Ian Boothby and Pia Guerra is an award winning duo of cartoonists who create cartoons for The New Yorker and MAD Magazine. Scroll down to see some of their funniest cartoons and check out their books on Amazon for more!
Ian Boothby and Pia Guerra is an award winning duo of cartoonists who create cartoons for The New Yorker and MAD Magazine. Scroll down to see some of their funniest cartoons and check out their books on Amazon for more!
Americans are weird people. They eat the craziest things. Like Cthulhu turkey. It’s an octopus stuffed inside a turkey, sitting on top of crab legs, and sometimes garnished with bacon strips. What’s Cthulhu? It’s a monster created by H.P. Lovecraft first introduced in his short story The Call of Cthulhu in 1928.
Jim Benton is a brilliant cartoonist who has been creating hilarious stuff for decades. He has also published many books (millions of copies sold) that you can get on Amazon. Featured below are some of our favorites.
These funny and clever cartoons have been created by Dan Piraro and Wayne “Wayno” Honath who together publish their work under the name Bizarro. Scroll down to see some of their best work and check out their books on Amazon for even more!
While growing up you almost certainly encountered coming-of-age young adult books, so you are probably familiar with their distinctive cover art. These books featured awkwardly staged scenes that were practically begging to be parodied, and Instagram account @PaperbackParadise did just that. Scroll down and enjoy our favorite picks!