Anti-STD “Don’t Let The Infection Spread” Campaign Is Gaining Popularity
It seems that COVID-19 is not the only infection that is scaring Americans, because anti-infection “Stop The Donald” campaign is gaining popularity… If you support the fight against STD, you can get these masks and other stuff on Amazon.
Every Aging Biker Dad Probably Needs This “Sons of Arthritis Ibuprofen Chapter” Shirt
When you are still a biker at heart, except for the fact that every bone in your old body hurts unless you have 800mg of Ibuprofen flowing though your veins, chances are you probably need this senior biker shirt. So where to get one? Head over to Amazon or Sons of Arthritis to join this biker club just like people featured below did.
Cat Pin-Up Girl Parodies
Not sure if you have noticed, but we really love pin-up photos on this site. We already featured Male Pin-Up Recreations and Robert Downey Jr. As a Pin-Up Girl. Obviously it was just a matter of time before we mixed cats and pin-up pics into a single gallery.
Baby Stingrays Look Like Tiny Raviolis Stuffed With Tortured Souls
Life under water is truly fascinating. We have previously posted starfish butt gallery, but this time let’s take a look at baby stingrays… Did you know they look like raviolis stuffed with damned souls that are trying to escape?
Why So Many Medieval Manuscripts Depict Butt Trumpets?
Knights fighting giant snails, rabbits murdering people, countless paintings of very ugly cats… and now animals and humans playing trumpets with their rear ends… Medieval art is really confusing and random. If you have any idea why artists were so obsessed with these themes, please leave a comment below.
Have You Ever Noticed? Fighter Standoff Photos Look Like Gay Weddings.
It’s so funny that these guys try so hard to look intimidating and tough, but actually look like they’re deeply in love.