“What’s Wrong With My Cat?” Community Has Owners Posting Pics of Their Malfunctioning Cats

Did you know that there’s a whole subreddit dedicated to sightings of cats that got caught acting extremely weird? It’s called r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat and featured below are the derpiest pictures of clearly malfunctioning cats from this brilliant online community.

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

Some cats are weirder than others...

7 thoughts on ““What’s Wrong With My Cat?” Community Has Owners Posting Pics of Their Malfunctioning Cats”

  1. “Broken cats” is an oxymoron.

  2. Me thinks tho are not a cat lover.

  3. effing cats.

  4. Ha ha. Fantastic 😱🦅👍

  5. ha ha ha

  6. love it

  7. who says cats have no sense of the ridiculous…

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