Did you know that you can actually buy chicken diapers on Amazon? Various companies are selling and designing them for the rapidly growing community of pet chicken owners. We truly live in an amazing time…
Did you know that you can actually buy chicken diapers on Amazon? Various companies are selling and designing them for the rapidly growing community of pet chicken owners. We truly live in an amazing time…
Warning: the following gallery is not for the faint-hearted! Scroll down only if you are 100% sure that you can handle extreme amounts of horror!
Most of the world associate Canada with maple syrup, general niceness, and more maple syrup. But the truth is… not that different, actually. Scroll down to see the proof for yourself!
It’s no secret that we’re big fans of Russia and Russians on this site. We have previously featured Russian Wedding Pictures, Creepy Playgrounds In Russia, and Weird Russian Dating Site Entries. Now it’s time to take a look at awkwardness from Russian social networks.
It’s safe to say that cats are usually very photogenic but these miserable creatures, all caught mid-sneeze, prove that even cats can look dumb and lose their composure, just like humans.