You have probably wondered what’s the best answer to “So tell me a little about yourself?” that employers love to ask at job interviews. Wonder no more! Just refuse to answer.
Classical Paintings Cleverly Mashed With The Modern World
Have you ever thought how unusual would those characters from classical paintings look if they suddenly started living amongst us? Featured below is an ongoing project by Ukrainian digital artist Alexey Kondakov who decided to show exactly that.
Dark Stock Photos: The Weird Side of Stock Photography
We have only one question: who buys these? Actually, we have another question: where would one apply for a job where these stock photos are used?
The Funniest Cartoons by Adam Douglas Thompson
Have you heard of Adam Douglas Thompson? He’s an American cartoonist with a distinctive minimalist art style who has contributed cartoons to The New Yorker for many years and has showcased his drawings in various art galleries. Scroll down to see our favorites!
Funny Dark Humor Comics by Jake Thompson
Jake Thompson, also known as Jake Likes Onions, is a popular webcomic artist known for his extremely dark sense of humor. His comics often feature absurd and surreal situations, exploring themes of everyday life, relationships, and society with a unique twist. Scroll down to see our favorite picks and don’t forget to check out Jake’s book on Amazon! Ranging from the relatable to the utterly nonsensical and bizarre, his book focuses on themes of loneliness, desperation, and failure.