes to books, Amazon really has everything. Scroll down to see the weirdest and most ridiculous “how to” self-help books you can actually buy online. And don’t forget to order some to support the small business owner Jeff who started Amazon few years ago. During the inflation he really needs your money to put food on the table!

Weird self-help book.
How To Talk To Your Cat About Gun Safety by Zachary Auburn

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These Creepy 1950s Vitamin Mascots Intended To Promote a Healthy Diet

1950s was a very different time. These are Dayalets – popular vitamins back in the 1950s, but they were also so much more: they were glimpses into the hideous, ironic permutations that awaits people who have inaccurate vitamin consumption habits. And keep in mind these are designed to hang in doctor’s offices and make patients WANT Dayalets. Most people would want something else, like an exorcism.

1950s creepy vitamin mascot.

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