The key is honesty. Just answer all questions in a kind manner and get right to the point. Just like this talented salesman did.
Hilariously Terrible Shrek Cake Fails
Some people should stay the hell away from kitchen. Especially when it comes to making a realistic cake. Warning: this post may give you nightmares.
Creepy AI-Generated Videos of Will Smith Eating Spaghetti
We already have a real video of Will Smith slapping a comedian on stage, but what if you asked AI to generate videos of Will Smith eating spaghetti? Well, someone on Reddit did just that and the results are extremely creepy. It looks like AI technology is still too raw and we don’t have to worry about AI destroying humans any time soon.
Some People Take Standing Awkwardly To a Whole New Level
Why stand like a normal human being when you have fun standing awkwardly and looking like a complete tool? Just check out these people! They are having so much fun!
Kitty Litter Cake: A Weird Thing Cat People Make
Cat people are crazy, that’s a well established fact. But did you know that they have taken their craziness to a whole new level and are making kitty litter cakes? Would you eat something that looks like this? Let us know in the comments below!
When AI Generates Images of Women Laughing Alone With Salad…
You may have heard that AI will take over almost every aspect of life, and we will all be out of jobs. It looks like we are not there yet. If you ask AI to generate images of women laughing alone with salad, the result is extremely creepy. Right up the uncanny valley. Our jobs are safe for now…