Twitter Users Hilariously Expose The Totally Unrealistic Behaviours of Movie Characters

Movies are filled with funny and unrealistic clichés that just don’t make any sense, and there is no chance any of them would work in the real world, so Twitter users came together to point out the most ridiculous examples. Got something to add? Share your own unrealistic movie cliché in comments!

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

Happens only in movies.

30 thoughts on “Twitter Users Hilariously Expose The Totally Unrealistic Behaviours of Movie Characters”

  1. I’m a liberal politician(D) in charge of US government when the space aliens come. They destroy the white house and the crapital with their energy weapons and sometimes turn MSM journalists into doggy human hybrids. When this happens the audience applauds and says “now that’s what I’m talking about”. Very offensive.

  2. Dear Deplorable Neanderthal I am aware of the movie(s) of which you speak and they should be banned for misinformation and encouraging violence against government officials.

  3. On every police show the suspect, especially if actually guilty, will never shut up and ask for a lawyer, but will instead yammer on after being brow beaten by the tough cop.

  4. Hello, I’m the deadliest predator you’ll ever encounter. Yet unlike real life predators when I spot my prey I will stop in my tracks and show my impressive sharp teeth and give a trembling roar. I now have ruined my chance for a kill.

  5. Hi, I’m also a sexy woman who just had sex in bed in a film. No need for my partners oversized shirt though. I’m still wearing my bra.

  6. Or you step out of bed wearing the sheets.

  7. Hi. I’m a forensic scientist investigating a crime. I download a low resolution CCTV video and electronically enhance the image so that I can read the registration number of a car reflected in someones eye.

  8. Hi. I’m a well respected scientist who is predicting that a disaster will happen, but that if those in charge listen and take immediate action, then we can save the day. Unfortunately I’m ignored and disaster strikes.
    Oh wait, that’s already happened in real life!

  9. no CoffeeJunkie, hat’s real life, at least until recently.

  10. Despite being made of a 2 mm thin layer of aluminium on the outside and a 1mm then layer of plastic on the inside and otherwise hollow, I will always protect the heros from any kind of bullet…

  11. I’m a troll and write BS on websites to agitate against democracy.

  12. Fake movie. So sad.

  13. I’m a villians minion shooting lots of bullets/blaster bolts/arrows towards the hero. I always miss.

  14. Seems like these have been edited for sentence structure and spelling, to the point that they all read as if they were written by the same person.
    Well done, same person.

  15. Hello, I’m a crime scene investigator and though my lab would be the envy of the starship Enterprise, i can’t seem to operate a light switch, and I spend most of every episode milling around in the dark.

  16. Hello, I am the computer genius in the movie and I can figure out anyone’s password on any PC especially if I only have 60 seconds or 3 tries before the computer wipes itself forever.

  17. Hello, I am the gorgeous cop/spy who watches the head bad guy go into a formal event, so I duck into the nearest Formal store — right across the street– where they have the perfect dress/shoes in my size and apparently showers, hair dressers and make-up artists just waiting around.

  18. Hello I voted for Biden and can pretend that he’s completely okay and not suffering from dementia even though I and EVERYONE ELSE knows he is and that we screwed this up completely and this will for sure cost us the house in 2022. We will just continue to pretend he’s healthy until he resigns and then we’ll pretend to be surprised. And this will cost us the 2024 election with the strong likely hood that Blow hard Trump will be reelected and it will all be OUR fault. But we’ll pretend it’s not. Like we pretend that men can have babies and compete fairly in women’s sports and that it doesn’t harm little girls to have male junk in the locker rooms. Yeah for us!

  19. You’re pathetic

  20. Hello. I’m a coffee cup in a film. The movie’s hero will sip from me throughout a scene as if I contain actual coffee even though I’m plainly empty. The correct word for this charade, incidentally, is “verisimilitude.”

  21. Wasn’t Jack Nicholson’s character in Mars Attacks portrayed as a Republican? Or at least not portrayed as a democrat? Are you drunk?

  22. I am a dad who happened to have some military career some time ago. When there is a disaster I am the only one who is willing to fight against the danger while the scared civilian dads retreat to safety and silently admire me while looking through their sweaty glasses

  23. Hey, just give me their IP address and I’ll crack their e-mail … There, we’re in!

  24. I’m a snake in a movie. No matter what species of snake I am there will always be a sound effect of a rattlesnake rattling. Also the rattling will only be heard when I am onscreen, not during the characters’ reaction shots.

  25. I am all Disney movies. The main character will be a girl who is mistreated in some way and has some talking animal pets! I will somehow thwart my enemies(who are usually my family) and marry some prince. Wow the End.

  26. Hello – I am any actor in a movie and I cough. Everyone stops talking and looks at me. I am going to die before the end of the movie.

  27. Hello, I’m a woman in a film that just had sex. I cover myself with a sheet or “his shirt”, after he’s just had a good look at every bit of me.

  28. I am a man in a movie who goes after baddies and kicks the ass of over 100 of them without getting a scratch but then meet the boss who weighs about 150lb and I get my ass kicked about all over the show with multiple laceration and after the longest fight in the film I just about win…….

  29. Bidens pet puppies out to whine some more…boo hoo

  30. I am a medieval knight (viking, dwarf king, whatever) and I own a very good sword. It is very sharp to kill my enemies with. I had it made a great expense by a master smith. Obviously it’s blade is sharpened. So I carry it around in a sheath to protect it. The sheath is made of wood or leather. But any time I draw the sword there is a sound of metal on metal. And I will use the sword as a stick to walk with or lean on thus completely runining the edges of the blade.

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