Remember, Kids: Bodyshaming Is Never Ok

Body shaming is defined as the act of making inappropriate and negative comments about another person’s weight, size, or general appearance. It’s never OK. Even if it happens in fairy tales. Do your part in stopping bodyshaming and creating a more inclusive world!

Body shaming is defined as the act of making inappropriate and negative comments about another person's weight, size, or general appearance. It's never OK. Even if it happens in fairy tales.

The Funniest Dark Humor Cartoons by Derek Evernden

Cartoonist Derek Evernden doesn’t need a whole lot of panels to tell a story – one is totally enough for him. His unique drawing style combined with a dark sense of humor is the perfect combination that will make you laugh. He has also published several books of his drawings which you can get on Amazon. Scroll down to check out some of the funniest examples! Wait… Don’t scroll down if you are easily offended!

Dark humor cartoon by Derek Evernden.

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Unstoppable Urge: The Joy of Working In an Office

If I could do anything and have unlimited money I’d still go to an office and spend all day sending emails and creating PowerPoint presentations. It’s an unstoppable urge, really. Working in an office and climbing the corporate ladder is such an amazing thing to do!

So why do you want to work for this company?