The Sad Truth About Wishing Upon a Star

Isn’t Astronomy fascinating? You can learn so much about the universe around you! For example that your life is meaningless in the grand scheme of things and that your dreams are as dead as stars that you see in the night sky.

When you wish upon a star… you're actually a few million years late. The star is dead. Just like your dreams.

Gender Equality Explained: Find Out What Is It Really!

Let us explain gender equality to you, dear visitors. What is gender equality? It’s when you as a man is required to pull women’s chair out, hold the door open for her, pay for her, and be nice to her no matter what… while treating her like an equal.

You're supposed to pull my chair out, hold the door open for me, pay for me, and be nice to me no matter what! While treating her like an equal!

Bad News: Santa Saw Your Instagram Pictures

Who would have thought that paying attention in school and not dressing like a prostitute would pay off? You didn’t. That’s why you won’t get the latest iPhone for Christmas. Only a dictionary and some clothes for you.

You're getting clothes and a dictionary for Christmas.

Glitter Armpits: Weird Instagram Beauty Trend

Turns out there is an internet beauty trend to stick glitter into armpit hair and post selfies on Instagram using #GlitterPits tag. We truly live in a wonderful time where the Earth is dying and people are keeping to kill it even faster by filling the environment with microplastics because they like to stuff colorful glitter in their armpits for internet clout.

Glitter armpits. Why not?

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