Philosophy Major: It’s Always an Excellent Choice

Should you choose a Philosophy major? Yes, it’s a great choice! There are countless jobs that await you in Philosophy factories! Imagine rows upon rows of conveyor belts loaded with ideas and theories, all neatly packaged and ready to be shipped out into the world. What goods does Philosophactory produce? Here are just a few of the extraordinary goods that roll off its conceptual assembly lines: existential inquiries, epistemological elixirs, ethical enigmas, metaphysical musings, and even 100% pure paradoxes.

Dad, I've decided to major in Philosophy. That's good because they just opened that huge Philosophy factory in our town.

Europe vs. USA: Workers Going On Vacation

Vacation? What’s that? It seems like an urban legend for those who are from the good ol’ US of A. You know you’re in the USA when “paid time off” means getting to the office five minutes late because of traffic. But the real reason why we posted this picture is to see all you guys fight in the comments below. Please do.

I will be taking the summer off because I need a little suntan. I will be using one of my 3 paid vacation days to undergo an open heart surgery.

Some People Just Don’t Know How To Lose

Let’s address a peculiar phenomenon that has been observed in the wild. It’s the case of the elusive species known as “sore loserus maximus”. These individuals possess total inability to lose with dignity. Like some cops who turn on lights and siren when they lose a drag race.

Some people don't know how to lose. Turning on your lights and siren after you lose a drag race is just poor sportsmanship.

Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory In a Nutshell

Chemtrails refers to the conspiracy theory that the government is engaged in a secret program to add toxic chemicals to the atmosphere from aircraft in a way that forms visible lines in the sky. Various different motivations for this alleged spraying are speculated, including mind control, human sterilization, reduction of life expectancy, or weather control. But the real reason behind it is quite simple: some people are just dumb.

This scares me because I failed high school science.

Women Love Statistics Jokes, Try This One

It might come as a surprise to you, but women have an undying love for statistics jokes. They love to embrace the comedic journey through the world of numbers and giggles. It’s a great way to flirt and pick up ladies in bars.

You're the most average girl here. Wow, you're mean. No, you are.