Friend Zone Explained As a Job Interview
Being in the friend zone is roughly the equivalent for the guy of going to a job interview and the company saying…
Trump Toilet Paper Is Gaining Popularity
Remember Trump Toilet Bursh we featured some time ago? Well, now Trump Toilet Paper is getting popular on Instagram, as you can see from the pictures below. Have Trump-haters overstepped the line with this? What’s your opinion?
If Logos Told The Truth…
In a funny and thought-provoking project titled “Honest Logos”, Swedish designer Viktor Hertz shows us what popular company logos would look like if they were actually honest about their products.
Trump Asked To Remove From The Internet Unflattering Double Chin Picture, People Responded
Nobody likes unflattering pictures of themselves, but if you are a public figure then they’re simply inevitable. However Donald Trump disagrees. President has complained about the way certain news outlets were covering him, especially relating to unflattering photos of his double chin. And it didn’t take the internet long to respond…
Melania Trump Wooden Statue Unveiled In Slovenia
Melania Trump was honored in her home country of Slovenia with a life-size wooden statue in the city of Sevnica this week, but reviews are mixed. Some claimed it looks like a scarecrow, while others think it resembles Smurfette.
Tall People Problems In Japan
Japan is a beautiful country that’s definitely worth a visit (if you can afford it), but it might be challenging if you are over 6 feet (183 cm) tall…
Pope vs. Wind (Spoiler Alert: The Wind Always Wins)
Even the Pope himself is totally helpless when it comes to fighting with wind. I wonder why God isn’t helping him out?
Turns Out, Farmers Protect Calves From Frostbite With Earmuffs, And It’s Adorable
Remember misbehaving goats with pool noodles on their horns which we featured some time ago? Turns out, farmers are also protecting their cattle from harsh weather with adorable clothing. And since young calves are the most susceptible to these dangers, they get the most attention.
Badass Presidential Portraits by Jason Heuser
Question: what’s more awesome than a president riding a dinosaur? Answer: a president riding a dinosaur while shooting a gun! Featured below is a selection of awesome patriotic portraits by Jason Heuser. Most of these are available on Amazon. Happy 4th of July!